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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing What does the majority of your spellcraft look like?

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    Just the title, what kind of spells do you often seem to cast weekly, daily, monthly, or just a lot more often than most others you do? How do you feel it’s benefiting you?

    What kind of rituals are frequently done in your personal practice?

  • What does the majority of your spellcraft look like?

  • mingxingai

    January 17, 2023 at 4:13 am

    I mostly use a small tealight and say a prayer using the psalms (or I would state the intention from my heart). I would then combine it with meditation.


    How it benefits me is that I can do magick without having to spend an arm and a leg like I use to back when I first started out.


    The only intentions I focus on is cleansing, protection and the occasional healing because of all the craziness happening in the world and I need to keep myself safe

  • amyaurora

    January 17, 2023 at 4:13 am


    Mostly just a candle with oil and herbs and my petition.

  • AllAbortionsareMoral

    January 17, 2023 at 4:13 am

    Atheist witch:

    Any time needed: Mindfulness, journaling, mortar and pestle, writing to release negative feelings – both to process and understand. Burning what does not serve me. If I am anxious then I do tarot until I figure out a path forward.

    Seasonal/moon: Seasonal changes, the wheel of the year and the moon, also incorporating other hobbies like crafting and self expression as a gift and worship to myself, reminding of self worth, growth, change, love, joy, time, hope…..

    Weekly to monthly: Meditation and mindfulness, as well as visiting witchy friends and community building during witchy holidays, volunteer work as an act of giving/worship and sacred acts of service.

    Daily: finger guns at the decorations/altar and going “aaaaay!”

  • kai-ote

    January 17, 2023 at 4:13 am

    I can’t put it into words very well.

    Energy work. I can’t walk 50 feet without doing something. I reach and feel and manipulate and bend. I lift up, and press down. I open things, and I close things. I live in a web of energy, like a tapestry of threads. And I am always doing little things to nudge the Universe in the direction I desire. BB.

  • Zhaefari_

    January 17, 2023 at 4:13 am

    Nowadays it’s mainly deity worship, connecting to my bloodline, and hearth witchcraft. Home blessings, cleansings, protections, kitchen witchery, that sort of thing. I create a safe, comfortable, and inviting home for myself, my boyfriend, and my 3 animals. Occasionally I’ll do other spells or things, but not as often as I used to.

  • TheGammaRae

    January 17, 2023 at 4:13 am

    My daily practice involves a morning movement meditation. Usually yoga or Tai Chi but sometimes dancing if I’m feeling it. This helps me get my mind in tune with my body and feel my energy out. I follow it with breath work meditation to settle everything before starting my day.

    I just started doing spell work. On Monday I did a road opening simple spell for job opportunity and on Tuesday I was sent an internal posting at work for a job that I think would suit me really well! So I’m definitely going to keep doing road opening spells on Mondays for my week haha. Or maybe just once a month would be better, I’ll see how that goes.

    I also started doing knot magic. I have always loved to knit and crochet but now I’m making it a part of my practice. I light a candle and set my intention l, open a window and light some incense, and then focus my intention with every stitch. Right now I’m making a tarot bag/mat combo so I’m focusing my energy on looking inwards and knowing myself/trusting my intuition. I might also start looking through my deck and meditate on their meanings while I work.

    For lunar things I use the phases of the moon for reminders to do self care. I have a cleansing ritual for full moons and dive deep in shadow work on new moons. I may add some things for the quarter moons but I barely keep up with the full and new right now haha.

    Once a month I clean my altar and cleanse my room with a sage rosemary and lavender spray I make. I’ll charge my little protection ball I hang above my door.

    I want to try candle magic next so I’m on the lookout for ideas and inspiration about that.

  • ToastyJunebugs

    January 17, 2023 at 4:13 am

    I do a lot of tarot/Oracle work. I like to use crystals and candles, though I’m trying to work herbs more into it. I like being creative, making up my own spells, though I do use others as inspiration. I just bought a book called “year of knots”. It’s not a magic book, it’s a crafting book about knots lol I’m shitty at knots and want to get better, and also make fancy as fuck witch ladders 🤣

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