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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing What does the pentacle represent and why is it so popular among witches?

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    I know this is likely seen as a dumb question but can someone kindly explain to me what the pentacle means? I know it’s related to witchcraft but that’s about it. Something about the elements too. Can someone explain to me how it is used in witchcraft? What does it invoke? Hopefully, this question makes sense. Sorry for my ignorance. How can I incorporate it into my craft? Is it like a super popular sigil?

  • What does the pentacle represent and why is it so popular among witches?

  • DaddyUmbreon

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    It’s not a dumb question at all, especially considering its excessive use in current media.

    The pentacle specifically is a five-pointed star wrapped in a circle. This represents the five elements (fire, water, earth, air, spirit or whatever other 5 elements or aspects you’re invoking), and the circle represents how they are all contained within the world or ourselves or whatever singularly contained unit.

    Often also called a pentagram, but a pentagram does not have a circle around it.

    Sidenote, pentagrams are often used to indicate Christian devil-worship, but such things are silly and inaccurate as the Sigil of Baphomet (which contains a pentagram) is the accurate symbol there.

    The pentacle has been a symbol for ages, but it got so popular with modern witchcraft via Wicca.

  • gracoy

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Depends on the exact practice, but it represents the elements plus spirit, provides protection, and can be used as symbol to motivate and/or empower

  • Honeydew-plant

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    The pentacle is a common sign of protection, so it can be used as protection or in protection spells.

  • Minus606

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Just bc I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet. In german there is also this thing called an ”Druiden Fuß” wich translates into druid foot. And is also just pretty much a Pentagon, protection, banishing of evil, making a ground holy etc. It is often used on like the ”foot” of a church like under an ähh ”Säule” (forgot the translation and Google won’t load for some reason)

  • Red_Redditor_Reddit

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    The five points represent the *five* classical elements that correlated with peoples understanding of physics at the time. These elements were fire, water, earth, air, and aether. At this time, aether is a concept that people have trouble with because it has fallen out of favor instead for special relativity. Sometimes people will say spirit, but this is not true. Basically think of how light can go through a empty space. How is this possible? How can energy go through an empty medium? Is there a medium there that you just can’t see? Hence the theory of aether. Some still try to prove it’s existence by measuring movement within this substance called aether waves.

    Remember that a lot of what is called witchcraft is really ancient sciences before what was called the “scientific method” was developed. The only problem with this method is that it hampers the person from looking inward. The issue is that principally the scientific method tries to remove the experimenter from the experiment in order to have reproducible results. What happens in the spiritual realm is that their method of thinking ends up removing themselves from themselves, thus they are left with nothing. It’s why your sciencey types have trouble with spirituality.

    What people do today is basically the old sciences with the science stripped out. It’s basically the opposite of current science which has the spirituality stripped out.


  • smallobjects

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Pentacles often correspond to the element of earth in tarot decks – representing the physical body, finances, and practical matters. Someone who wants more luck in that area of life might use pentacles as a talisman (like myself haha).

    Edit: Notice how they look like (and tend to symbolize) giant coins. Whenever someone wears a pentacle, I basically just consider it a coin – that’s my mental association, more so than the five elements.

  • EliSunz

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Maybe to spur discussion… ive understood as a child that the pentacle has origins behind the ancient pentagram and as a sign of protection is related to barn stars which take various forms and were common as signs of protection not only on houses, but also on barns. Interestingly barn stars are also known as… hex signs! Some believed these served as protective emblems and some are not just a star as a pentagram but can contain more points or similar appearance to a compass rose. This was something I always saw on barns and wondered about and that is what I was taught as a child. They were protective symbols that have been around for a while.

  • NinjaGible

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    I wear one on my necklace everyday, the days I do forget, I definitely feel a difference. I also put some on my bracelets along with the evil eye bead for extra protection.
    I don’t have black Tourmaline yet, but when my girl asks next time if I have protection, I’ll be sure to whip out my pentacles. 😂

    Something to note, its a powerful protection sigil because millions of people, over thousands of years have put so much meaning behind it. Just like the cross is for Christians, & runes to the Norse. Intention is everything. I usually have 4 on me, maybe its overkill, or maybe it won’t work? But as Abraham Lincoln said “Stay Strapped Or get Clapped”

  • Unable_Panic_

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    It’s used for protection, it represents the five elements. Earth, water, air, fire, and spirit.

  • Over-Buy-9160

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    I’m all for asking questions on this sub, but I’m also an advocate for research. I do want to say this is something that’s easily researched if you put in the time to Google it.

    That being said, there are some great responses here. Just remember that doing your own research is a very important part of your craft and also just being a member of society.

  • kai-ote

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    Read this. []( BB.

  • mumushu

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    The inverted pentacle can also symbolize the left-handed path.

  • Seabastial

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    From what I’ve read, they’ve been used as symbols of protect for years. I personally see the one on my necklace as a protective symbol and never leave home without it.

  • basementmagus

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    The pentacle or pentagram has a variety of meanings, but it’s popularity among witchcraft stems from the witchcraft revival of the 50’s, especially with Wicca, where it represents the neo-platonic elements that were supposed to compose all of reality; Fire, Water, Air, Water, and Aether.

    It has been used as well to represent other concepts, for example it was at one point in the early times of Christianity, representing the five wounds of Christ, as well some other symbolisms across the ages.

  • consider-thecoconut

    February 8, 2022 at 11:07 am

    P sure it’s a Wiccan thing

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