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Forums Forums Astrology What happens if a planet is not aspected?

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    What are the negatives and positives of no aspects on a house/ planet? How bad could it be if these planets sitting alone in any of the houses are not aspected : Venus, Moon, Mars, Saturn etc.

  • What happens if a planet is not aspected?

  • WishThinker

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    first look to sect- is the unaspected planet the sect light, benefic, or out of sect malefic? an unaspected malefic who’s ruler cannot see the house has no checks and balances on him- nothing to reign him in from wreaking havoc. That planets dignity will tell you more about how that may play out. planetary joys I think is another thing to look at as part of dignity

    an unaspected benefic may get all dressed up and then have nowhere to go lol. like it’s perfectly capable of producing beneficence but no one to interact with no make it manifest

    thats how I understand it

  • thudly

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    > How bad could it be

    See, this is the wrong way to think about it. You’re looking at astrology as *dictating* your personality and fate. That’s not how it works. Planets, houses, signs, aspects all just influence people and events on earth.

    Think of it like an RPG game. You know how when you have a sword with a certain to-hit chance based on your stats, but then the sword gets enchanted and suddenly you have +3 on your to-hit rolls? You can still miss if you botch the swing. You can still miss if your stats are crap. But you’ll miss a little less often because of the enchantment. Likewise with curses. Suddenly, your sword has -3 to hit one day, and you still miss sometimes, even with high stats.

    Planets do that sort of thing. They buff or debuff your random rolls IRL, but you still have to practice every day, and keep your stats up. You still have to take the swing. You’re not just cursed for life to have bad luck. Work on whatever the issue is and get better.

  • DavidJohnMcCann

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    Unaspected planets were investigated in the 1970’s by two teams, one Australian, one American, who independently reached the same conclusions. Unfortunately those conclusions were never published in an easily accessible source. To sum up:

    Unaspected planets my seem to switch on an off erratically. A pair of planets which only aspect each other tend to behave as unaspected and to synchronise.

    Sun. The native may feel a square peg in a round hole, even if they are not. They are seldom close to their father, and women may have difficulty relating to men. (Cher, King Charles)

    Moon. Emotions come and go and the native is sometimes overwhelmed by them. They are seldom close to their mother, and men may have difficulty relating to women. This can be the most difficult unaspected planet. (Hitler)

    Mercury. The native is sometimes taciturn, but when they do talk there is no stopping them. Some are intellectuals, but all tend to impose their mental concepts on the world. (Marx, Gandhi)

    Venus. The native is often artistic, affections may be erratic and they may feel unloved. (Haydn, Mozart)

    Mars. The native is always busy, but sometimes without achieving much as a result or directing their efforts to a clear goal. A quick temper is common. (Mozart)

    Jupiter. There may be a tendency to over-indulgence, an inclination to solitude, or a strong sense of self-importance. (Beethoven, Hitler, Oscar Wilde)

    Saturn. There is often a lack of self-discipline and moments of impetuosity: this planet is more trouble when switched off than when switched on. (Scot Fitzgerald, Ted Kennedy)

    Uranus. Generally similar to a strong one. (Charles de Gaulle, the Duke of Windsor)

    Neptune. It is often strong, as in many psychics and occultists, but sometimes it just manifests as occasional impracticality or forgetfulness. (Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner)

    Pluto. No clear features discovered. (Freud)

  • SophiaRaine69420

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    Unaspected planets are rogue elements with their own agenda, like a covert secret agent. Best to look at it’s ruler to see how it manifests.

    Anecdotal explanation – I have 1H Pisces Mercury, unaspected. I say the most *random* shit, that even suprises me sometimes. Ruled by 2H Jupiter, I also tend to make money in the most random, unexpected ways.

  • Financial_Home_3647

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    I would make some distinctions. Even is a planet is not aspected by degree i would put sign based relationships to other planets into account.

  • Peetius

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    then planet is free to Give their result without getting influence of any planet. But it’ll give good or bad results accordingly to that sign where it’s placed.
    Usually it’s good if some malefic planets aspected with a good planet, Specially Jupiter

  • ZoMatch

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    Factors such as the zodiac and house (Bhava) the un-aspected planet sits in. Whether the planet is exalted, debilitated, occupies its own Bhava, and the planet’s trinal strength are equally, and sometimes more, important. Other factors which count are planetary state, directional strength, and the six strengths which require complicated mathematical calculations. I am sure I have neglected a few other. 🙂

  • Writes4Living

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    I have Mercury in Aries 1h that is unaspected. I’m somewhat known by my friends for asking questions that come out of nowhere. I’ve had to learn not to say everything that comes into my head because really, I have no fear sometimes.

  • pluto2068

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    How I explain it to myself is through transits.

    Let’s talk about nicely aspected planet first. When there is some difficult transit happening, it’s like that planet is capable of utilizing nice natal aspects to help soften up the situation. Those natal aspects are the traits given to native by birth, so that’s what he/she brings to life – maybe he/she always sees light in the end of the tunnel, or has good friends to rely on.

    Same for negatively aspected natal planet – maybe it won’t allow the native to experience some awesome transit to the fullest, or make a difficult transit even more difficult (e.g. overthinking).

    So for not aspected planets – they don’t have anything else to rely on, it’s almost like native doesn’t know how to deal with that energy at all. So during both difficult and positive transits, when the energy of the planet is ignited – it’s just a random response from the native.

    But this would apply only for planets that are really in a vacuum – they are not rulers of the house, or sign.

  • YouWantSugarLuck

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    I have an unaspected/isolated moon In Pisces ♓️ 7th house. So I start looking at the ruler of the moon, which is Cancer, thankfully, Cancer is my Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Juno all in 11th house. This is how I figure out my isolated planet.

  • Athena__Mars

    July 1, 2023 at 12:38 pm

    The “positives negatives” will come down to sign and house. This will also be amplified by whether it is in its exalted, home, fall or detriment sign. Also if you work out these, then match them to their natural house for a secondary evaluation. Ie the moon is exalted in Taurus. So a “positive” attribute, would be if the moon unaspected is in the second house (natural house of Taurus). A “negative” example, is if Mars unaspected, is in the 4th house as the sign Cancer is the natural 4th house sign, and also Mars is in its fall in Cancer. These give you explanations to unaspected planets.

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