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Forums Forums Astrology What happens to houses ruled by an intercepted planet?

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    Do the houses become weaker or inaccessible and what happens to the planets in that sign? I’ve tried googling this but haven’t found much

  • What happens to houses ruled by an intercepted planet?

     Arianna updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Badcatgoodcat

    November 10, 2021 at 1:07 am

    There are a couple of books on this matter. Chris McRae Understanding Interceptions which specifically refers to “intercepted planets” and Joanne Wickenburg Your Hidden Powers: Intercepted Signs and Retrograde Planets. They’re both quite good, the latter is excellent.

    There is another quite literally titled “Intercepted Planets: Possibilities for a New Age” but it’s really woo. I would skip it.

    Generally speaking, the vast majority of astrologers- including those that give interceptions weight, as I do- do not use the terminology “intercepted planets.” And I don’t think it’s correct/accurate to consider a planet intercepted, really. However, we tend to accept that everything contained under the intercepted sign is influenced by this condition. I think this is somewhat of a perceptual issue. Those who think intercepted signs eclipse everything else in a chart, or in astrology all together- as the above authors do- likely consider everything intercepted.

  • jalk0

    November 10, 2021 at 1:07 am

    I honestly stopped reading placidus because of interceptions/duplicated signs. I personally liked the idea of it but after some research and thinking it just doesn’t make logical sense to me. My grandfather was born in northern Sweden and had MASSIVE interceptions in his chart. It’s an interesting concept, just doesn’t seem right to me!

  • soft_aspects

    November 10, 2021 at 1:07 am

    Contrary to a lot of commenters here I work heavily with interceptions because I find they hold a lot of weight for my clients. With an intercepted house there are two signs and therefore two planetary rulers: the overt ruler (the sign on the house cusp) and the hidden ruler (the intercepted sign). For transits to that house I look to transits to the hidden ruler (for example I have libra on the 5H but scorpio intercepted: for 5H transits I look to transits to Scorpio).

    Again, I’m seeing a lot of people describing charts with interceptions as being wonky, messed up, etc, but to me the fact that people both very north or very south of the equator have different chats make sense: you’re born into different circumstances. I like that in placidus this is reflected.

    Interceptions are interesting to me because they describe an area of life that looks one way to people (the overt ruler) but is felt by you to be different (the hidden ruler). So to use my chart as an example – I can come across as romantic and fun to date but I’m actually much more scorpionic and intense lol.

  • SnarletBlack

    November 10, 2021 at 1:07 am

    Not sure what you mean here. Only *signs* can be intercepted, not planets. For example if in your Placidus chart you have Taurus rising and the cusp of the 2nd house is in Cancer, Gemini would be intercepted. (And Sagittarius, since interceptions always happen across an axis).

    Can you explain what you mean using an example?

  • StellaGraphia

    November 10, 2021 at 1:07 am

    Do you have an understanding about what causes interceptions? It’s not really a function of meaning in the chart, despite what some say. It’s simply a house system issue. Placidus can’t deal with some birth locations, and so it glitches and screws up the houses. Placidus is fine to use the majority of the time, but if your birthplace is one it can’t deal with, then please just use another system. Try Whole Sign houses. And if you don’t like that, try one of the others, like Equal House, or one of the other qaudrant systems.

    So, no, there is no meaning to an “intercepted planet” ruling a house. There is no meaning to interceptions at all. I’ve yet to see a chart where someone claimed “but these interceptions are true for my life” and those issues, whatever they were, weren’t easily explainable with a good solid delineation of the chart done in some other house system. But some people will be very attached to interceptions, and you’ll find plenty written about them. I’d ignore all that. You’ll get a far more solid and actual understanding of your chart and how things operate by just using a house system that actually works for your birth place.

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