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Forums Forums Mediums What happens to those who don’t believe in an afterlife?

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    Hi everyone! Was thinking about a friend of mine who is a hard core non-believer in an afterlife. She firmly believes that when we die, that’s it. It’s all over. What happens to the spirit of a non-believer when they die? Does their spirit go “well shit I was wrong, what now?”….just curious.

    Adding: Thanks everyone for your insights! I love the support in the group! About 16 years ago I had a NDE for which I am grateful… today it reminds me of the peace, live, and joy that awaits us. I have always been able to see spirits, mostly in shadow form and have also seen angels (THAT was a sight!). Believing in God/afterlife/higher power was never difficult for me. I just did. It came easily to me. So I’m flummoxed when others tell me they think there is nothing but the here and now. Thank you everyone for your replies, your thoughts, your inspirations!

  • What happens to those who don’t believe in an afterlife?

    Ande64 updated 2 years, 12 months ago 1 Member · 7 Replies
  • Danimacq

    May 7, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    We all return home when we leave this world — regardless of our beliefs. A great deal of evidence has been collected on Near Death Experiences, and often people who have them are atheists, that is until they experience an NDE for themselves. I’ve often wished that everyone would have a profound spiritual awakening during their lifetime because the world would be a more loving, and peaceful place, but having faith, and honestly reading about other people’s experiences has solidified my beliefs around an afterlife.

  • tambien181

    May 7, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    Yes. I had a similar friend who passed last August and visited me a week later, basically saying: you were right! He was very scientifically minded on earth, and so expressed how he traveled around the planets and how cool that was; and also said enthusiastically I was right about astrology. He seemed very, very peaceful and happy.

  • DJGammaRabbit

    May 7, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    Think about this: they’re atheist because they’re supposed to be. It gives more contrast once out of the body.

  • Trdl1111

    May 7, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    Look at nature’s processes, cyclical, evolving, growing, expanding. Decline, death, rebirth. The relationship of the stars and galaxies movements with the atoms and electrons etc. The mirrored correspondences are infinite from biggest to smallest, and so we are part of that systematic force called one, fire, spark, spirit. That coalesced into matter by way of frequency and vibration of sound, into the mother.. the matter… the physical plane. Father=force/thought mother=space/matter
    You could say that at a fundamental core, if we created art, culture, music, societies, to give us hope for an answer to these questions, you need only read the philosophy and myths and legends to get our best interpreted meaning to bring here, so there are many more aspects to all of life than the physical body. Like the mental or emotional body we all feel are alive “in” us too. .. OK? So where is love located inside the body, or hate, or thought. Our physiological systems do not support the idea that you can be born, naturally question these things somehow, and therefore die gaining nothing but food in stomach and babies out of vaginas..pish posh… if people truly believed nothing happens, they would have NO problem killing, stealing, scamming, do whatever they needed to do to be king or queen…. but alas most don’t bother, splitting the soul for physical gain… we do what we do for soul growth in turn giving all our individual experiences to the one. Don’t bother asking why it all started… just yet. Just know your a part of a huuuuuuuuuuuuge song (literally sound) and dance(movement) of the cosmos.
    Fear not the pains of the physical body, for many esoteric teachings hint to the idea of perdition… or better yet a time after this life when you go through what’s called essencialy unfinished business, lessons you’ve likely and most probably faced but never learned to grow from. So you’ll either keep coming back until you do, or pay your emotional debts to those you’ve wronged.. like in Egypt, weighing the heart against a feather of MAAT, essence of order, moral ethics and what is right…
    There are many things to read upon, but until you can “see” between the different stories and legends… to the meanings, you may be back again.. which is perfecting the one by its will… not just our minds.
    Hope that helps a lil.
    We are all brothers and sisters, not only genetically but also astrally. Namaste.

    I think one

  • StonedApe1111

    May 7, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    This is from second hand information obviously: All souls return but stubborn ones may have residual manifestations in the Astral Realms. This may be similar to what we know as ghosts. I have read many accounts of stuck souls being guided back home. Who is to say?

    I tend to believe they gain full consciousness and assimilate to the soul’s origin. But who really knows? I have been shown my origin and it is too bizarre to take a shot at explaining. I can say that I was shown our connectedness and a sense of home and overwhelming love in that place. For me, I no longer fear it. I embrace it and await the time of my soul to return. I hope I live my life in a manner that honors this very special life. I am ready to go, but feel the need to be really clean before I take that journey. Clean meaning leaving all this nonsense behind and only focusing on love. Much Love, enjoy the ride.

  • StonedApe1111

    May 7, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    Yes. I have children. My older children were raised without the burden of religious belief. Bow I teach them what I have learned and provide examples. My oldest is an ardent atheist vut he is open to my interpretations. I intentionally withhold explanations of entities I meet as to not cloud his future experiences. I feel there is deep value in having the personal experience. Regardless of the outcome. My youngest Daughter is really connected. She is not surprised by anything I tell her. I have a feeling my accounts are quite mundane in regards to her daily experiences. I am teaching them Astral Travel and Lucid Dreaming techniques. We have been doing remote viewing exercises fornmany years now, so it is not a real shock to any of them. I will not attempt to force my beliefs on them. My hope is for them to all have an incredibly opened mind and to make choices that are good for them. And I will never push a religion. Religions protect predators. Much Love.

  • Ande64

    May 7, 2021 at 11:54 pm

    She will go to the spirit world just like the rest of us and be pleasantly surprised when she does!

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