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Forums Forums Astrology What happens when Saturn is in the 5H or 7H?

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    Does it prevent people having proper lovelives or marriages? Just wanted to know since a lot of my friends who have this placement tend to be single.

  • What happens when Saturn is in the 5H or 7H?

     ippeoippeo updated 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • GlamSunCrybabyMoon

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I have Saturn in the 5th (in Pisces and retrograde). I feel like I struggle with my love life because I have a kid. The two cannot coexist at the same time. I can only focus on building one of the other and I choose my kid.

    I have always dated older people in the past though.

  • CCMelonDadsEnnui

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I have Saturn in the 5th in Saggitarius and my 7th house ruler (Uranus) is conjunct Saturn. I waited until my saturn return to get married, but 6 years later I’m getting divorced because I discovered that my husband was a serial cheater. I got full custody of our daughter in the divorce because of actions he took in his sex addiction that endangered her. So…I still got married and had kids with Saturn touching the 5th/7th houses, but I had some (very unexpected with Uranus) challenges related to marriage and kids (and I doubt I’ll have any more kids after all that TBH.) The focus of my Saturn return was exerting my own will though, oddly. I grew up in a very overbearing, enmeshed family where my interests and wants were belittled and not treated as important and the biggest takeaway from my Saturn return was that my happiness matters and that I’m not responsible for making my parents happy or justifying my choices to them. I can create my own life without aaking for anyone’s permission or validation first.

  • shasha_15895

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I have Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in my 5th house. I’m 27 currently and haven’t been in a romantic relationship yet. I kind of feel unsure about the whole marriage thing. There are days when I want to find out my soulmate and settle down already but I just can’t get myself to be with someone romantically. I do like kids though, but I’ve been told that I’ll have kids after much difficulty. I have PCOS.

    I’m an introvert and suffer from social anxiety. I hate socialising. I have a hard time trusting people in general. However, I have a really strong moral compass.

    Edit: I also tend to self-sabotage. Not attracted to older guys (5-6 years older or more to me).

  • Neptunethe9th

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I have Saturn in 5th, in cap no less 🥵 I do not have difficulty in dating or relationship, but I do have some problems in wanting to have a kid. I cannot see myself give birth or raise a kid, the whole things seem to be very scary and appalling for me. In addition, I also have a minor medical problem in my reproductive organ, but I can still have children. 5th saturn for me primarily manifests in me not wanting to be a mother, or at least really postponing to be one.

  • andrea_hades

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I have Saturn in Taurus in 7H, my Venus is also in Taurus in 7H. I met my wife, who has her Venus in Capricorn and her Jupiter in Scorpio in 5H, three and a half years ago. We are now happily married. I’m 24 and she’s 28. So no late marriage for me at all. It seems that my Venus eased off some of the tension Saturn brought in 7H and her Jupiter in 5H is helping a lot as well.

  • JoyfulWarrior2019

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    My boyfriend has Saturn in the 7th. I am 9 years older than him😂 but the relationship has been magical for 5 years with no signs of slowing down, so he definitely wasn’t cursed or delayed in the love department.

  • SHSLTrashBin

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Seems accurate for me. I have 5H Saturn

  • Kedar_pai

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Saturn in 7th house of aquarius, Leo ascendant. Have been single throughout my life. 29 years now.

  • Ramscales

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    It doesn’t “prevent” anything. The stars incline; they do not compel. Saturn makes you work for what you want and withholds if you don’t. 5H Saturn can be associated with fertility issues too.

  • proudream

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Yeea I have Saturn 7th house and been single for 25 years.

  • CobblerFamiliar

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    I have Saturn in Aquarius in my 7th house. My South Node in Sagittarius in the 5th house. Have a Virgo stellium with Sun Mercury Uranus and Pluto in opposition to Saturn. Venus and Mars Conjunct in Cancer and Jupiter in Taurus opposite Neptune in Scorpio. I have always felt that I had lots of relationships karma to deal with. Many partners and relationships but a fear or reluctant in to commit to one partner. I was engaged 6 times but ended up marrying my old college boyfriend. That was 20 years ago. He is Taurus SunorpioSunSun.

  • goldandjade

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    My husband has a 5h Saturn with his 7h cusp in Aquarius and we’ve been together for 6 years. But something to note is that I’m the only partner he has ever actually committed to and I started dating him when he was 27, he casually dated before me but never made things official and never introduced them to his family.

  • cactusmoosecat

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    My husband has saturn in the 7th. We have been together for 11 years and we are happy. That being said, I think that I represent Saturn in the 7th for his chart, because my mental health struggles have caused stress in our relationship. But im in my Saturn return (also saturn in Aquarius, 4th house for me though) and am working through issues. I like to think that we will both come out of our saturn returns wiser from working through these issues.

  • Kaizoukonojoo

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Cap moon in 7th house here. When I hear Saturn in 5th I think of coming to grips with ego issues. Saturn gonna check that ego and any dictatorial qualities that have been projected and internalized. When you learn 11th house shadow lessons – your ego is validated through who you know, your network, and what they have to offer you. You will have success in knowing yourself and what you have to offer to the world. And your wishes will be granted. So glad I seen this post because I was just going to post that Saturn in the 7th House or its ruler is so freaking awesome. Saturn absolutely loves being here. As such it’s going to be extreme with its challenges but very rewarding. I see it as getting the exact relationship you want and the sign is the qualities. You just gotta learn the lessons, and with 1st house being the shadow side, you must master yourself, and as such you will get that relationship you want. And you’re going to have all the skills and tools to do it! Fucking awesome if you ask me.

  • GreenBubbleMilkTae

    December 10, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    My best friend has Saturn in the 7th house in Pisces. He keeps chasing girls that are emotionally unavailable and significantly younger than him. Then complains why he’s single. He’s looking for someone more mature for their age and a stable relationship.

    We’re both 27. I have Saturn in the 5th house in Pisces conjunct my 7th house ruler Venus.

    I have only had one-sided crushes. The only guys that were interested just stared and said inappropriate things. I want a serious commitment, no hookups. The last guy I was interested in was a few years younger than me and I thought he was interested in me because he stared a lot, but apparently not as he would not communicate and somehow was secretly dating. Then he told me he was emotionally unavailable.

    So we both call each other to cry about our experiences with emotionally unavailable people lol. Ah…is this a Saturn in Pisces 5H / 7H theme. For kids, I get really scared of child birth. But I want to have 3 daughters, no sons because I grew up with all brothers.

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