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Forums Forums Psychic What happens when we die? Tales of The Death Card!

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    *I saw a series of people on their beds taking their last breath. Once they did I saw from their mouths their souls going up like a vapor rising up and drifting up to the sky. Upon their arrival they are collected by an entity that takes them and creates this ball of light that stores them. In this “cosmic egg” like ball of light these souls are free to morph into whatever form they want and enjoy themselves to their liking. I felt a sense of peace and wonder coming from this because it looked like all the souls were travelling to this majestic lighthouse ball in the sky completely free.*

    This specific part in the Journey caught my attention because of the Hermetic Symbol of the Cosmic Egg…

    With a little research… the cosmic egg with a snake wrapped around it represents the universe, the serpent the moons rotation from head to tail. However there was no mention of a snake, and I feel there is something a little different about this light at the end of the tunnel.

    > A similar symbol, the World Egg(not bound by a serpent), is regarded as holding the seed from which all things will manifest. –

    [The Three Gunas!](

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    Just a little Psychic Wisdom... Keys to the Universe!
    byu/SuperfriendsK inpsychicdevelopment

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