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Forums Forums Astrology What is some good/loving advice/message you would like to say to other signs ?

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    I really love that you all just exist, I love that I am able to have an interconnected experience with astrology and the astrology community, I find that it’s such a beautiful thing, I am grateful for all signs/placements.

    Since it’s Cancer season 🦀 I’ll start with them.

    Hey Cancerians,

    Lately things have been hard, I know sometimes you feel like your on the edge of life about to jump but without you, things would be really hard, I hope you know that people love you so much, without your strength and support I don’t know how we would go on. It’s because of you, you make this world a better place, you are the glue that holds it all together, I know it can be incredibly exhausting but the power of cardinal water keeps us in a state of movement and flow. Thank you for always being there, Thank you for being you, please take care.

    Edit: Don’t feel pressured to write for all signs, it’s okay to even just choose one but if you do thank you for being thoughtful for the rest of the signs 🙂

    Aries sun Cap moon Leo rising

  • What is some good/loving advice/message you would like to say to other signs ?

     deeragunz_11 updated 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Mother_Orchid_1109

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    **Aries**: the toddler of the zodiac. Which means they are adorable, prone to outbursts, and not afraid to get their hands dirty. Y’all will do *nothing* half-ass.. it’s either full ass, or none. i admire that. The Aries’ i have known, tended to have ‘devil-may-care’ attitudes, (which as a fire sign myself, i can appreciate.) IMO, Aries is the sign most likely to purchase a bullet bike, or other sort of motorbike, and look absolutely *badass* on it.

    **Taurus**: You usually hear this about Leo, but i would say Taurus’ hair greatly rivals the lion’s. Taureans have the capability of making anywhere they go feel homey, or at the very least, comfortable. They have a unique sense of style, and once they are comfortable with who they are, couldn’t give a shit less what other people think. They make oversized joggers look stylish?? how?? Oh and let’s not forget, Taurus has *cough* um.. ^ultra ^fine ^taste ^in… ^green… ^cough.^;)

    **Gemini**: I’m never bored wit dis ADHD ass. Geminis have the best stories, and probably some of the most diverse friend groups. They want to experience it all, and learn, constantly. Thats dope. They *always* have something to say (usually an intelligent, or bizarre observation – and me being someone who can’t verbalize most the time – i envy ‘em for that). They know how to bring people together, and keep things stimulating, and expansive.

    **Cancer**: I see cancers as being one of the most nurturing types of people out there. Yes they’re definitely very guarded initially, but when Cancer lets someone in their small circle, that person can rest easy knowing Cancer has their back, unconditionally. They know how to take care of people, and make them feel special. (& should probably let others take care of *them* too sometimes).

    **Leo**: People talk about the stubbornness of a Taurus, Aries, or Scorpio, but damn, Leo might just take the cake here tbh. But it isn’t necessarily a bad thing; Leos don’t give up easily on people they love, or endeavors they are pursuing. They are handy, and often crafty people, with quick minds, and wit. They are loyal, sometimes to a fault. Leos aren’t afraid of the sweat, blood, and tears it takes to achieve their greatest dreams (especially if it benefits someone they love). and ofc, that gorgeous *maaaane.* Leos are majestic AF, unless they get pissed off —- best to dash out of their vicinity then.

    **Virgo**: I don’t think i’ve read this anywhere before, but IMO, Virgos have some *dreamy* looking eyes, and smiles that light up their entire face. Virgos are humble as hell, and they know deep down what they deserve, but they don’t always allow themselves to accept it. They can be work-a-holics, but they usually care about their job, and or the people they work with. They are often well-liked, and more often than not, I find them welcoming, and mentally grounding. They have a great laugh.

    **Libra**: such a beautiful soul. They are way too over-critical of themselves. They expect little from people, because people have shown them that they wouldn’t do for Libra, what Libra would do for them. They are are classy, sassy, with a great… *ass*y. They are also loyal AF, and know how to make people feel at ease around them.

    **Scorpio**: Scorpio is constantly (secretly) thinking about burning their current life to the ground, just so they can go to somewhere new, and start fresh. Scorpio will experience a great many deaths of ego in their lifetime, and they will (ideally) realize it is necessary. Scorpio is the phoenix, rising once again from the ashes, and ready to meet themselves, and their loved ones in the deep, dark, nitty gritty of life. Scorpios don’t shy away from difficult, or dark things, but it does take a lot for them to depend on others. scorpios often have so much empathy, that it can lead to feeling paralyzed, or defensive. They actually (probably) care much more than they let on.

    **Sagittarius**: They are actually more realistic, than optimistic. Others tend to get this whimsical vibe from Sag, that makes them think they don’t have a care in the world. the ones i have known, have all dealt with anxiety/depression, and body dysmorphia, but they may try to hide it with immersing themselves in traveling, yoga, alcohol, etc. They are too hard on themselves. Their humor, and generosity is unmatched. Sagittarius is an Old Soul, but a young spirit; a walking contradiction.

    **Capricorn**: Caps give me serious divine goddess (or god) energy. They are analytical, intuitive, creative, and of course, bordering on total perfectionism (if not full blown). No one holds capricorn to a higher standard than they hold themselves. they have a dry sense of humor that i love. They work meticulously, and get shit done. (probably outshining everyone else along the way). Caps don’t like too seem too vulnerable, or emotional, so if they open up to you, don’t make them regret it.

    **Aquarius**: to me, Aqua kinda comes off as being an airy, iridescent version of Sagittarius, and/or Scorpio. Def much less volatile. They are intelligent, driven, passionate, and often dedicate themselves easily to things in life which serve the greater good. they can come off as aloof, or even seem to have a superiority complex; often times though, people are simply intimidated by them, and make assumptions. they are the ultimate Smart Asses™️. (i say this with affection).

    **Pisces**: would literally take a bullet for a loved one. They are romantic, clever, artistic, and/or tend to have an eye for detail. Pisces is the girl in **Mean Girls** – “*I wish i could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles, and everyone would eat and be happy.”* They put everyone else before themselves, and can be incredibly selfless. this could lead to burn out, and/or resentment, so Pisces, pls **fill your cup first**! not everyone deserves access to Pisces, and they will have to learn to be more cautious of who they give their heart to. IME, they have this starry eyed look about them, and also idk.. like kind of ethereal? oh and yea they do cry a lot, buuut.. try not to take it too personally, unless they specifically give you reason to.

    edited: phrasing, + i felt like i hadn’t written enough for Aries initially.

  • Sleuth1ngSloth

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    Cancer. You’re the love of my life. It’s not supposed to be that way, they tell me I’m too much fire, but I think, together, we’re a warm hurricane. I would do anything to protect and shield you, Moonchild. Please go easy on yourself, because the world will not. Remember it’s okay to cry; even if some stars fall from your eyes and down your cheeks, they will light up your beautiful face.

  • jziggs228

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    OP, you are such a wonderful leader in this community. I started reading your post first, and knew this was you before even checking to see who posted. Thanks for shining your light here. ❤️

  • there_she_was

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    Oh, I love this idea!! Here’s my love to all signs:

    **Aries:** Your strength and impulse never seems to end. How? I adore your “better to say sorry later than ask for permission first” attitude. Your joy and the way you see the world is so inspiring! You’re adorable! Now fight me! Ha

    **Taurus:** I love you guys, but why are you proud of being stubborn? I love the way you help me to enjoy the finer things in life and keep up with my love of all things good! Yummy gods and goddesses with unshakable loyalty.

    **Gemini:** If not you, then who’s gonna say it? You keep everything interesting and fresh, and your hot takes are a must for life to have that something special! Sometimes I feel proud of myself when I can actually keep up with your train of thought for more than 10 seconds!

    **Cancer:** How does a creature with such a hard shell get mistaken for a cry baby? A creature that can be in the tide and be equally effortlessly on solid ground. You teach us to let the tide overwhelm us and protect all that is close to our hearts at the same time. Some day we will all finally catch up to what you already know: vulnerability is the ultimate strength.

    **Leos:** next time i’m at the coffee machine waiting for my coffee and you yell my name from accross the room and over my headphones to announce your arrival and demand attention I will walk up to you and pat you on the head. There, there… I love you guys! Hug?

    **Virgos:** Your patience with the small stuff is what keeps the big stuff working, and you don’t even take credit. We’d be fucked without you guys. I love the walking contradiction you guys are: so simple, yet so complicated… Also: neat. You guys look *neat* and I love that with all my heart! Understated fashion icons!

    **Libra:** You guys take up all of the good taste in the arts and leave us out here wondering how on earth can *aesthetic* be so effortless, omg. There must have been something special for the Gods to not have shared what Libra’s purpose was when they gave Astrology to humanity. In all the best ways: are you guys even real?

    **Scorpio:** The way you guys transform pain and secrets into light and become anew every time leaves us wondering how is it even possible? The ways in which you heal yourselves and deal with with your own shit heal entire timelines in family lines. Your massive emotional body is absolutely awe inspiring, scars and all.
    We have to live knowing we will never, ever, look as good as you in leather jackets. Please let the rest of us show you some love?

    **Sagittarius:** I love how you guys help me keep things light. Your optimism and lightheartedness is a gift during difficult times, and no one does it better than you. Also, you know all the best spots in different countries! As you grow and collect wisdom, being part of your reality is a gift as you guys make us travel along with you in the stories you recount!

    **Capricorns:** Marry me? Pretty please? I love you guys so much.

    **Aquarius:** I love how you guys teach the rest of us that not everything is personal and keep a cool head. Without your love of humanity, where would we be? You’re the constant reminder that the other exists and always have an idea for the benefit of all. And we need that so much right now!

    **Pisces:** They say the best is saved for last, isn’t it? How do you not love pure love? Some day we will all transcend this human experience and join in that dreamland of yours. Then we can all feeeeeeeeeel the same love and finally understand we’re all one!

  • VineStellar

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    **Capricorn/Scorpio**: Thrive on with your bad selves, pay no mind to the negativity that people project onto you.

  • mechrobioticon

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    oh god oh fuck okay I’ll try:

    aries – IMO you guys are the friendliest of all the signs–nicer to strangers than any other sign

    taurus – probably the sign I genuinely admire the most–like, I think they’re just probably the best people, also usually attractive

    gemini – passionate and visionary, “he asked for no pickles” energy–actually pretty fucking wise, too. amazing at networking and matchmaking and introducing people to each other

    cancer – the only sign that is expected to evolve. why are we the only ones who ever have to evolve??

    leo – underrated, dedicated and often self-sacrificial–can sometimes actually live up to the whole “heroic” thing, and it is very cool when it happens

    virgo – best-dressed award, beings from the realm of beauty–seem to exist on a higher plane from everyone else

    libra – I’m supposed to hate you guys but I think you’re cute. fun crackhead energy. really gifted in music and art for some reason? that was a surprise.

    scorpio – everything I said to the other signs was bullshit it’s you and me baby YOU AND ME I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS YOU EVERYONE ELSE IS FAKE

    sagittarius – fuck. *deep breath* um… you’re all hot and everyone loves you and you’ve dumped me THREE TIMES and I still think about you sometimes and whatever you don’t even need me to gas you up no one ever says anything mean about sagittarius ever

    capricorn – whatever I am doing or into, there is always a capricorn doing it more often and better. I am fully convinced capricorns could beat cancers at crying if they decided to.

    aquarius – you guys always say “ew” when I tell you I’m a cancer, and I don’t know why. do we have beef? I have no beef with you. I think you are cool and funny. You remind me of Billie Eilish.

    pisces – they say water signs have artistic talent, but I think they’re just talking about pisces, lol. deep morals. total idealists. when people try to gas me up as a cancer by telling me like “well, you’re probably creative?” I’m like, “that’s Pisces’s thing, baby.” I feel like we get credit for some of your shit.

  • Mossommio

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    Dear Gemini, I know the astrology community has given you a lot of critique lately but hang on, your wit and communication skills are needed now so much. We have a new world now with the Internet – a world of intense communication. The written and spoken word travels across the globe in a second between people and we need to be able to think properly, and as your motto is “I think”, you excel at it. Everybody can think and everybody can talk but not everyone does it well. Reason and logics is crucial, we cannot believe everything we read or hear, otherwise we’re going down the path towards excessive delusions. You have the ability to make people talk with your effortless communication and social skills, and your changebility makes you work with just about everybody. Lead the way. Let us speak up and commune!

  • awkarin

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    aquas even though you guys are con artists I admire your dedication to your outlandish beliefs. many of you have opened my eyes to sides I’ve never seen/never thought of before and opened my mind regarding how good/bad things/people can be

    sags I love your optimism even in the darkest times and I appreciate your humor big time. same goes for gemini and their wit. I love how your mind moves at the speed of a bullet train

  • StreakyAnchovy

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    Dear Libras:

    It’s okay to let go of the toxic people in your lives. You don’t need anyone else to complete you, and I believe that you’re more than strong enough to be your own person. Seeing the best in others is good, but loving people for their potential is only going to end with broken hearts and shattered minds.


    Someone who has lost a Libra to her a*usive deadbeat fiance and another because they refused to end a friendship with someone who repeatedly hurt me. (Yes, this friend is aware of what their pal has done, but still wants to think that they’re a good person despite the blatant red flags.)

  • janamichelcahill

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    Dear Cancer, Be Gentle Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and Warm each Day, Forget about things You don’t know about, they weren’t important anyway.

    Dear Leo: Be Gentle Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and Warm each Day, Everyone knows You don’t Know Everything, and they wouldn’t care if you do.

    Dear Virgo: Be Gentle Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and Warm each Day, Stop Fussing about things that aren’t important, They don’t notice you anyway.

    Dear Libra: Be Gentle Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and Warm each Day, Please make up your mind, you are holding up the checkout grocery store line.

    Dear Scorpio, Be Gentle Kind and Forgiving, Be human and Warm each Day, please stop being so Mysterious, the rest of Us don’t know what a Gray Seal is.

    Dear Sagittarius, Be Gentle Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and warm each Day, Don’t worry when others Ignore your advice, that’s why they all got head lice.

    Dear Capricorn, Be Human Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and warm each Day, Don’t be Greedy and leave others in a heap, you don’t want to end up like Uriah Heep.

    Dear Aquarius: Be Human Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and warm each Day, please tell how much Time on Earth We have beyond your calculation of fifty years.

    Dear Pisces: Be Human Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and Warm each Day, Stop being so paranoid, what if God doesn’t exist?

    Dear Aries: Be Human Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and Warm each Day, Stop butting your head into brick walls, that’s not the way to Enlightenment after All.

    Dear Taurus: Be Human Kind and Forgiving, Be Human and warm each Day; or You will learn to be Human the hard way.

    Dear Gemini: Be Human, Kind and Forgiving; Be Human and Warm each Day; Don’t worry about the Person in the Mirror, its an Elf called Yourself.

  • crumpinsumpin

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    Awww this post is so sweet. Loving all the love. Okay, I got one:

    Dear Taurus, I know I butt heads with you, we’re very different in what we want out of life but also very similar in how we express ourselves. We’re both stubborn know-it-alls. Deep down I’m envious of your earthy sensuality; you’re connected to and inhabit your body fully and that makes you attractive, and pulls you toward luxury and comfort (ultimate self-care). My north node is Taurus so I’m trying to learn to be more like you—not rushing, good with money and knowing how to spoil myself. My home life goals are in Taurus!

  • MyEveningTrousers

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    My Aries Sun Cancer Moon Leo Rising loves this so much! Gave me the warm fuzzies I needed today, thank you! *I love Capricorns for their stability, frankness and dependability.

  • AngelicaSkyler

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    To my Scorpio self back in the day, I’d say “lighten the f up!” 😆😆🪄

  • bluestarbug

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    Virgo – You’ve put in a lot of effort, and you’re doing a great job, I see you! You deserve a fancy coffee and foot massage.

  • [deleted]

    July 8, 2022 at 6:57 am

    Thank you 🥹🦀

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