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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing What is the significance of ‘a year and a day’?

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    I looked online but couldn’t find it even though I’m convinced I’ve heard it in relation to magic, witchcraft and occult practices. It’s important to me to know as several things have happened in my life conveniently a year and a day after another event. For example, one person passed then another person was born a year and a day afterwards (doesn’t sound too weird by itself but there were lots of other strange things surrounding this too, too long to mention).

  • What is the significance of ‘a year and a day’?

  • Red_Redditor_Reddit

    February 12, 2022 at 2:45 am

    It comes from British common law. Basically it was that ‘enough’ time had passed to change the nature of whatever was going on, usually in a legal context. It was basically a general rule of thumb of when something has been a long time. I think Gardner incorporated that idea into what he was doing, so it ended up in occult circles.

  • Gardnerians

    February 12, 2022 at 2:45 am

    This was the general rule of thumb in Wicca as far as the minimum requirement of time to get to know someone so that the coven could evaluate them for potential membership. It evolved in the US to a minimum amount of time for seeking a coven and eventually, among eclectic circles, the amount of time one would dedicate to exploring witchcraft before dedicating themselves to it.

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