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Forums Forums Mediums What is your opinion on the law of attraction?

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    I see a lot of people believe in it, but it seems kinda victim-blaming to me. And only for the privileged. How can you explain away someone born in absolute poverty who ends up dying of hunger?

    I have my own opinion: I think we get certain situations in life which are pre-destined that we haven’t attracted but everything that happens to us is recorded in our subconscious and we do attract situations that align with our subconscious mind (and a bit of our conscious mind). It’s our job to heal these beliefs and attract a better life, but that doesn’t mean everything will be sunshine and rainbows after that. We still have the pre-destined events and also our sometimes shitty choices.

    What do you think?

  • What is your opinion on the law of attraction?

     [deleted] updated 2 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 10 Replies
  • Zephyrine_wonder

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    I think we may choose certain struggles in life to learn (or our spirit team chooses them), but that humans also suffer from the free will of others who rape, murder, hoard resources while depriving others, etc. It’s incredibly victim blaming to explain all suffering as attributable to the law of attraction. It makes people feel that Earth is a fair place when it absolutely is not. How could a child possibly deserve sexual abuse? How could a parent deserve to lose an infant to SIDS? I don’t care what happened in a past life, there is nothing someone could do to earn those events IMO.

    Events occur due to complicated interactions of environment and culture and human behavior. In some limited cases the law of attraction may apply, but as an overarching theory for how the world works it strikes me as too close to Just World Theory and everyone who uses it as a facile explanation for suffering needs to do some inner work. Trauma victims end up blaming themselves using just this kind of reasoning, and they do not need the extra burden of attracting the event when they need to focus on healing. The perpetrator of the trauma or the person/people in power need(s) to be held accountable, not the victim, and sometimes there isn’t anyone to blame.

  • 7daysofire

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    If the law of attraction existed, the people on the titanic probably would have survived

  • ebsfac

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    Your first two sentences said it all.

  • Tenzky

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    What I think is that LOA works just fine. But is it optimal way to manifest nice life ? No. Thats why we have ritual magick.

    Also LOA got way to oversimplified and diluted. Most people now think that thinking nicely about stuff you want will get you stuff. HAH. No.

  • kauaiandancer

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    I think it’s not that simple, but it exists. I’ve used it several times such as when I was searching for the perfect place to move in an impossible housing market. Odds were slim to none I’d find something that lined up with what I wanted, could afford, and would take multiple animals. I visualized constantly what I wanted a repeated everyday “the universe has my back” sure enough, through what felt like a miracle, I ended up at a place that lined up with everything that I wanted in a house. Being born into something has to do with past lives, not as a punishment, but as other users have said what we hope to obtain from this go around. We actually love Adversity, because we love overcoming and finding solutions. Our thoughts absolutely do have an effect on our reality to some extent, this has been scientifically proven with experiments such as the frozen water/crystal experiment and same experiment with plants. There’s a lot of documentaries you can watch on the topic. We’re not completely powerless in life and loss is not always an “all bad” thing. My significant and deeply personal losses ND propelled me into some of the best things in my life. It’s complex, but not completely false.

  • Unable-Champion-8656

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    So, I think the ideas can be helpful and also changing your perspective on life in general can make your life better because you don’t always focus on the bad. However, just like anything, it can be misconstrued and abused. For example, I used to sell DriecTV for a third party company out of Beaty Buy. First of all, Best Buy is not a busy store in general. Second of all, computer guys who stream services are not going to Best Buy to purchase Overpriced tv services. But my company was kind of a cult and used the law of attraction to basically tell us we weren’t working hard enough and that’s why we weren’t making sales. If we spoke to every customer the LOA would attract more customers and more possible sales. If we weren’t making sales, we weren’t using “the Secret” and the LOA. So it can definitely be victim-blamey.

  • alkimiya

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    Struggle builds character. I had a fucked up childhood, I bet many people on here did too. But it helps you learn and grow instead of being handed everything from being born rich. Growth is the whole point of living.

    How many famous geniuses we’re born dirt poor?

    Obviously this doesn’t cover any situation like famine or suffering from other people directly. But who knows! Maybe that person did something in their past life and is making up for it now, you never really know.

    I personally believe that everyone is on a very specific karmic cycle. People who are suffering might on a different “level” than someone who seems lucky. No one is better than anyone else, just one different levels of the game!

  • FremdShaman23

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    As we live and make choices in order to navigate our lives we write our own story. Our not yet taken choices, our mind-set, beliefs, and perceptions are the script of that story. What plays out may not always follow the script due to our interplay with other people, unexpected obstacles, etc. But nevertheless the script largely dictates our character.

    While I do not believe that you can change the past, change the major circumstances you came from, or other things in your life that could be deemed fate (that which you cannot change), I do believe that if you create a “positive script” you are more likely to create positive results in your future.

    How can anything really good happen in your life, if you aren’t even capable of imagining anything good? Whether the thing you desire arrives by some magical universal law of attraction, or positive mindset matters not. The positive script will get you farther than a negative script.

    For example, you want a new job. If you can’t even imagine yourself getting that new job you’re likely to be lackluster in interviews, perhaps your resume won’t be that well written. You may settle for the next crappy job that gets offered to you because you get desperate. If you imagine getting a great new job and follow it up with a positive mindset and then follow it up with actual steps to get the better job it’s more likely to happen.

    Life is hard enough as it is. Just writing yourself a positive script can sometimes seem like a Herculean ask–adding on the shaming that tends to occur with LOA failures is NOT helpful. “You didn’t visualize enough. You didn’t want it enough. You let negative thoughts spoil your visualizations and affirmations.” Just work on that positive script for yourself, in ways that seem achievable to you, follow up with action, and don’t be beholden to specific outcomes.

  • Lucky_Yogi

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    [Your emotions attract situations to you]( The only people who are imagining a life and creating it would be the level of ascended masters or rishis or something. The average new ager is not one of those. If law of attraction worked like people claimed, the people on the spiritual subs would be running the world.

  • RicottaPuffs

    January 13, 2022 at 2:33 am

    I Feel the Law of Attraction is a great way for lazy people to justify lounging around waiting for everything that requires work and character to fall into their laps from the Universe at large.

    When it doesn’t work there is victimology, galore.

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