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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing What is your relationship with your god/goddess like?

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    I’m a baby witch coming back to an interest I had in paganism as a preteen. Recently, I heard from the Goddesses Hecate and Artemis. Artemis came in much stronger (I think because I’ve always identified with her). I got very clear instructions for how to build an altar for her and advice from her about how to proceed in a personal relationship that I’m struggling with. When she comes, it’s not all the time and not always in English (sometimes its in Latin or Greek). I just wanted to ask every that worships goddesses and gods….how do you get past the overwhelming feeling of being a least a little insane?

    Do other people get messages and unrelenting signs? Does your goddess interact with you and tell you exactly how to interact with her? I’m not going to lie to y’all, I feel slightly unhinged whenever I think about it and it freaks me out a little. It’s even more insane because I felt guided to buy these Mother Mary oracle cards yesterday (like before I even started overthinking this). All morning, I’ve been getting the overwhelming feeling that Artemis knew I was about to freak out over this exact thing and suggested them for a reason. I did a tiny bit of a digging (not a lot so don’t quote me on this) and there have been academic papers written about the connections between the popularity and love of ancient Greeks for the goddess Artemis and the creation of the Virgin Mary later on. I was also raised Catholic as a child.

    My relationship with Artemis feels almost motherly but not quite. More like a slightly flirty older woman whose taken me under her wing or something, if that makes sense.

  • What is your relationship with your god/goddess like?

  • kai-ote

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    “how do you get past the overwhelming feeling of being a least a little insane?”

    Never have. I decided it does not matter, however. I made my belief system choices, and they seem to work for me. In my opinion, all beliefs in a supernatural entity as in a God or a Goddess, is a bit hard to prove with regards to what reality is consensually agreed upon as being.

    And that is part of one definition of insanity, a noticeable difference of opinion as to what is real or not compared to most people.

    And so, I am a little bit insane, around the edges at least. And I don’t care.

    My path, my way. Find and follow your own path. And let no one take away your faith and beliefs with their judgemental attitudes about where you chose to walk. BB.

    P.S. Kuan yin is my choice. Make your own, and be happy with it!

  • Routine-Zebra6481

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    The difference between insane and intuitive is that when you’re insane you relate everything back to yourself and draw wrong conclusions from it- you think EVERYTHING is a sign for you, and the signs are making you paranoid.

    If you’re intuitive you recognize some events as synchronous and attach personal meaning to symbols and events selectively.

    The world of signs and meaningful symbols is like a post office. Some of the letters in the post office are for you, but not ALL of the letters in the post office are for you. 🙂

  • handburswood106

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    I come to Mother Mary to cry about things and she always graces me:) Her altar includes lots of friendly faces and stuffed animals because she helps me connect to a softer nature.
    It’s cool to have that in common with you, and I’ll be sure to ask for Artemis’ prescence tonight.

  • Alternative-Emu3602

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    Artemis is a great goddess to work with, so is Hecate. I work with Hecate and Loki as my main deities and the signs they give me are very obvious and to the point.

    Some of the ways I work with them are usually through correlations, like, for example, Loki will often present his presence with flies or the scent of cloves or tobacco, even though no one is smoking around me. This usually happens right before something chaotic occurs and he’s just giving me a heads up.

    With Hecate, she usually presents herself in my oracle or tarot deck, or my dreams if she really needs my attention. The first time she appeared in my dreams, I had no idea it was her. I had to do my research to figure out who it was and what she wanted me to do. I was at a crossroads in my life, regarding a massive decision. She guided me and now I’m much happier in my current place than I would have been had I chosen differently.

  • Shorteeby40

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    I’m bad with anything involving myself. I can’t do readings for myself for example. And I also have a hard time seeing my deities and their effects on my life vs being able to see the effects other people’s deities have on them. I can invoke another person’s deity, get an answer and see how that deity is helping someone in their life. But looking at my own? I feel like I never get an answer, and honestly have times when I doubt they’ve agreed to work with me. It’s frustrating

  • MotherMayFire

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    I work with 3. Hades, leviathan, and Thanatos.
    Hades to me is like a father figure. I’ve been through a lot of past family trauma so he’s that father figure energy for me, super caring and tries to help me a lot. Including with mental health. Honestly I’d consider him my patron deity. Persephone is also super sweet and even tho I don’t work with her she still comes around so I have combined alter for them two. Leviathan is very knowledgeable and wise. He’s helped guide me and stuff. I haven’t worked with him long tho. Thanatos was actually my first ever deity lol. Our relationship is like distant but there he’s like that older brother energy to me. But he’s been there to help reassure me when I need it and give me signs and advice. There all amazing deities and have honestly changed my life positively. I can’t wait to work with others in the future. Im thinking about Lucifer and Lilith in the future. If anyone works with them I’d love to know more about your relationship with them and how it is working with them.

  • witchy_weirdness

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    I don’t work with any deities but I do pray to Mother Mary and some other saints a lot. I don’t get messages as clear as yours; for me it’s more like I sense a certain presence or energy when I’m praying or talking to them, if that makes sense. The outcomes I’ve gotten from praying to them are usually how they make themselves heard most clearly, at least for me.

    As far as the feeling of being insane…well, I’ve never gotten past it, exactly, so I just try to ignore it. I grew up surrounded by staunch atheists so there’s always that little voice in the back of my head saying “you’re insane, none of this is real.” That’s what I think when I look at myself through someone else’s eyes. But at the end of the day that doesn’t matter; my spirituality is private, it’s helped me a lot, and if that makes me “insane,” then so be it.

  • mimimiperrito

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    My deity is Hecate. I have 2 books about her that I was gifted by a former coven member for Yule, and I have created a daily magickal routine that works for me and Hecate. I definitely feel guided and loved by her.

    I noticed that a spirit or something has guided me throughout my journey as a witch. Everything is coming out seemingly perfect. I have a feeling its Hecate or a spirit guide who is helping me out.

    Never fear your deity, they love you unconditionally and will guide you too! Find what works for you and the right deity or god/goddess will fit right in! Blessed be!

  • Sugar_Rose64

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    I venerate Mother Mary like a goddess and through a lot of research many connect her with other Goddesses as well.

    My ancestors were all Catholic (up until my mom married my dad). I venerate my ancestors and believe they led me to her. <3

    Mother Mary is center on my altar. I pray to her for comfort, for certain intentions, for protection, for healing, etc. I pray the rosary for her, the Memorare, Novenas & other prayers. I have some lavender perfume that I have dedicated to her and I anoint myself with it daily as a devotion to her. I also spray her statue with it. And I wear her miraculous medal on a necklace 24/7. Which I received as a gift after searching for one online for days and never committing to ordering one and the giver had no idea I was looking for one. I felt it was meant to be mine!

    I also have weekly tea with her. I will make some Irish breakfast tea, make myself a cup & a cup for her. I will place her cup on my altar and then sit down and drink mine as I pray the rosary and watch the flames of my devotional candles dance on my altar. And it never fails, every day after our “weekly tea”/my devotional day to her, I WILL see a sign from her. She definitely communicates very strongly. You will KNOW it’s her. I will usually hear someone on TV mention “hail Mary” or “The Virgin Mary”. It will be totally random and not a show about religion. Or it will be on the radio. Or I will see a statue of her, etc.

    After spell work or answered prayers I will give her roses or other petty fresh flowers. 🙂

    And as an Appalachian Catholic folk witch (not Roman Catholic, just a folk witch), I also worship the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Archangel Michael, Saint Jude, Saint Joseph, Saint Francis, etc. I do various things to honor them, such as anointing myself and their statues with certain oils, burning incense, burning Novena candles, dressing their candles in blessed olive oil & Holy water, anointing myself with Holy water. Offerings of flowers, water & different foods. Praying their chaplets & Holy card prayers.

    For me I’ve never felt insane, just validated! Anytime I receive signs from them, it just makes me feel more connected.

  • NirodhaAvidya

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    “The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.” – Joseph Campbell, Psychology of the Future

    First off, don’t freak out. You’re not insane. You just live in a world where sensitive people are marginalized or worse. Trust your intuitions and listen to what the universe is telling you (unless it’s something that may harm someone, then get a second opinion). Many would be thrilled to have the experiences you are.

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  • underwatercookie

    August 15, 2022 at 9:43 am

    I’ve followed Hekate and Serket for a while. I never really feel their presence in daily life, but when casting spells I feel a lot of power and confidence flowing through me that I know comes from them. I hope to become more intimate in the future.

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