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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing What’s the meaning of a cut rose?

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    So I overheard my mom talking to someone about how one of our family friends got hexed. Apparently someone left a cut rose in his car and now he is hospitalized and I got interested and I want to know what exactly was done to him but I can’t find anything online that explain it.

    So reddit witches, what type of hex (or curse, I’m not quite sure) is a cut rose?

  • What’s the meaning of a cut rose?

    Crafty_Campaign_6864 updated 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • HearthWitchRosemary

    June 23, 2021 at 9:05 am

    I’ve never heard of a cut rose being a hex. If it were I don’t think bouquets of cut roses would be as common as gifts.

  • crazyashley1

    June 23, 2021 at 9:05 am

    It’s much more likely that someone just left a cut flower on his car for no reason other than they had it in their hand and didn’t want to throw it away, or they forgot about it.

    No simple cut flower is going to hospitalize someone unless they’re deathly allergic to it.

  • Crafty_Campaign_6864

    June 23, 2021 at 9:05 am

    Personally, when it comes to the craft I feel that perception is everything. I would look up what roses symbolize and “mean” and go from there. Usually cutting something is releasing or reversing or breaking something like a bond or a promise. Also it could just be a symbol or a vessel that is the messenger of a spell that was intended to do something like that. I find things to be very subjective and easier to understand with intuition and understanding. Maybe he hurt someone who loved him. Maybe someone is jealous or just spiteful. I would think it’s related to a love interest because of the symbolic meaning of the rose. Then again that is just the red rose so depending on the color… that’s the advice I have. Instead of looking for answers look for symbols and listen to your intuition. Everything has the ability to make sense. Some times there is no universal meaning.. like I said, perspective is key.
    I hope this helps in some way.
    I hope the dots start to connect and we can all just figure it the fuck out 🙂

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