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Forums Forums Astrology What’s up with quintiles / bi-quintiles?

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    Every aspect besides these two relies on sign based relationships. Oppositions are the clashes between opposing signs, trines are the supportive relationships between signs of the same element, etc. And then there’s these two, which demonstrate no such relationship, and break the rules set out by every other aspect. Unlike every other aspect, divided into neat portions of 30 degrees as they are, a quintile / bi-quintile will aspect two different pairs of signs depending on where it is in the sign – e.g. they have no set relationship of signs.

    Combined with being a very minor aspect that I’ve seen virtually no discussion of, this makes me very wary of using them.

    Those who do use quintiles & bi-quintiles, what do you get from them? What is their place in astrology compared to the other sign based aspects? And where do you draw their significations from, if not the relationships of signs?

  • What’s up with quintiles / bi-quintiles?

     [deleted] updated 2 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 6FootSiren

    December 25, 2021 at 4:15 am

    I absolutely think they are relevant.

    For example, I have Uranus in Scorpio quintile MC in Aquarius. Obsession with astrology…yep. Pattern finding was mentioned in an article I read and even though I never liked math I’m drawn to patterns specifically numerical patterns in degrees etc.

    “The obsessive quality of the quintile series also points to an association with Pluto. The ability to take disparate elements and combine them into a cohesive style shows a kind of translation, or even transformation, of information all information audio, visual, taste, etc…Unlike other aspects, the quintile series doesn’t seem to be inherited. The quintiles are unique gifts and ways of linking information, ideas and concepts that are entirely your own.”

    Also during quarantine this past year I realized I had an apparent talent for making digital music videos as well (makes sense as Aquarius is technology/internet etc) so Uranus quintile MC combined a 1H Venus OOB (also quintile Vesta), I now see why I’ve made so many videos (creative energy is sexual energy aka sacred flame/Vesta). Anyways I don’t dismiss anything astrologically speaking as I believe EVERYTHING has relevance in the chart at some point (as there are also progressed charts, Solar return charts as well as transits to the natal chart to be considered).

    I have a friend who is a medium and has a quintile between asteroid Spirit and her ASC…which means she has a gift of channeling spiritual messages via her physical body.

  • Wonderful-Intention3

    December 25, 2021 at 4:15 am

    These are some of the most perplexing angles 2 me bc they definitely stand out. Ppl who have a lot of them are no exception. The aspects are almost so good and perfect, they have trouble existing in these modern societies. They carry a bit of madness as a result. Definitely the orgasm of an aspect. Be careful and cautious with them.

  • yw84fun

    December 25, 2021 at 4:15 am
  • Ereignis23

    December 25, 2021 at 4:15 am

    Great questions! I’d be impressed if anyone can come up with a coherent rationale for using them in general contexts, and I’d be interested to learn of their history and whether they evolved to some specific end or whether at some point some astrologers just decided they ‘should’ be aspects without really grounding them in the whole system

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