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Forums Forums Mediums When a spirit is reincarnated into a new person, is that spirit available or not for communication?

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    I’m new to this topic. One of the questions I have is the title: When a spirit is reincarnated into a new person, is that spirit available or not for communication?

    The simple way of thinking about it is with linear time. A spirit of a deceased person is available for communication, then not available because that spirit is infused into a new person. The spirit is unavailable for communication while incarnated, in this scenario.

    But if spirits are existing somehow as part of the same field (or whatever) that provides all the non-local information, that opens up some possibilities. During the “in between” time, the spirit exists in a mode that can step out of our linear time. A spirit should be able to project into the future or the past, thus the spirit should (in theory) always be potentially available in any timeline. So even while incarnated, a spirit should be available for communication, projecting from the future or the past.

    To go further with non-locality, wouldn’t spirits of my future deceased great grandchildren be able to project themselves backwards to my present, if they wanted to?

  • When a spirit is reincarnated into a new person, is that spirit available or not for communication?

     bejammin075 updated 10 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • NotTooDeep

    June 30, 2023 at 1:10 am

    There’s a difference between time and no time that is difficult to comprehend in our bodies.

    In our bodies, we are aware of yesterday and today. We have an image of tomorrow but it does not exist; it’s an idea our brains create to help us predict risks and take measures to manage those risks and survive.

    On an energy level, there is no time. No past, present, or future. A spirit looking at you from a distance will have no sense of time. A spirit near to your body will have a sense of time, even an experience of time. From your perspective in your body, this creates an illusion that spirits have time. They do not.

    Bodies have time. Spirits have eternity. Eternity doesn’t evolve. That’s why we incarnate; to evolve as spirit and have some play time.

    A spirit is available for communication with or without having a body. That’s the answer to your first question. Whether they can hear you or not is a separate issue, just like whether you can hear them. This is one explanation of your second scenario. Spiritual deafness can give the appearance of not being available.

    Spiritual energy is not the same as electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy exists on a spectrum. We borrow the vocabulary of electromagnetism to try to explain spiritual energy; i.e. vibration, color, flow. It is not perfect but it’s our starting place. The best readings and healings I’ve participated in didn’t fit the words, but were magical anyway. Forcing them to fit words like ‘raising your vibration’ spoiled the experience just a little bit. It’s like calling devil’s food cake dark brown. It’s not wrong to call it dark brown, but it’s not right either, in terms of describing the experience of that first bite of cake as it’s cooling on the rack, no frosting yet, just steamy goodness that makes the milk taste especially wonderful. Sometimes it’s much better just to grin and enjoy the experience, taking it all in without trying to analyze it.

    To your last question: no. To project, one needs a space to cross, and to have space, one must have time. Your future offspring may have the opportunity while in their bodies to meditate and look back at you. Even more disturbing and wonderful is when the future you looks back at now you, and you see it happen. That will twist your undies for weeks.

    Bonus notes: your descendants are not your creations, in the sense that they already exist as spirits. This is where some traditions fall apart for me, particularly the bit about our spirit guides all being our ancestors. That gives DNA a spiritual role, and that’s not the case. So what is the case? Spirits make agreements to give other spirits bodies. Sometimes a spirit we give a body to was in the same bloodline, but often that’s not the case. We likely knew them in a past life; that’s a common source for agreements like this, but not the only source.

    Granny might be your spirit guide, but you might also have a guide that just shows you the image of a granny and you can’t tell the difference. Fun times!


  • Which-Country4

    June 30, 2023 at 1:10 am

    I think they are still available as only a part of consciousness reincarates.

  • OrangeInternal8886

    June 30, 2023 at 1:10 am

    Really good question

  • zar99raz

    June 30, 2023 at 1:10 am

    Yes I’ve interacted with spirits after they have started another life else where. The higher self aka the mind is not present (in the same location) as the reincarnated body when the new life begins or anytime in that life.

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