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Forums Forums Mediums when it starts to affect your mental health?

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    hi all. have a long history of interacting with the unknown. had a fair balance of healthy belief and healthy skepticism. always felt pretty grounded. was pretty confident about self-protection for a long time.

    but over the past few years, my mental healths been spiraling. i compulsively shield every time i have a “bad” or scary thought. i cant sleep unless i shield “just right”. i cleanse everything with salt. im starting to believe in thought transmission, or cruel masters of a simulation, or that im going to be punished if i dont comply with rules im not entirely certain of. maybe im just hearing/seeing things and experiencing early onset schizophrenia? but that doesnt explain the synchronicities, precog, etc etc!

    i feel like im losing my mind. anyone out there who both has some level of mediumship AND mental health issues? how you do discern between reality and delusion?

  • when it starts to affect your mental health?

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • GabbieCaDabbie

    August 19, 2021 at 12:48 pm

    So just to get this out of the way I am not giving you medical advice and if you feel there is a serious health concern please consult your doctor!

    Now that that’s out of the way, based off of the experiences I’ve had with spirits, giving readings, guides. I have almost all the clairs, empath, natural healer. When I have visions I see them as if I were imagining something in my brain, so if someone says imagine and apple I see it in my brain and that’s how my clairvoyance works, usually with people that have schizophrenia they cannot tell the difference at first of what is really there and what isn’t and usually their hallucinations are things that seem completely unnatural( no offense to anyone with this mental health condition) when I use my clairaudient abilities I hear my own voice in my head and these are usually spirits talking to me during readings or everyday life, I personally have never had any spirit tell me to hurt myself or others. Sometimes I hear their own voice but this is very rare and only during readings. Now I do deal with ptsd and very severe depression, I have suicidal thoughts and such but I know these are my own negative thoughts and self talk not spirit. Hope this helps a little bit

  • RicottaPuffs

    August 19, 2021 at 12:48 pm

    I think finding a good counselor to help is a good start.

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