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Forums Forums Mediums when you read someone who is physically ill can you sense their condition psychically?

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    i’m talking about someone who is alive not dead. i know the dead will give impressions to mediums in their body to describe what they died from. but what about people who are alive? i feel every psychic can read my energy and my chakras but they can’t really sense my physical well-being. is it possible?
    i’m actually feeling it isn’t but i don’t know ????‍♀️

  • when you read someone who is physically ill can you sense their condition psychically?

    khyberwolf updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • AbyssDomme

    February 3, 2021 at 8:22 pm

    You need a medical intuitive specifically not a medium.

  • SunriseOverSeaa

    February 3, 2021 at 8:22 pm

    I have experience with some clients where I have received information related to their health through the means that people call “medical mediumship” – IMHO it is more like energy reading unless it is clear that there is a energetic connection formed with people related to the client who have passed.

    Maybe it’s easier to understand if I share two examples from my own work with clients.

    Medical mediumship looks like this: I had a client who lost her son in an accident. She came to me for mediumship as she wanted to connect with him. What actually happened more than a strong connection with him was a main message from her son to me during this session that instead of continuously seeking connection with him, she actually needed to process the grief that she felt towards his loss – I recommended energy healing/reiki for the grief she is carrying on her lungs. Every time she talked about her son, she would cough and cough and it felt clear to me that the message her son wanted to get across was her need to process her grief so it stops manifesting in her as lung issues / asthma / chest infections etc. This medical message came through via her son who had passed aka medical mediumship – the most important thing she needed was to work on her own grief so she could move forwards with better health.

    Energy reading / medical intuition looks like this: I started off before I got into mediumship and spiritual reading for people, I was working in massage therapy. For one of my clients, every time I massaged over her neck (and judging by a few visual clues I could pick up on) I heard the word “Thyroid thyroid thryoid” repeating over and over and over in my head. It felt like I could feel the area that was giving me a sense about it. A word, awareness, heat and redness… It was imperative from the energy I was receiving that I couldn’t ignore this and so I told her what I experienced as it’s written – I just said this is what I hear and feel for you when I massage your neck. I advised her to see her doctor and get tested for her thyroid function. She txted me a week later saying that she had tests done that week and she was brought in for emergency surgery (i think it was/ some kind of emergency care) as soon as her results were in – she was very thankful that I said something!

    Hopefully this helps in some way. DM me if you want to chat more about it

  • ShealynLiftsThings

    February 3, 2021 at 8:22 pm

    When I perform reiki I experience what I consider a psychic event where my hands move involuntarily to the areas that are suffering, I get sensations demonstrating the intensity of the trauma, and intrusive thoughts of what is going on. For example, i did a long distance reiki session for a friend that was in a car accident and I was unable to contact to check the condition of. My hands began suggesting there were incisions being made across the intestines and the small of their back. The word “neuropathy” which I’ve never heard of before kept popping into my head. Came to learn that a significant portion of their intestines were removed and the surgeries resulted in “neuropathy” affecting the nervous system. There was also a lot of concentration on big “gusts” of grief, and a thought that this was going to cause a big mental and emotional shift for years to come.

    Mediumship has a different feel to me. I almost feel like when I’m doing reiki I am going in blind and am in a bubble of energy. When I channel I feel like there is an expanse of energy.

  • AisleyRose

    February 3, 2021 at 8:22 pm

    During distance reiki sessions I have experienced pain in my own body that the client was feeling. Although this is not usually something I expect. The most recent experience was while working on a woman who is also a practitioner. I kept feeling a sharp pain on my right shoulder blade throughout the session and it stopped once I was finished working on her. I sent her the write up which covers what I saw in her energy body and aura, and the after messaged her about the shoulder pain (lol I completely expected it to just be nothing.) She was surprised I picked up on that and let me know she had been feeling pain in her right shoulder blade for days, but hadn’t mentioned it to anyone.

    I consider this different than when I’m *just* doing a reading for someone though.

  • khyberwolf

    February 3, 2021 at 8:22 pm

    I work as a medical medium (not exclusively as I do other work too), and have done this work for almost 12 years and have an extensive client practice. I often have clients coming to me for specific “undiagnosed” issues, or a variety of illnesses and are not sure what it is, what to do, or a chronic condition despite going to doctors for various tests, on various pharmaceutical prescriptions, they may need (or have been suggested) to have surgery, etc. I have worked with cancer patients to people with decades long illness symptoms to acute physical pain, etc. And for the record, I will never “diagnose” a person (medically speaking) nor be contradictory to the advice of their primary care physician.

    So yes, absolutely there are those of us who, for whatever God-given gift or talent or training, can absolutely sense physical well being.

    If you want to know what it feels like to me, its both a seeing and a sensing. Meaning, someone can tell me a specific area they are having an issue with (aka. they are undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer, or have pain in their lower back) or it could be “I just feel ill and have all these symptoms and don’t know why” or “please just do a body scan and tell me if anything is off”. I can “scan” their body line by line, almost like a CT scan would, and I receive feedback very clearly. At times it comes back as a very specific image (nerve being pitch, an artery blockage, scar tissue built up, etc)…. other times it can be an overwhelming “ick” feeling. For example, parasites feel really gross and squirmy in someone’s body, almost vomit-y feeling to me. Other times, for example, its a clear analysis like “their kidney is operating at 60% capacity and is inflamed” which is one of the reasons they may be feeling ill. Other times, say in the case of a client who had massive headaches (no doctor could tell her why), I was shown a weird color “blob” on one side of her brain, and a bad car accident she was in when she was a teen (that resulted in a concussion and hospitalization) that was causing residual issues a decade later, but she had totally forgotten about the accident. The feeling was one of confusion and also the brain had not yet let go, energetically speaking, of the trauma. One more example is say a client who had been having years of heart palpitations, and cardiologists (heart specialists) she went to showed no issues medically speaking, but when I tracked her there was a very clear emotional trauma imprinted deep within her heart that had not yet healed, and that residual trauma was contracting the energy around her heart causing the palpitations (and yes, we cleared the energy / root trauma and it nearly eliminated the palpitations).

    Most of the time, I am shown specifically where the emotional connection is to the illness as there are most often (but not always) an emotional trauma or imprint associated with the illness. Someone holding on to anger, hate, hurt, abuse, heart break, etc. It is very clear in organs where an emotion is left to simmer it can become embedded, and that energy condenses over time into body stagnation or body / cellular contraction, that then results in physical ailments. So to heal, it is a multi-layered issue of dealing with both the acute physical symptoms (often a medical doctor or naturopath could help with) along with healing of the root trauma / energy.

    I don’t see this as a “psychic” thing, but more being able to being receptive to have vision / see (I guess 3rd eye seeing) and having a very clear sensory skill to receive feedback about the human physical and energetic bodies.

    Hope this answers your question.

    EDIT: spelling and grammar

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