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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Where are the witches who throw caution to the wind?

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    (I'm directing this at witches who do what they want without apology. I'm not posting this to engage in discourse about if this is right or not. I'll ask for your trust here when I say I don't require words of caution)

    It feels like I see so many responses like "but be careful!", "have you thought about this?", "do you know what you're doing?", "that's not going to work", etc. In no way am I attempting to belittle those folks, I've just heard enough of it for now and am seeking to balance the caution with recklessness.

    Once you're past the baby witch phase, we all kinda know our personal limits and don't need to be told to reel it in.

    Where are the ones who just do what they want? Who are confident and unapologetic about their witchcraft? Who might work with the dead, curse/hex, go to places they're not supposed to go? I'm positive they've always been here and are here now, but I feel so inundated with well meaning words of wisdom that ultimately suck the wind out of my sails.

    I find that after I hear words of caution so often, my energy is sapped and stunted like someone who was about to make a great work of art but then the voice of critique grew so loud they just quit and never made it.

    I'm looking to balance caution with a little wild-ness. Also to remind some folks that while all kinds are valid witches, some of us can't fly when we're constantly being reminded of the dangers of being airborne. When maybe what we needed was to be given space to explore what our wings can do.

Reply to: everyatom2012
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