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Forums Forums Astrology Which house your Sun is in? How does it light up that part of your life?

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    Do you find your identity in that area? How do you experience it?

  • Which house your Sun is in? How does it light up that part of your life?

     quesqotrickster updated 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • brunchninja

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    1H sun here. Either I’m overly confident about myself or horribly insecure lol – Either way, it forces me to navigate my ego in every circumstance.

  • hai04

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    Sun in Taurus in 9th. I’m a travel junkie. It’s a huge part of my identity. Was so happy when I did my birth chart bc it explained so much.

  • r0secoloredmoon

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    I have Cancer in the 11th house. A lot of my identity is based on my connections with people. My friends throughout my life have shaped my identity to who I am today. In my younger years, they acted more as an influence, but now it’s turned into a way for me to learn about different personalities and backgrounds. This allows me to find ways to connect with multiple types of people that help shape my viewpoints and perceptions. I guess that’s Aquarius’s influence on the house.

    It also creates somewhat of a paradox. The 11th house’s influence makes it so I want to be socially acknowledged or have a following (I’m an artist, so gaining recognition). Cancer’s influence makes me want to hide in my shell due to shyness and insecurity. It’s a constant struggle lol.

    There are probably other influences I can’t think of right now, but that’s what I’ve experienced lol

  • EnvironmentalBall719

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    12th house virgo sun… frankly I don’t even know where to begin or how to describe this placement. I am a bit spiritual, artistic and all that nice stuff this house brings, but I rarely find the time to do those things. My sense of self is constantly changing, always unclear and undefined, not only do I feel out of place in this world, I feel out of place in my own skin. While trying to figure myself out, or better said who I am, I feel like I’m putting together a puzzle, and just when I think I have it figured out – it just dissolves and I have to start all over again. Sun in this house reminds me that I’ll never be able to get a grasp of this world, that I’ll forever be an insignificant atom in the galaxy. I feel so limited in my body and I wish I could just finally burst into the universe and finally feel whole.
    I am soon finishing my 1st house profection year and I thought it would do me some good with figuring this placement and myself out, but if anything, it made me accept above said things and realize the potential of them. I could be whoever I want to be… If only I could put a finger on it ofcourse..

  • Scorpio_kid

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    Sun in the eighth house (in Cancer) here. I definitely find my identity to be deeply connected with transformation, death and rebirth, surviving crises and trauma, reclaiming personal ‘power,’ the world of all things occult and esoteric, deep investigation, and psychology/psychoanalysis.

    Intensity, vulnerability and depth are extremely important in my personal life and intimate relationships. I am always discussing the uncomfortable things in our psyche (our primal nature/Id). I see through subtle manipulation very easily. Some people don’t like that. Some people feel threatened. (I also have Pluto on my ascendant so this only amplifies) I do not hide anything about myself from people who are important to me and am very comfortable being very vulnerable. I do not reclaim my power unless someone terribly abuses the gift of vulnerability that I offer when I surrender it to them. I do not forget or let go of any thing or any situation unless I feel I have come full circle on fair terms. I am not revengeful or violent but I do balance out any power imbalances as fairly as possible. Neptune aspecting my eighth house sun offers gentleness and sensitivity to the otherwise extremely intense personality this Sun has. I show up strongest during crises and no crises can truly deter me. All eighth house suns can say the same. We are the kind who have witnessed so much that even if someone had a gun held between our brows, we wouldn’t even blink. Our fearlessness can truly scare others if they have insecurities about themself or try to suppress others with ‘power.’

    I do not like being visible much like the eighth house and very rarely have I stepped out of my house without a cap on my head or attire that doesn’t ‘hide’ me. I can feel very uncomfortable when ‘visible’ in any social situations and prefer to lurk in corners. I am very swift and move in a very quiet way and most people can never really know when I have crept up behind them (which scares them while they also laugh asking when I came in). I don’t make sounds with my physical presence and almost have a ‘fluid’ way of moving through any physical environment. I enjoy anonymity and privacy. I can also be very secretive about what I am involved with in life, with exceptions to one or two people very close to me. I can move countries, change careers, acquire new licenses or skills or be involved with lots of activities that most in my life would never have a clue about. Because this is a very intense personality, I use my social 7th house Gemini stellium (which involves some very sweet, gentle planets) to sort of mask it. Very few people except those close to me ever see my eighth house Sun too often. If there is a sudden massive crises where someone sees me show up as the eighth house sun, it tends to surprise them since I am largely known in my social relations as someone very quiet, shy, gentle and easygoing. We also thrive by purging and cleansing what doesn’t do us good. We always take the trash out on time 😉 and we are fiercely loyal and protective of those we care about. Lay a finger on them and eighth house Suns will make sure you never do that again. Since it’s a water house, I can be very sentimental yet deeply introverted about it. I can have deep feelings about someone/something and they would never know. 🙂

  • sorrysorry483

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    I have Sun in the 10th house in Scorpio, and achievement has always been important to me (you could even say maybe TOO important lol). My Sun also conjucnts Mercury in Scorpio with an orb of 3°. I was definitely an overachiever as a kid in school, now as a young adult I take my career very seriously and I tend to put a lot of effort into thinking about my “calling” and what that might look like long term. I was the classic gifted kid who didn’t have to study until college, then had a terrible time because I had no study skills lol. But I did manage to make it through and although I still struggle with self-esteem issues/feeling like I’m not “doing enough”, I’m in a much better place now and I’m more able to take that energy and ambition and channel it constructively! I also have a weird paradox where I want to be recognized/acknowledged for my achievements, but also kind of hate being in the spotlight? Thanks Scorpio XD

    Also as a side note, traditionally the 10th house represented the mother rather than the father, and I always looked up to my mom growing up and wanted to be just like her! She was also a very hard worker and took pride in the work she did, and she was a very intelligent person. My boyfriend also has his Sun in the 10th (for him in Leo) and both of us identify much more strongly with our mothers rather than our fathers.

  • laempresss

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    my sun (aries) is in the sixth house. as well as my aries mars. i am very health / wellness oriented. like above all, i’d say i value a healthy body and mind. spirituality ties in here for me, as it’s super important for me to have a daily routine that will nourish and nurture my mind body and soul. the negative to this placement is that i also tend to have anxiety centered around health, evening bordering hypochondria if i allow myself to obsess too much over a perceived issue. i’m a quite disciplined person- if i have a serious goal i will see it through. despite the stereotype of aries being impulsive or reckless, i am incredibly disciplined with finances and if i catch myself slipping into a bad habit, i can quickly break it. i like to take care of those around me, particularly family. making a home cooked meal and then taking a walk with a loved one is my idea of having a blast lol. i find a lot of fulfillment in being a mother, it makes me so happy to care for my child. when i was working i always picked jobs where i was able to interact with and serve others.

    overall i really like this placement for my sun and i feel it’s given me energy and motivation to care for myself as well as those closest to me

  • pinkdemonmoon

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    I’m a Pisces sun in the 12th house…. Definitely makes things interesting.. first thing it said about it on my natal chart is that I’m in a divine state of discontentment. I do see things in a very magical mystical way and I am super intuitive…

  • rseqartz

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    7H Sun, exactly conjunct my DSC (1• orb difference)

    My love life has definitely been a HUGE part of my life. Love and romantic connections come easily to me, with little to no effort.

  • sofiacarolina

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    9h (my sun is also my chart ruler, and venus is in my 9h, as well). I have a love of history, sociology (got a BA in soc), philosophy, rly passionate about social injustices (huge feminist), reading, writing,and most of all traveling! traveling is all I want to do – Id love to live out of a van and just be a nomad. those are the things that stimulate and fulfill me the most (besides romance..sighs in libra moon).

  • memedilemme

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    I have 4th house sun in Aquarius nuzzled up with Mercury and Mars. I really prefer living alone. My house is my sanctuary. Very rarely have anyone over. And I am not close to many family members nor do I really feel I need to be. I’ve always felt I’m a young soul and I seem to have attracted a lot of beloved maternal and sister figures throughout my life.

    I am also a case worker. I feel my sun mostly in my work with others who are healing family trauma and learning how to care for themselves.

  • ezrecognise

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    My sun sign is Gemini and it’s in the sixth house. I have dealt with limitations and challenges around my health and wellness since childhood (amputee) so it is a strong theme of my identity, or rather, a lens for how I express myself. As far as work, I am literally always in two minds about my job. It is central part of my life, and yet I am never quite sure or satisfied, I am always restless.

  • [deleted]

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    sun in 3H. in summary, i have a will to constantly exhange information. i love learning and think it’s a key apart of my vitality (sun). i want to learn for the rest of my life. anything i go through, good or bad, i see it as a learning experience so in turn, that gives me drive to keep living.

    but there’s multiple layers to this (this planet is currently activated for me by profection year and transit pluto is conjunct, so i’ve been dissecting)

    night chart (sun below horizon): sun in 3H estimates that i was born just after midnight. i was, my birth woke up (sun) one of my siblings (3H) in the middle of the night. so every birthday they either return the favor 🙂 or stay up to that time just to text me happy birthday. i’m actually not a night owl but i do express myself (sun) a lot better when it’s calm, quiet, and no one is watching like it would resemble at midnight. this is where previous discussions about the moon being more prominent for night chart can be related; not necessarily true for me but in this way, i can see it. now with this i look to sect and there’s more to get into there. short explanation is that my sun is actually in a challenging relationship with sect light (moon); my sun also is in a more beneficial relationship with the lesser malefic and benefic. (relationship = aspect)

    sign: sun being in capricorn has infinite interpretations but in relation to the 3H, capricorn is a receptive sign (negative or feminine) so i like to take in a lot of information rather than give out. very observant (scorpio ascendant). i am very taciturn but nonverbally i am always reading, researching, writing, pondering, or figuring something out. this is my favorite way of being myself. now capricorn 3H is somewhat blunt or straightforward when there is verbal communication happening (getting down to business) and i relate to that (with somehelp from mars square mercury). saw somewhere that scoprio ascendant’s scorpion sting is placed in the 3H. i also like to take charge (capricorn = cardinal) of my own learning (exhange of communication) so i can build (capricorn = earth) a solid base of knowledge: i sometimes don’t wait for someone to teach me, i go looking for it or i do it myself (sun = ego).

    so while sun in 3H you may always expect to be talkative or verbose, i am not. people forget that the concept of communication includes listening or being receptive to information, and that’s where i shine. communication is not only verbal and i am extremely wordy when writing or typing (gestures widly) because i still need to let out all my thoughts to process all the stuff i took in.

    3H: sun is the only planet here. always excelled in school. i feel my best in school environments. i want to continue living in school environments (i just want to keep living with somewhat structured learning even after school ends). i have a lot of siblings and nieces and nephews that i talk about all the time. i can be myself a lot more around them and my friends. i dislike driving (driving anxiety; mars square mercury) if it’s not short trips. whenever someone thinks of me it’s *always* that i’m “so quiet”: so astrologically i see this placement (with help from my scorpio ascendant) showing that my outward personality is expressed though my (lack of) communication style first (this also just generically relates to mercury always bring close the sun). now on the flip side i always get comments on the fact that i “speak so well”, depending on the person who says this, i see it as my sun shining through or that the person is being micro aggressive 🙂 i love stories and how they can transform into different forms. storytelling to books. books to tv/movies. (i consume books like toliet paper but i actually seldom watch tv/movies). poems to songs. (i don’t favor poems and cannot sing to save my life but i sing *a lot*)

    affecting other houses: sun directly affects 2 other houses because of its degree and rulership. my sun is in a late degree towards the end of the 3H, conjunct a major angle the IC and affecting the 4H. this goes back to the fact that i express myself a lot more in private. with mercury also conjunct IC, it kinda emphasizes learning and exhanging information being what i am most familiar (3H) and comfortable (4H) with.

    the sun rules my 10H bringing a lot of my interpretations to connect to the themes of this house. (currently in a 10H profection year which is why i mentioned the sun being activated). right now i am suspecting education being a big part of my career and am working towards that. leo 10H tends to be about entertainers on stage or in spotlight, but i connected it to teachers (and preachers/priests/pastors) also somewhat being in an on stage position in the classroom with this house being ruled by 3H sun. the businessy or responsible trait of capricorn is showing me more mature types of education (higher education) or educating about business (one of the subjects that i am in). and not just me providing education in my career, but that education is essential to the career i want. back to wanting to keep living in school environments, it may also influence me to have a career in a similar environment. it may not go this way throughout my entire career keeping in mind current transits.

    i slightly touched on some aspects to the sun and they definitely affect how the sun illuminates my 3H. for example, saturn rules the house the sun is in, and it trines the sun. with saturn (time), i see it as i take a lot of time and disciple in approaching the concept of communication. this is needed because my actual act of communicating, mercury, is square mars so i tend to rush words out (i am notorious for typos).

    currently, transit pluto conjunct sun: sun being in my 3H causes this transit to happen here and all my 3H things are being shuffled around. a lot of shifts in identity are affecting my relationships with my siblings, close friends, and roommates (neighbors). my personal interests are highlighted and i am questioning everything i know. i can also say i have been a lot more focused on anything involving communication and transportation ever since pluto moved closer to conjunct my sun.

  • DivinePharoah8

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    Sun in the 12th Leo- Constantly have questioned “who am I” since a child. Growing up, I used to try to fit in only to realize I have to embrace my uniqueness and shine. Well respected in many places, have been called “diamond in the rough” before. Always been drawn to foreign places or places outside of my hometown, even cultures, philosophy, etc. Astrology happened to find me around 3 years ago and I started studying it more these last 2 years. Creative, have a feeling I have more creative talents and abilities I haven’t discovered yet. Know what it’s like to feel lonely yet not alone (a higher source always with me on my side). Psychic, intelligent, charming, know about divine, universal love. Had to work on self-esteem as having a low self-esteem growing up. Been called an angel in different circumstances or people saying I have some pureness about me. Have explored different ancient texts, experienced having insomnia, highly sexual, enjoy traveling and beautiful things. Had to learn to go with the flow, used to will a lot of things and try to control everything.

  • IntoTh3Moonlight

    December 6, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    Sun in 5th house! I easily attract the attention of others and people usually assume I’m an alpha, the boss, or the lead of whatever group/organization I’m apart of. That is.. until they really get to know me and learn that I’m just a big ass goofy kid with a love for play and theatrics. I’m animated and playful and love to make my loved ones laugh. I can be dramatic when telling stories and can be passionate in the best and worst of ways. My anger is unmatched so far. But so is my love. I love hard and will protect/defend my loved ones at all costs. My dad was my hero growing up and a lot of people tell me I took after him.

    I like art and music of course. I went to an art school during elementary and played sports in high school/college. I’m very much myself, but
    like someone else mentioned.. my introversion can make it more difficult to see this side of me. It’s usually people who learn me really well who get to see this side

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