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Forums Forums Astrology Which planets aspect your Venus and how does that shape your love language/love life?

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    So I hear that when Pluto hardly aspects your Venus your love can be crazy, posessive, intenste and can have plutonic traits. Also heard that when uranus comes in contact with your venus you can have a “you can’t put me in a box” attitude in love and relationships too. What about Saturn, Mars etc…? What your personal experience on this?

  • Which planets aspect your Venus and how does that shape your love language/love life?

     quesqotrickster updated 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • harrybeastfeet

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Venus-Moon conjunction here. If things aren’t going well with my intimate relationships, I am a straight up mess.

  • Brightmelody09

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Venus in Aries (4th house) Trine Pluto Scorpio 28 degrees (12th house) – I really do not catch feelings for just anyone. You would have to be pretty special. However, when I do develop strong feelings for someone, I go all in.

    I really should not catch feelings for people because when it’s going well, it seems I unlock new levels of euphoric bliss, but when it falls apart, I become kind of hopeless. I completely lose my head and love to great depths.

    It’s kind of scary how intense my feelings become and how deep they go over someone who most likely isn’t even thinking about me. Yet I’m left every time picking up the pieces of those shattered high times. Feelings are evil. 🙃

    I’ve resorted to art and doing something creative to take my mind off this person. 1/10!would not recommend. Gotta find more balance in the future.

  • canarialdisease

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Venus in Virgo (9) square Saturn in Gemini (6). It’s challenging. Like many hard Saturn aspects, it’s been mitigated somewhat and improves with age, experience, and practice/work.

    Because of it, I’ve developed strong diplomacy skills, but I’d rather not have to use them so often. I struggle with an underlying feeling of dissatisfaction in relationships and like I’m the one who does the lion’s share of the emotional/communication work.

    I’ve had long periods of time being single because of feeling that it’s “better to be lonely than rejected”, or feeling like other people are more trouble than they are worth.

  • Angelwingss_

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    I have a Capricorn Venus trine Saturn and Jupiter and sextile my ascendant. It has a heavy Saturnian influence which means I take relationships very seriously. I’m 21, and I’ve actually never been in one before because I guess I’m very old school. I like being courted and coming into a relationship with true intent. I don’t feel comfortable participating in hook up culture and using dating apps. But all my friendships go years back. I’m someone you can trust to be loyal and a constant in your life. I dream of getting married to the love of my life and building a home together- creating those structures is important to me.
    My Venus trine Jupiter makes me very lovey dovey. I’m the friend that’s always sending random messages to people telling them how much they mean to me. I’m not shy of expressing my love verbally. my Venus is in the 3rd house so I’m great at communicating in relationships! And I need someone to be open and direct with me as well. I’m often the therapy friend because my friends feel comfortable talking to me. I wouldn’t say I’m always a soft and cuddly person, because I’m not lol, but I’m the diplomat in my group and I try to keep the peace.
    I love creating beautiful spaces (Venus sextile asc). I’m always in charge of decorating the house around Christmas and thanksgiving because I’m very detail oriented. I love fashion and I’m a very girly girl! I’m more of an introvert so I prefer museum dates, trying a new restaurant, going to a bookstore, etc.
    my love language is definitely acts of service and quality time. Action > words! I’m not ashamed to say that I have high standards. I can’t stand incompetence. I’m always the planner, the organizer and I need someone who can also do that for me. Someone who I can trust and share responsibilities with.

  • k0ptya

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Venus trine Saturn is a common aspect found in the charts of people who have significant age-gap relationships.

  • Linguistin229

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus. Unaware really of what the sextile means but Venus in Pisces is the absolute worst.

    You get deceived and walked all over because you see the good in people. You always try and don’t see people for the dirt bags they are. Tie that in with Aries sun and wanting to rescue people and it’s just a total disaster. On paper I’m a ‘catch’ but feel very screwed by my romantic placements. Don’t think I’ll get my happy ending.

  • Suzlaub

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Venus in Cancer- 1st house. I love gifts, attention and care.

    What I have attracted : people that are broken, but functional. They always seems to need to be taken care of in some way. At first, I’m happy to do it, but after a while, it wears me out. I wish I had investigated it fully when I was young.

  • summetime24

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn and Square mars very tightly, it has a trine from Neptune and sextile from mercury. my love life is non-existent

  • zuppaiaia

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    My Venus in the twelfth is in a hard square with my Mars. Nuff said

  • Active_Doctor

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    My venus is in Libra opposite Jupiter rx (aries) and sextile Uranus (sag). Uranus is essentially at the midpoint between my chart ruler and my actual ASC (and I think its a heavyweight for me although it’s hard to describe exactly how).

    I like spontaniety & exploration in general & I need it in my relationships, I’m happy with a little chaos and when things are too planned out I’m bored before I even start. I can be indulgent and “overdo” things (ie ovetspending on things like fine food & drink). I would say with Saturn as my chart ruler & Jupiter rx I am pretty hard on myself. I generally thrive in Libran situations, especially in a Libran workplace, Sun & Venus are in my 10th (9th in placidus). I really enjoy social & artistic things like theatre music and the arts- that could be Venus in Libra or my Pisces moon, idk. I feel loved when my partner encourages a little indulgence & I don’t like feeling “held back”. As much as I want to accomodate them & their needs I need to feel like they consider me & my needs important too. I don’t want to keep track but I want it to feel equal.

    Venus also sextiles Lilith-with-Hygeia (leo). And trines Juno (aqua) & Chiron (gemini). It’s part of several aspect patterns involving those asteroids (ie) Lilith/Hygeia being at the nose of a kite with Venus & Chiron on the wings & Juno at the tail. Or Jupiter at the nose with Juno & Chiron at the wings & Venus at the tail. Or Uranus at the nose with Venus & Juno on the wings & Chiron at the tail. Juno on the nose with Jupiter & Uranus as the wings & Lilith/Hygeia on the tail.

    For context Neptune is on my ASC & Chiron is conjunct my DSC from the 6th. So relationships are a big part of my wounding/healing journey & I think my path to maybe a deeper human understanding or something? I mean I guess that’s how it is for everyone so I don’t know. I struggle bigtime with boundaries (and I do tend to get stepped on a lot). I think that’s partly a Neptune/ASC thing, partly a Libra Venus in exact trine w Juno thing? What I want is fairness & equality, without having to constantly keep track of things or self check or continually assert myself. So what I want is for my partners to be looking out for my needs like I look out for theirs). As soon as I need to assert, I am mad about it (virgo Mars squares Uranus & kicks those kites into play through its trine with Jupiter (& Lilith/Hygeia).

    Part of it is a difficulty with self understanding. Who am I outside of my relation to others? I don’t often have a super clear sense of my needs/wants, or at least I have a hard time separating my wants/needs from the wants/needs of those around me (ie if my partner wants to buy something or go somewhere or do something, I will almost always encourage & go along with it). When I feel like I need to say “no” or like my needs are different (or that my partner has excluded me or been unfair or crossed a boundary), I have difficulty sorta asserting dissent in my relationships gracefully – it stirs up a lot of anger and confusion and sadness.

    This reply was too long.

  • cold_desert_winter

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Venus square Pluto. Venus in Leo in my 1st house is in a square to Pluto in Scorpio in my 4th. Love is a battlefield, and the mines are control. Power struggles are battles and the stalemates are the back and forth, do I give more to show I care or do I completely check out? Sometimes the war is actually literal, I’ve been in more than one relationship that turned physically abusive. I tend to attract abusive men or f***bois. Sometimes they get obsessed with me and other times I’m obsessed with them. Pluto makes you dig in deeply with full claws out, so it takes me a while to let go.

    When I truly love someone, I love them forever, and love them hard. To death and beyond even that. It’s just that with Venus square pluto you know all too well how that intensity and love can be turned around and used against you by the person you gave it to, or how that same intense love can become obsession or control.

  • queenszbby

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    venus opposite pluto- my love is crazy, obsessive and intense for sure. I also tend to attract men who are obsessive, clingy & controlling. I hate it because I know it’s unhealthy, but I also kind of love it.

    venus trine moon, venus sextile saturn, venus trine neptune, venus trine uranus- I crave love that sometimes the love I receive isn’t enough. I fantasize and dream a lot of what I want out of my own relationship and hope to get it. I don’t really like to voice out my needs/wants or anything that is bothering me within the relationship because I feel like it will be a burden to my partner. I tend to surround myself with those who are naturally themselves and I do sense that energy when I’m near them.

    My love language is physical touch and I can feel when it’s genuine or not. Quality time is a close second. I loooove to cook & please my partner with food. My boyfriend loves food and even though I already know what his favorite dish of mine is, I always switch up every other day depending on his likes.

  • Training-Solid1207

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    I’m an Aries venus in the 7th house. My Venus trines my moon, opposites my Lilith, sextile my Chiron and parallels my ascendant.

    Love has always been a very big topic in my life. I remember falling in love since I was like 6? I had my first relationship when I was 9 and also had a few after that. Even though they weren’t serious, I know that all of these relationships did mean a lot to me at that point. I also started CRYING about guys at a very young age.

    I got disappointed pretty often because all of these guys weren’t as serious about love as I was. I expected them to love me as much as I loved them. I know that I love way too deep and that I might even am too obsessed with the person I have feeling for at that time, but a part of me longs for the same kind of affection.

    There was never a time where I didn’t have someone on my mind, even now.

    I am really quick to move on though. If I know that there‘s nothing left for me to keep chasing them, I lose feelings and fall for the next person right away.

    The weird thing is that all of my love interests always started to interact with me without me having to do anything. As if they knew I liked them.

    Since my love life is very chaotic, I think that love and relationships are something I need to learn a lot from.

  • Alone_Trip8236

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    Venus in Aquarius in 10th square Pluto in Scorpio in 6th. I have elements of what is perceived as detachment and intellectualizing feelings, while I am at the same time very intense, sort of ride or die with every relationship, sort of like either I don’t care at all or I will literally die for you. Extreme trust issues. Needing constant intensity. Sex has extreme importance in the relationship. Very loyal, betrayal will not be forgiven.

  • rhinosforbreakfast

    June 22, 2022 at 3:27 am

    I’m in a relationship with someone who has a Aquarius Venus/Libra Pluto/Gemini Mars grand trine. The love is deep, powerful, enveloping, and pierces like a meteor breaking through the atmosphere. Pluto is my type of planet!

    My aspects, Venus conjunct sun, opposite moon, trine Saturn, quintile jupiter, semi-square chiron. A conglomeration of feelings that don’t really mesh to a single concept or drive. My love is disjointed and irregular on the surface level. I’ve sought grounding things more because of it. Physical touch, rich conversations about broad ideas, and really seeking to get to what’s “underneath it all.” A benefit of being all over the place in my focus of love is that I’m very accepting of all types and all ways.

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