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Forums Forums Astrology Which signs tend to be the most analytical ?

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    My top three would be Scorpio , Virgo and Aquarius .

    My honorable mentions would be : Capricorn , Pisces and Gemini .

    I’m an Aquarius with no Scorpio , Gemini or Virgo placements but people always say I’m extremely analytical and tend to notice things that others don’t .

    My mercury is in Pisces so that explains how I perceive and pick apart things in my head . I’m also an Aquarius sun .

    Pisces may not be the smartest of the bunch , but they can definitely sense things that are very rarely wrong . Water signs always pick up on the undercurrent of every setting they’re in and that always helps .

    My moon is in Taurus so maybe that’s another reason , but idk . Taurus don’t give me analytical , but more so let’s laser beam focus on one thing at a time and take it slow . Like a bullseye so they hit the target correctly without failing .

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