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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Which would work better?

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    I’m really just looking for help with a decision pertaining to what I’m going to use for an altar. I took a break in my practice and after having a moment I could only describe as feeling like I was called back to my craft I got the things I want to represent the elements/myself for my altar and plan to charge them under the new moon tonight, but I’m also trying to decide what I should use as my actual altar. I have a black tray that I recently cleansed because I used it for deity worship (although looking back I don’t think I really connected with that deity, thus why I’m considering it for an altar), and I also have a box with the world tree on it. I am a closet witch in a household of Christians, so I’m leaning more towards the box, but I also really want to use the tray because it looks nice and I’ve gotten to the point with both of my family members that I really don’t care if they see it or not (I did previously have my deity altars out and I’m sure they both saw them whenever they came into my room, but only my sister ever asked about them, not my mom. And I had a LOT of obvious deity/witchcraft things on the altars).
    I also know that people cover their altars to protect them from unwanted energies, so I’m wondering if I can get away with just having a black cloth to cover the tray if I end up using it.

  • Which would work better?

  • MintAndHolly

    August 18, 2023 at 9:01 pm

    Could you use the tray as a permanent altar and the box as a “portable” mini version/supply holder?

  • Twisted_Wicket

    August 18, 2023 at 9:01 pm

    I think its important to keep I’m mind that you don’t need to have a ton of stuff for an altar. So the box for storage and the tray as your working surface would be a good way to go, while maintaining your security.

    If you want to keep it set up, then I think covering it with the black cloth is an excellent idea.

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