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Forums Forums Mediums While I am a spiritual person, I have begun to have experiences I cannot explain that are affecting my quality of life

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    EDIT: I cannot explain the peace and sense of community I feel reading these comments. I have always felt alone and weird. So, thank you to
    everyone who reached out and made me feel seen and cared for.

    Long story short, I have had odd and unexplainable experiences since I was a child.

    I can distinctly remember one about 7 years ago where I was in a very dangerous situation (unbeknownst to me until after) and I thought I “hallucinated” my grandmother appearing in my backseat and telling me to leave. I left promptly, more out of shock than anything, and come to find out something horrible happened at the location I was at that evening.

    As a child, I had numerous experiences like this, which resulted in my parents taking action and putting me in the care of a psychiatrist who started the process of medication to address my “hallucinations”.

    Obviously, this did not dissuade any of these instances, and they continued until they just didn’t anymore one day.

    However, this year has been exceedingly hard and traumatic for me and I have started having experiences like this again but at a larger scale.

    • I have had multiple dreams that played out in real life like a real life play.
    • My mother was in a car cash and I felt it happen and reached out to ask where she was. 3 minutes later I received a text that she had been in a car crash.
    • I am also unable to touch people without feeling an overwhelming emotion, typically whatever they are feeling , this is something that has never happened to me.
    • I felt a push to text a friend right then and there, when she reached back out she told me o she had been planning to attempt suicide that day and had been saving her pills to OD on that particular day. None of this had been shared with me previously.

    These are just a few of the things that have occurred in the last month. I am overwhelmed with it and feel that I can’t bear all of it. My emotions are constantly flooded with feelings that I cannot identify and that I know are not mine. I feel everything, and it’s hard for me to interact because it is so emotionally and energetically overwhelming for me to the point where I feel depressed.

    Please, if you have any advice on
    how I can protect myself or even what I am experiencing, I would be deeply grateful.

  • While I am a spiritual person, I have begun to have experiences I cannot explain that are affecting my quality of life

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • ffraction

    October 31, 2021 at 2:38 am

    I used to have this problem and a few things I’ve been told by several people are 1) if you’re going to touch people, rub rosemary oil around your wrists, as it will filter, cleanse or block energies (depending on your intention) 2) carry black tourmaline. Some have recommended finding one with mica deposits to reflect intrusive/negative energy, but the idea of sending negative energy back to a person doesn’t sit well with me, so I try not to get any with noticable mica. 3) archangel Michael. I’ve asked for help and protection from him because it’s a common suggestion, but I don’t know if I do it at appropriate times.
    I don’t know if any of that will stop your premonitions, but mine went away around the time I was trying all this stuff. However, I don’t necessarily credit the things I just listed, I just went through a really hard time till I was just constantly wishing it would stop and one day it did and honestly, it kinda bums me out and I feel like something in me is broken and I wish I still felt that connectedness (I don’t really have another word for it). I guess the point of this comment is I hope you find out how to not have it affect you negatively and instead have it work for you in a way that doesn’t take from you. I wish you the best!

  • cmnzs

    October 31, 2021 at 2:38 am

    i struggled with the same stuff as you for most of my life and for the most part of this year! my mom is a medium and i’ve always been very sensitive, but as i began a deep spiritual call this year i’ve experienced a much bigger shift in my perception and sensibility around energy feelings etc. first things first, be very gentle and patient with yourself. i went through a very tough time emotionally and got to the lowest point i’ve ever been, and if there’s one thing i wish i did more, was to be very kind with myself. i was very frustrated and fed up with feeling all of these things, as i imagine you must be to, mostly bc it’s scary and very draining but believe that you can manage all of this slowly and in your own creative ways – because you can.

    i had an experience where i passed out in front of the spirit guide i was talking to. after that, what i was told to do helped me loads and now i’m in a much better, more balanced and safe place with this sensibility. i’ll tell you but remember that your experience is unique, so use it as an starting point to know yourself better so you can find your own special ways to protect this sensitive and beautiful part of you.

    i light a candle for my angel guard and for my spirit guides every week (those candles that last 7 days). pray for them in the morning and before bed. in my prayers i mostly thank for the blessings and ask for protection and other things that i want, respecting the ways and the time that they might come to me. i always light the candle in a (safe) place above my head. that’s something my spirit guide told me to do.

    i always spray myself with lavender cologne. a very pure one. everytime i go out, and i live in a big city with a lot of poverty and sad things happening all around all the time, i pray for my spirits to take care of those in need and kinda make an affirmation for myself saying: “i don’t have the energy and knowledge necessary to help these suffering spirits around me, my energy is only mine to work on and i don’t give it to anyone, but i wish for my guides to make the best they can for them”.

    obviously i’m not a completely oblivious person to those issues, so this takes me to my next advice: try to engage in charity stuff if you can! it really helps to maintain your energy strong and helps you learn how to protect it more and more, bc when you help others you basically have a very intense exchange and you feel very good about yourself and about making a change for those in need. it’s a sweet feeling, very safe, i promise you’ll find your ways.

    sorry for the long answer, but i know how scary and tiring all of this intense intuition and sensibility can be! but it is also a blessing. remember all the good things you can access through this too, your thoughts and awareness can be shifted to those any time you want – also, remember to ask for help and talk to people you trust about this frequently, it helps lighten things for you and i’m sure your friends will be glad to help you.

    i hope things get better!

  • candywithaJ

    October 31, 2021 at 2:38 am

    Meditation might be beneficial. It could help you calm your mind, help you work with the energy instead of against it. Yoga could also help. Your body is an instrument for channeling energy, drink lots of water to flush yourself, and watch your diet. I’m an empath, so I’m sensitive to other people’s energy. I take baths every night and let the water drain out of the bath. I see all of the negativity wash away with the water. Being sensitive to other people’s energy takes work to not be overwhelmed. You are not alone, you asked for help, that’s the first step. You just need to take control and work the energy instead of it working you. You can do it and become a badass. You got this!

  • Pieraos

    October 31, 2021 at 2:38 am
  • signalfire

    October 31, 2021 at 2:38 am

    You might want to contact the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and ask to be referred to a psychologist who is open to someone with these experiences; or just do some online research yourself looking for some assistance in dealing with this from people who are open to the phenomena. Also there is this author, Judith Orloff, who has written several books about experiencing exactly what you have – []( I believe she is still a practicing psychologist so you could contact her and ask for referrals in your area or other help. Maybe the books will be enough. I had experiences somewhat like this as a child into young adulthood, and either I turned it off out of fear, or it moderated; still have the occasional ‘knowing’ but not enough to cause anxiety. Know that what you are experiencing is NOT schizophrenia or mental illness; you are just on the cusp of an unusual human ability that we all share, just not in such extreme measure. Even the Bible speaks of people with such abilities; if you run into ‘christian’ types who call this satanic or witchcraft, calmly remind them that these abilities were seen in what were considered ‘holy men’ or even Jesus himself, then disengage. No need to get into altercations or emotional disagreements with them. Many will not understand but be assured, some do.

  • Yevheniy

    October 31, 2021 at 2:38 am

    My personal opinion is you don’t want those experiences to go away, you just want to get a handle on it, it is your intuition developing and it can be mayhem, believe me I know.

    The part you described of touching people and feel their emotion is a strong one for me, I don’t even have to touch people anymore, if I focus on them long enough I feel like I’m diving into a unique sea, with its own taste and feel and with that comes the flood of all those emotions that overlay with mine and stir up all unresolved things and I feel like I’m all over the place. This happened to me yesterday, I met a girl and held herd hand for a bit while talking to her, later that night I just crashed, one minute I’m fine, the other I feel like I’m drowning and just want to end it all then burst into tears and then I feel like I can breathe again, I’m still dealing with it a bit, as long as I keep working with it I’m fine and in a day or two it’ll pass.

    Yes, black tourmaline helps a little at first, but in my opinion the only real solution is to embrace what was given to you and develop it further until you have more control, to do this I highly recommend finding someone that can serve as a teacher and mentor, their experience and support will be crucial to bring clarity and understanding to your life.

    EDIT: From reading the comments you can see that very kind and positive people came together to support you and assist in providing some guidance, that’s a great sign and we should strive to surround yourselves with people like this and build communities, because when you are a part of communities of people who are kind, positive, knowledgeable, speak in truth and have their heart in the right place that becomes a very strong protection, it will act as net and a buffer.

  • SiwelRise

    October 31, 2021 at 2:38 am

    This sounds like psychic empathy. You can read more about it [here.]( However my own advice for dealing with this is to stop being afraid to feel things and work on emotional resiliance instead. [This article]( talks about having psychic connections with other people, but in the context of getting over an ex.

    What is a psychic empath?
    byu/SiwelRise inpsychic_empaths

  • WaitUntilYesterday

    October 31, 2021 at 2:38 am

    There’s no such thing as hallucination

  • TheSaltyTarot

    October 31, 2021 at 2:38 am

    You’re psychic. Everyone is. What will you do now?

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