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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing whos my deity? how do I meet my spirit guide? I NEED GUIDANCE lol

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    HELLO!! I’m new to this group but anyway…I’ve started to look into deity work. and also trying to reach my spirit guide. I don’t have a pendulum and tried making one but it didn’t work. (I wanted to communicate to them with that) anyways… I looked for a tarot card spread to get to know my deity and discover who they are. but when the card that represented the deity popped out I couldn’t figure out who it was. I tried using the internet. but I kept getting different answers. so I tried my intuition and tried to let them talk to me but that didn’t work either. does anyone know what I could do to meet them? is this a sign I don’t have one? LOL, I don’t know what to do.

  • whos my deity? how do I meet my spirit guide? I NEED GUIDANCE lol

  • TeaDidikai

    March 30, 2023 at 11:24 am

    So, historically, patrons were largely a function of your lot in life.

    You had patrons by virtue of your familial status, profession, location, etc. You’d celebrate the usual holidays, which included offerings at times, and you might— if you had need, petition a given deity for a blessing/favor and make an offering before and after the favor/blessing was granted.

    In most of these historical practices, you did **not** want to attract the close attention of deities. In many of these traditions, the deities are immortal, and therefore the consequences of their actions don’t carry the same weight they do for *mortals.*

    Of course, if you served in a temple, things might be a little different. Being a priest or priestess (or other temple servant) included complicated requirements and heavy expectations.

    Fast forward to the 20th century witchcraft traditions and you’ll note that in a few of them, the members are considered priests and priestesses. This is especially true of the original Wiccan traditions, which also involve invocation rituals, wherein priests and priestesses experience partial possession. They basically share their body with the Deities within ritual.

    Sharing your body with someone— anyone— is a pretty complicated and personal relationship.

    Now, during the Publishing Renaissance, some of the training that went into those practices was lost in translation. My understanding is that they still exist in British Traditional Wicca, but aren’t always present in subsequent traditions for various reasons.

    However, the language around being your own Priest/priestess is still pretty common.

    Next, you have to look at how people interpret that when they don’t have the training that is common in British Traditional Wiccan covens.

    Most folks will naturally fall back on the faith they were raised in. For a lot of folks, that’s Christianity

    Protestant traditions— specifically Evangelical sects— like to emphasize a “personal relationship” with Jesus. (It’s present in non-Protestant traditions as well, but not to the same extent)

    In fusing this idea with various 20th century perspectives on deities and witchcraft, many new practitioners feel a lot of pressure when it comes to deities. (For some, there’s likely some inhibitions around Deities being “false gods,” too.)

    These issues usually resolve themselves over time.

    Don’t worry too much about working closely with deities at the moment. Instead, think of who you’d like to honor and do a little research to see what they are historically associated with, their preferred gifts and any appropriate practices and offerings— then go from there.

    Best of luck in your path!

  • PhantomLuna7

    March 30, 2023 at 11:24 am

    Deities aren’t like spirit guides. You aren’t assigned one, and you don’t “have” one until you choose to.

    Research deities, see who you’re drawn to, and then do a deep dive on them. Get to know their stories, how people historically worshipped them, how they were viewed in society etc. Then you can start reaching out to them when you feel ready. Offerings, prayers etc

  • Young-Warrior-00

    March 30, 2023 at 11:24 am

    Usually the practitioner has to reach out first to a deity. A spirit guide might be easier to contact, but it takes patience and bonding time (like saying hello or good night) before actually getting a sign.

    În terms of tools, any pendulum/divination tool works-cleanse and charge them. Make them personal

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  • NonbinaryStar369

    March 30, 2023 at 11:24 am

    What tarot cards did you have? Are drawn to any specific things or ideas over and over? Maybe you could try a psychic or set intentions to communicate in a dream? Try an “inform me of identity of my patron deity” spell (if there’s such a thing).

  • KestheWitch

    March 30, 2023 at 11:24 am

    You’ll have choose the deity. As far as spirit guides, pendulum work should help identify what and how many, do you have one and are you holding it right?

  • alphamsh89

    March 30, 2023 at 11:24 am

    Who keeps popping up when you look for information? Who are you drawn to?

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