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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Why do deities work with us?

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    After doing witchcraft for about three years now I’m just getting into deity work, and I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but I feel like I’m missing something here. I’d assume immortal beings don’t actually need candles, food or crystals, so what do deities actually gain from helping humans? It seems hard to believe for some of them that they do it out of kindness for free, so is there like an unforseen catch to it?

  • Why do deities work with us?

  • pattybee73

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    This is probably not worth the time it took to write it, as I have neither any experience working with deities nor much faith in them. But at some bedrock level, I do feel that something out there wants communion—to witness our lives, and to have us witness the world around us.

  • blacmm

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    If you think about it gods do not exist without followers or believers. Not to say they don’t actually exist at all but they lose all their influences. Humans collectively give gods their power in a way.

    Just the same way gods images change over the years changing personalities and names and jobs.

  • black641

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Who knows? Gods and spirits clearly get something out of having a relationship with humans. Everyone has their own pet theory, but at the end of the day it’s all speculation. It’s easier just to pick a theory and run with it, even if you have no clue whether it’s bunk or not.

    If you want one potential explanation, many of them are externalized, or semi-externalized, manifestations of the world. Natural phenomena, emotional or intellectual impulses, or even abstract concepts like fate, time, or freedom are some examples. These things exist whether we believe in them or not, and have a “will” of their own. Praying, worshiping, or magically evoking/binding/petitioning the assorted Powers “in charge” of the powers they represent gives them more direct license to interact with the world. Otherwise, they’re fairly passive forces. That’s my theory, anyway.

  • CresLune

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    I’ve always thought of it as us finding and working with them. They have known us and watched us grow, every now and then they send signs to show us that they are there. It is on us to interpret those signs and choose whether to follow that path or another one entirely.

  • katt12543

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    I subscribe to the discworld /American God arcana, where God’s lose power if people don’t interact with the idea of them and thus if your belief and spellwork are true and powerful a deity will reward you for your patronage.

  • SimplyRedd333

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Crystals actually originated and are utilized by deities (goddess Athena used them in her healing temples) ( Lemurian crystals have downloads etched in them) they had many many uses and they do like them. In this physical realm humans need something tangible and concrete. Flames exude energy that energy they work with I do pyromancy lol most times for large gatherings for some deities if it’s not a cleansing the food is dispersed to everyone to spread the blessings. It’s the idea that you had enough love, and respect for them that is the point. As for free working with deities some have their fees depending on the pantheon or some want something as simple as flowers or oranges as a thank you. Deity work isn’t something that if your mind is linear and hyper realistic will be too grounded in the physical realm to truly be able to work with them. Only because you will be second guessing everything .
    For research purposes, Lemuria , Athenian healing temples, book of Enoch ( if it’s in your belief system I just read a lot lol)

  • CocoZane

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    1 school of thought is that deities are only immortal if they are remembered, and/or gain strength from veneration. The offerings are not meant to be gifts in a physical sense. They are meant to be a show of respect and one of the ways we start a gifting cycle.

    I admittedly don’t work with divinity in the way most folks do. I don’t see them as actual beings, more as spirts of the human condition or natural phenomenon. I prescribe to the idea that offerings are a sign of respect to the power divinity wields, and I do things in their name as a form of payment to keep up my end of whatever bargin I struck.

    I hope this helps in your search for understanding.

  • callyo13

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    In Hinduism, deities promote bhakti (worship) to help us shed karma and attain liberation. It’s about love for the divine, growing and learning, shedding karma, etc. Deities are also subject to karma and have their own dharma (duties) that we may not understand. I think it’s the same for non Hindu deities. This is obviously based in my perspective as a Hindu 🙂 So why does Shri Krishna accept my japa meditation and grant me compassion? I don’t know for sure. I assume He has his dharma that someday I will come to understand when I reach enlightenment. Think of it kind of as a stray cat wondering why this human is sheltering it and giving it food. Maybe we don’t have the capacity yet to understand why. Hopefully some day, we will.

  • crazyashley1

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Because they’re archetypes *we* created.

    Any consciousness or power they have is the end result of centuries of human effort feeding the world’s largest mental constructs. Forgotten gods hold no power, because to hold power is to be named and known.

  • silvercandra

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    I’m not sure how much there is to it, but a long time ago, someone told me they do it because they love us.

    If we show them that we love them, they’ll gladly show it back, and that’s why when we build a relationship with them, they’ll help us.

  • Broad-Flounder-4971

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    I also believe that when we aren’t tethered to human bodies (I.e. after death) we are on much more equal footing with what we perceive as gods.

  • Aur0raB0r3ali5

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    Who else would they work with? lol we live on Earth.. they’re Earth based deities.. I imagine there aren’t a lot of alien races who even know who they are, much less actively work with them.. if we’re being so literal.

  • Safe_Time_6583

    May 5, 2023 at 10:24 am

    They know there is no separation.. To help evolve they help themselves evolve…

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