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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Why doing your own work?

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    Of course there are people that already did a spell for your type of situation. Of course there are dudes that can read even your thoughts just by looking at some egg yolk. Of course knowledge is meant to be shared.

    Then you'll ask: ok, what's up with you removing my post then?

    Because if you type in key words in the search engine you'll get a bunch of answers around your topic.

    Then you'll say: yeah but it wasn't specific for me.

    So you want a free of charge spell that is made step by step into a guide for you to follow? That's lazy, yk? Because there's just this much you can mix some ingredients so taking an already made thing and mix it up with something less or maybe extra will make a difference.

    And the difference won't be created by the random item you added or the rest of the base. No. The difference will be you putting in the effort on doing something.

    A problem is not solved when you say 'there's a problem'. A problem is solved or starts to get solved the moment when you start putting effort towards solving it. That's exactly what making your own spell or figure your own divination result is about: you doing something.

    But you'll say: well, I am doing something, I'm asking for help.

    No, you're not. You just beg for help. Like you're in a big ocean ready to drown but you don't move your hands around to try to stay alive (irelevant if you can swim or not). Just asking for help won't do much if you're not helping yourself first. Is like saying 'I'm not trying to swim, I'll just wait for them to toss me a lifeline'. That's how people drown, darling. First helper in emergency cases is your own person.

    Do your own research. That raises the awareness of the universe that you wanna do something about it. Try, fail, ask for peer review.

    Don't just come in and ask for someone to write your homework. This ain't the board for that, mate.

    Also, regarding divination, why are you using stuff you don't understand? I get jumping into, I do that too, but then I'm doing my part of translating the meaning. Ask for help with the accuracy of the interpretation, not with the entire solution!

    And remember witches: The universe won't give you the thing till you don't work for it. And that work can translate into a bunch of things, from crafting a ritual from scratch to seeking professional help.

    Stop bullying the smart witches into doing your homework and try it yourself. You'll see that you can be too a smart witch.

Reply to: Young-Warrior-00
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