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Forums Forums Mediums Why is there no science surrounding mediums?

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    Since mediums can accurately predict so many things and then why do scientists refuse to study this?

  • Why is there no science surrounding mediums?

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • notreallysomuch

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    IONS (Institute of Noetic Sciences) does research around such topics.

    Here is a snippet from their website: “This inner wisdom is inherent to our humanness and has been accessed for millennia through meditation, prayer, yogic practices, and other ancient methods. At IONS, we draw on the evidence of these age-old traditions to construct carefully-formulated hypotheses about the power of interconnection and its potential to help us thrive, both individually and as a collective. Through direct-experience research, we apply the lens of modern science to topics often perceived as mysterious or elusive, such as the power of belief to accelerate healing or the connection between intuition and invention.”

  • SpiritedPlaces

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    They have and do study it. The Windbridge Research Institute in Arizona comes to mind. If you search on Google Scholar you can find some other psychic studies, and there was the CIA remote viewing project, Project Stargate.

  • tangiblelemon

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    Science isn’t exactly known for its openmindedness but there are studies conducted on mediums, it’s just a challenge for researchers to get funding. Windbridge Research Center is one example: [](

    There are two private organizations I’m aware of that perform double blind studies / testing to certify mediums. The Forever Family Foundation and Certified Mediums by Mark Ireland.

    As more and more people begin to understand this practice, hopefully the research will improve.

  • Either_Size

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm
  • run_zeno_run

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    There is the [Windbridge Institute]( that studies and certifies mediums.

    The famous psychologist William James studied them, and many parapsychology labs and societies have done so over the years as well.

    The nature of such phenomena does not make it too easy to study scientifically, not to mention the taboos involved.

  • ChudBuntsman

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    They did that with MKULTRA etc. Didnt work out so well.

  • soulinameatsuit

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    Gary Schwartz and Windbridge have been mentioned by others.Extensive testing of mediums was completed..

    Gary is now working with a team to develop the SoulPhone. The team consists of mediums, software engineers, electrical engineers, and others. They’re developing tech so that we can all communicate with our loved ones in spirit.

  • inhaled_exhaled

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence”

  • AnAnonymousHelp

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    It took hundreds of years for the general population (including scientists) to accept that the Earth was actually rotating around the Sun. Copernicus publicly stated that in 1543 (from ideas from 1444). However, most Scientists only got convinced after 1687 (243 years later).

    Scientists are also influenced by their beliefs and the more they deny that, the more they are influenced. There are tons of cases of proven mediumship that was fully ignored by Science. For example that CIA no-longer-classified out-of-body research that said the mediums could guess most of the numbers right. Even on Netflix, there’s that “Surviving Death” documentary with some compelling evidence of past lives, and it gets completely ignored. The official explanation from Science is that these samples are “case studies” only. Science needs more than case studies. The problem is that based on the nature of mediumship, it’s very subjective. 2 people might see the same event in 2 completely different ways because their brain needs to interpret the information received through the subconscious, and different brains interpret it differently. There’s also a lot of noise in the communication. If you now start trying to replicate that in a lab with a bunch of skeptical people, their skepticism will likely block the experiment since the other reality is so easily influenced by our expectations and faith.

    To add on top of that, there might be forces that do not want humanity to know this is a thing. The cosmos might want to hide paranormal events for a while to make science become stronger than religion as this is an era of science. It’s time for science to take charge until religion is no longer. On top of that, it’s less distracting for the human experience if they don’t know there’s a veil. It helps to make the experience more immersive for those that need this immersion for their evolutionary plan.

    It’s gonna feel like a conspiracy theory, but in my point of view, it is not time for Science to accept this. The scientists who dismiss paranormal evidence are being influenced without knowing they are being influenced. The world is so connected right now that proving the supernatural would cause a major havoc in the lives of potentially billions of people. You are free to disagree with me, but to me that’s not how changes should happen.

  • Physical_City1457

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    Lots of parapsychology study into mediumship. Classical laboratory researchers wish to avoid the topic to avoid being criticized by their peers. Science, as it’s known today, is more or less a church where the powerful influence society through replication crisis reports, paid for by nonprofits and governments, steer people into certain attitudes using behavioral psychology. Unfortunately (or fortunately given how corrupt it is) mediumship isn’t part of that social programming.

  • Arabellas_Eye

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    Scientists do not “refuse” to study it. No one has been able to demonstrate psychic abilities consistently in a lab setting so there is nothing to study.

  • Links16inStairwell

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    Because science isn’t good enough. We know too little about the brain. Mediumship is too abstract, too difficult to study. Scientists like to study simple things first.

    Imagine trying to study the chemistry of dark matter. All we know about dark matter is it should exist because of gravitational effects. Their chemical reactions? No idea. Really, what can scientists do?

  • messyredemptions

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    Military and Certain Interested Agencies have done some related research– remote viewing, astral projection, etc. which probably would lead you to mediumship too.

  • kathy8675309

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    []( They stuck a ton of money into this program…

  • Pieraos

    November 9, 2021 at 10:00 pm

    > Why is there no science surrounding mediums?

    How much research did you do before claiming that there is “no science surrounding mediums”?

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