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Forums Forums Mediums Why would 4 separate mediums recently refuse to read me? I’ve never had this happen before. Is it a bad sign?

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    I’ll keep this as concise as possible. I hate to ask this, but it’s really gnawing at me. I’ve meditated and met with numerous mediums since I was 16, I’m 40 now.

    In the past two months, 4 mediums from various backgrounds and cities have refused to read me. All 4 have previously read me in the past with no problem.

    At first, I thought it was a fluke thing, but FOUR of them?! That’s not a coincidence. And they aren’t just ghosting me or not viewing my messages, they’ve given various excuses.

    So, I need to ask — what’s going on? My fears are that it’s because they’re sensing heartache or something negative in my future and want to avoid having to address it? Any insight? Thank you!

  • Why would 4 separate mediums recently refuse to read me? I’ve never had this happen before. Is it a bad sign?

    SeaworthinessFit1278 updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • tammybyrd63

    February 10, 2021 at 11:36 am

    How often are you asking to be read?

  • RicottaPuffs

    February 10, 2021 at 11:36 am

    It could be that the people you are trying to reach on the other side are refusing. It could be that you frequently ask., so that you do not make decisions without the deceased telling you what they think. If that is the case, it means you are not making decisions, yourself. Four mediums? That is lot.

    Do you review them negatively? Do you remind payments or contest them if you don’t like the answers you receive?

    It could be that you are too reliant on psychics, to the extent that the dead have refused. Do you tell psychic A B and C what psychic D said and compare them to each other?

    If it is possible that you have an addiction to readings, more than one or two every four to six months, is overkill.

    I am kindly suggesting you have an idea why four have said they won’t read you.

    How many different mediums do you use?

  • Significant_Lead7810

    February 10, 2021 at 11:36 am

    It could be you’re just hard to read right now. I went through a traumatic event close to a year ago. Before I was so connected and had that “bright” feeling. I’m sensitive and I could pick up on some amazing things. Mediums would come up to me and compliment my “energy” or just be able to say little things that meant something to me. After the event I felt “blocked” and “distant”. I could feel the chaos, shock, and whirlwind of emotions really preventing me from even sensing anything. I even had a reading and she apologized because she was having a hard time reading me. I agree with the above, make sure you’re not doing it too much. However, make sure you’re also not blocked for any reason. Or that you’ll deal or heal with it.

  • Lucky_Translator_202

    February 10, 2021 at 11:36 am

    What kind of excuses have they given you? Did you ask the last one why several of mediums don’t want to read you?

  • [deleted]

    February 10, 2021 at 11:36 am

    It could be that you are hard to read? I have tried to read people and they have a lot of walls up, where I can’t see anything around them, or anybody?

  • SeaworthinessFit1278

    February 10, 2021 at 11:36 am

    Maybe you are a medium yourself? It could be some kind of ethical lock you have put on yourself. Also a lot of people are having trouble doing readings possibly because of timeline issues.

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