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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Witch Therapists? Is this a thing? If so, how can I find one?

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    I have some serious problems in my life, and I really could use someone to talk to. I would like to see a therapist, but I need it to be someone who understands and has expertise in things beyond the realm of science. This is because – while I know there is a psychological,personal compontent to my problems, I strongly believe that my life is being influenced by powers outside of my control. I need a therapist and a spiritual advisor proficient in witchcraft/magick/whatever you would call it. I think I need… a witch therapist. I’m not sure if this is a thing… but if it is, please help me find a one. (If this is not a good place to ask, please direct me to the right sub).

    PS. I’ve thought about searching the internet for “spiritual advisors” and what have you. But knowing my luck, I’d end up finding a charlatan.

  • Witch Therapists? Is this a thing? If so, how can I find one?

  • Brave-Fox-2128

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    You might be looking for a shaman. They do work like this, i believe.

  • EliSunz

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    I’d recommend both. I mean yeah maybe there is someone who is both in one. Regardless therapists require shopping around a bit sometimes. You need to find someone who is adept at actually doing therapy and also is able to meet your needs and mesh with you. As someone mentioned already going to a therapist for example that may have personal issues with your sexuality or gender ideas regarding yourself can have consequences in how you’re therapeutic relationship develops and diminishes efficacy. There’s lots of other ways this can be effected. It can simply be how they communicate that you don’t like. I wouldn’t recommend substitution. Therapy has a lot of science behind it especially if certain theories are done to process trauma. However you don’t need to ignore the spiritual side of things and maybe you will find a therapist who is also more aligned with your spiritual understanding.
    If not you can get one thing from the therapist and something else from a more spiritual source that meets your needs in that regard. Kind of like going to a doctor for stitches, but praying or doing spells and meditations to help you heal faster. Maybe a bad example but decent enough to explain.

  • adamantsilk

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    I know psychology today allows you to search for a therapist. It only gives a small handful of religious options, but maybe someone who works with like LGBT+ may be more open minded and willing to help.

  • cinnasage

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    My therapist isn’t a witch, but they do support my practice and we often end up talking about how I can use my craft to support my overall goals and well-being. We don’t necessarily talk about individual spells, but the daily part of my practice, like meditation, prayer, tarot cards (they are a tarot reader too), journalling, and healing my inner child.

  • chronarchy

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    I know people who have advanced degrees in therapy fields (social work, psychology, etc) who mix their therapy with pagan practices all the time. And they do great at it (and some take clients at distance). A good therapist will support you in your religious work, and help you find strategies that work for you.

  • nation543

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    I’ve heard of therapists who use the craft in their practice with people. They are out there, and they usually declare themselves in some way, to let people know that they align with spiritual beliefs.

    What you’re looking for is a coven. used to be a thing but it’s been down for a couple years now :\

  • EfficientBee1948

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    I searched my insurance website and it listed like spiritual beliefs that ppl worked with (mainly Christian therapists came up ofc) but I was able to find one that did witchy stuff. Maybe search up something like hypnotherapy on ur insurance site to try and see if some witchy practicioners pop up.

  • Bitter_Farmer3915

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    If by any chance you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can always try to combine mainstream therapy with your craft! For me personally, it involves a lot of shadow work and healing meditation whilst discussing this with my therapist every week

  • Corvus_Maius

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    You can always try Gestalt therapy. It is not necessarily connected to witchcraft, but I’d say it draws from philosophy and spirituality quite a lot, so maybe you’d find a therapist who would understand your point. Of course it depends on the type of problems you’re dealing with, but one thing for sure – don’t give up, try different therapist, and I truly believe you’ll find “the one” 🙂

  • kalizoid313

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    Therapists who practice Craft or who are allies of Magical, Pagan, and Occult communities do exist.

    Finding one may present quite a challenge, at least in part because making such things open may lead to professional problems or difficulties in places where they practice. I do not think that the internet helps much in finding one. Those I am familiar with (and, to be clear, I will not tell anybody who they might be) rely on word of mouth for this sort of reference.

    Seeking such a “Pagan-friendly” therapist is likely something to do within the community where you reside. Ask around, prudently. Keep in mind that it may take some time to find such a therapist.

    (Note: “Therapist”–to me–means somebody with recognized training and credentials practicing someplace, more or less in public, even when they are discreet about some of their views.)

  • MzOwl27

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am

    So…yes they exist. Yes, you can find one. Do you need someone who actually identifies as a witch? Not necessarily.

    Definitely keep looking and **don’t settle for a therapist that doesn’t fit you**. You can be up front when you make the appointment and ask directly “Are you familiar with magical processes, would you be comfortable with a witch for a client?” etc. They will tell you. My therapist is the best and I’ve taught her everything she knows about witchy things. But therapy is moving that way anyway…techniques like EMDR and energy work are publicized and available to therapists as valid procedures.

    You can also search for life coaches or spiritual advisors. If you look for one that is affiliated with an established coven or metaphysical shop, you’ll have the recommendation of other people, instead of flying blind. If you are really stuck, contact the biggest hospital near you and see if they have a pagan clergy on-call. They should be equipped to give you some sort of spiritual counseling.

    I would never discourage anyone from seeking out a coven, I’m a big fan of them. But to join one solely to help process your traumas is not really healthy for you or the people in the coven that you join. It would be a great supplement support system, but not as your main source.

    Brightest blessings and good luck

  • [deleted]

    February 25, 2022 at 5:23 am


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