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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Witchcraft works, but how?

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    I’ve known about witchcraft since March 2021, so I would say I am quite new to it. And by now, I’ve made sigils that have worked for me, done spells and am still learning, like everyone else is. But there’s one thing I’m never able to understand, sure all of this worked, but how?
    Crystals can boost up a spell, but why and how?

    How do sigils, something that can be made in any language, and by using any method that we prefer, how does it work by just charging it with an element, like air, fire or water (or others like your blood, spit etc)

    And talking about charging,
    How do water, fire, air and other things work? They do work, yes, but what’s the reason behind it?

  • Witchcraft works, but how?

  • Void-Laughter

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    I like to think that the magick of today is the science of tomorrow.

    Healing through herbs is a great example. We know the science behind it, we know the medical applications, side effects, and we have a whole industry dedicated to creating accessible medicines in a pill (and other) form.

    Way back in the day when witches didn’t call themselves witches, we didn’t have this knowledge. The healers knew what worked for what, but the reasons as to why were anyone’s guess.

    Some other things of today such as manifestation and law of attraction can all be explained through psychology, but again back in the day before we had these textbooks of information and set standards it all held the same mystery.

    The why’s of today that can’t be explained through science and psychology are also anyone’s guess! There’s a number of beliefs people have to explain it and I’m sure you’ll get a diverse amount of opinions.

  • kai-ote

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    In the field of quantum mechanics, strange things abound. Schrodingers cat is, at the same time, both alive and dead. Until the box is opened. Then, the wave function collapses and one remains real, and the other reality vanishes. The act of looking makes a choice, and reality becomes what you made it, by looking. Spooky action over a distance bothered Albert Einstein. The concept that information is the only thing that can travel faster than light. Instantly, between 2 entangled photons, quanta of light. It has been proven. And so on. The Universe may not only be stranger than we imagine. It might be stranger than we can imagine. Magic works. Someday we may know why. BB.

  • PossibleKangaroo

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    i like to think it’s not the actual objects or lines that have the meaning it’s the intention behind them, if you do a spell for love you may try a little harder to talk to more people or look a little nicer, same goes for weight loss, you may eat a little better. maybe it’s like a weird way of journaling?

  • Melonby77

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Thoughts have power, and intent + will is really what makes things happen. That’s why witchcraft works for everyone in different ways because if you use what you believe in then your results will be more effective.

  • youlookfabulous

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    I believe sigils work because the ritual process impresses your intention on your subconscious mind. Deeply accepting your intention influences your behavior and helps you bring it to fruition.

  • 666afternoon

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Everyone has their own explanation. Mine is at once both simple [it doesn’t] and complex [it does, because humans find meanings in random things, and that is ultimately what makes the difference]. I’ve stopped looking for a “real explanation” and just embraced the possibility that I’m operating on the placebo effect, and run with it haha

  • [deleted]

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm


  • FabulousAd6881

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Spirits and technology

  • Meandonlymeh

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    I’m pretty sure the self help spells work due to the open channels thing. One example is a beauty one where it helps to use all the basic stuff that would help anyone just look better but then people chalk it up to the spell obviously doing something.

    So sometimes it’s just people perceiving results that aren’t their i would think at least I just stalk here and read up on stuff but I don’t do any of it

  • Cheezzzecake

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Look up the hermetic laws.
    By aligning our mind (thoughts), body (actions) and spirit (intention), we adjust the vibration in our own field in order to manifest what we want to experience. We create a new thought form and then “charge” it with energy so to speak and therefore allow it to come into the physical by finally taking action on it – ritual.

  • ChewMyMeatForYou

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm
  • basementmagus

    November 11, 2021 at 8:49 pm

    Sigils are stylized desires, given form, and activated to impress the subconsciousness. The typical variety, exstatic sigils, are to be forgetten. This is the difficult part. This is apart of the psychological function of them, because the unconsciousness is better part of the self to cause manifestations, as opposed to the conscious mind that is harder to train (This is why Law of Attraction in my opinion, is bunk) and often a filthy traitor to our genuine desires.

    The unconsciousness is the gateway of deeper aspects of reality, thus dream incubation and hypnagognic prayer being effective tools of spirit contact and divination. It is also what makes scrying effective, as you must get into a trance state to get the most out of the practice. The randomized nature of cards, is something that also takes the conscious mind out of the equation.

    These sorts of things in my opinion, are the arts of lying to causality, thus a probability manipulation. That’s what operative sorcery is.

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