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    It has come to our attention that users from historically oppressed cultures are being silenced in popular witchcraft communities for defending their closed practices. We are truly sorry to hear that.


    WvP understands that the concept of intersectionality is not only applicable to feminism and politics, but also to our cultural and spiritual journeys. In the west, Christianity has colonized spirituality to the point where people’s lives were in mortal danger if their beliefs differed from those of their oppressors. African and Indigenous practitioners risked their lives to preserve their cultures against all odds. Our job now is to respect those who continue this work, and allow them to dictate their own rules regarding their practice.


    This subreddit deeply values the diversity of our subscribers.


    We would like to invite users to share their first hand experiences regarding cultural appropriation, if they wish to do so. (We simply ask you please be mindful not to share information that incites brigading.) We also encourage our white and/or Christian subscribers to take this opportunity to sit back and learn from those generous enough to share their POVs, and to digest the information before deciding to weigh in.


    In order to be “anti-patriarchy”, we must acknowledge the way colonialism and racism have dictated how we interact with the world. We do not know what this planet may have looked like if we did not confuse violent dominance with civility. The only thing we can do now, is give “minority” cultures the space to thrive on their own terms, and protect their freedom to do so as best we can.

  • WitchesVsPatriarchy is a safe space for witches of all backgrounds.

  • HMS_Sunlight

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    Before today I had no idea there was such thing as a “closed practice.” There’s always more to learn, and it’s important to listen to the wills of others.

  • [deleted]

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    So I’m a Tejana (from the South Texas-Mexico border)- even though that label has baggage-I use it because it speaks to my social location. My response is going to lean on the more practical and systemic approach- I hope.😂
    I source my ancestry and cultural upbringing for my practice. I followed the trail of my blood, which is mixed, and the cultural resonances present in my body to shape my relationship with the spirits of the land, the land itself, and the Divine energies. I sing when I do spell work, can literally buy spell /intention candles at the grocery store, and my ancestors are up on the wall of my living room for me to talk to and rant at. Part of my background is being a trained liberation theologian- which basically means that I’m hip to the fact that the white supremacy that convinces you Chipotle is acceptable (😘) is the same as the one that literally SELLS you *spiritual healing*. I don’t vibe with “spiritual centers” that “pray your healing away” by feeding you shit while re-traumatizing you. It’s no different than Christian perspectives that want to exorcise your depression out of you- the difference here is that these “spiritual healing centers” are counting on paternalistic whiteness to feed the desire for spiritual tourism and appropriation, while mainstream Christianity uses paternalism to promote absolute certainty and submission. Same bird different wing. If this “healing” works- it’s because it’s just expanding on the paternalism you as a YT person benefit from in a racist heteronormative society. Can you have beneficial experiences even though there’s paternalism present and they’re charging you thousands of dollars? Sure. But I’d give you the credit because paternalism has a vested interest in keeping you submissive and sick. The whole selling point of spiritual appropriation is making genocide acceptable to you and then selling these ideas as “ancient”. Girlll- that’s neocolonialism at its finest. These ideas of “transcendence” are built on the annihilation of people you’re trained to view as “primitive”- because apparently “primitive” people are too “underdeveloped” to benefit from THEIR OWN healing practices. Healing isn’t and shouldn’t be exploitative. If certain things resonate with you, check your bloodline and do your research, but for the love of all that is holy, do NOT pull some “my grandma was half-something” bullshit to justify spiritual appropriation.
    ***A lot of the time, cultural resonances are the only sacred knowledge we have, especially if we come from colonized people or have been forced to accept a colonial religion. De-indigenized indigeneity is a real thing, but not an excuse to be ignorant and spiritually appropriate. Do not underestimate the richness of your body’s resonances.***

    Being a trained theologian also really helps when reading astrology texts or texts on the Craft written by YT people. I can look for the things that are informative and call out the racism and absolutism when I see it, and I always run things by my ancestors and my own creativity. It’s also really helpful when sniffing out the people talking out of their ass vs. people who did their research. “Cure all”ideas and the “you’re doomed and here’s why” texts I stay away from, because I interpret them as banking on causing the reader to mistake dissociation for mysticism. (Mysticism is very real, and should be respected.) Super capirotada as we say, but oh well! I have not named the divine energies some might call deities I have a relationship with because they’re like family, and I’m currently recalibrating my life with them. Don’t believe anybody who tells you that you’re fucked over because of your Saturn placement and do not build altars to another person’s deities just because said person is cute, spiritual codependency is no fun. Eat Chipotle if you must, but say no to spiritual appropriation. Cuídense muchito!😘😘😘

  • tana-ryu

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    As someone with a very European heritage, I am really grateful to read these. I am working on learning my heritage and by reading everyone’s stories and thoughts, I can make sure that what I use in my practice isn’t closed to me.

    This is one of the most welcoming subs I am a part of. To everyone just finding us, please stick around and know that we accept all here.

  • [deleted]

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am


  • dragons_tree

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    saving this thread to read later. Kudos in advance to everyone brave enough to come forward with their experience and advice on this tough topic that’s extremely prevalent in the witchcraft scene.

    Y’all, even if you’re absolutely sure you can’t let go of some practice or deity, if someone whose culture it originates with is telling you it’s not good to do that, ignore your ego and take the hard to swallow pill. I am sure you can find another fulfilling way in that situation. Even magic practices (especially over the past 10-odd years) are being stolen, repackaged, and resold by colonial cultures. Be aware of it.

  • driftwood-and-waves

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    Ohhh every comment is literally a lesson I’m learning. Thank you for the mods posting this and for all you lovely people posting in this thread.

    I always love how much I learn when I come here.


  • GingerPhoenix

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    I want to echo the warmest welcome, I’m enthusiastically open to hearing anything my fellow witches are willing to share, even if I can’t participate or it’s difficult for me personally to hear. I so very much want to learn so that I can do better in supporting my fellow humans.

  • Kakashisith

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    Estonian Witch sends blessings!

  • abortionleftovers

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    I’m trying to learn more about what “closed practices” means and Google isn’t really helpful because most things I’m finding seem to mock that idea rather than explain it. Is it possible for someone with a good understanding of what that means to explain it here in this thread? Maybe we can a sticky post or a faq in the about section of the subreddit about what a closer practice is and maybe a helpful list of things that are closed? My friend brought me a white sage smudge when I moved into my house from a witch seller, I’m now seeing maybe that’s not appropriate for me to use, I would personally love a resource that helps let us know what practices shouldn’t be co-opted by anyone outside of a practice and if that’s something that you can or can’t convert to or learn, maybe even helpful resources for where to donate these items if we are given them inappropriately?

    Sorry if this isn’t helpful I just never want my practice to be one of harmful or stolen things.

  • No_Butterscotch8801

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    I wish more people and places were as open minded as this subreddit. The world can really learn a lot if they would just sit back and read once in awhile instead of thinking of more ways to oppress other genders and races and sexualities. Today I am proud to say I identify as a Gothic bratty princess who is still learning the craft. I think my intent needs to be stronger, but u won’t give up.

  • NotSinceCasanova

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    This may not exactly fit but, i thought it was worth a shot anyways.

    My father’s side is from around Serria Leone. I do know there were things besides Christianity practiced, but it’s almost impossible to find anything now. I know very little and asking most of my immediate family is out of the question as it stands. It’s very frustrating to see.

    I find going through roots on both sides of my family (i’m biracial, i should add,) is very difficult, seeing as a lot has been stamped out.

    I hope one day to learn more about my heritage, but for now I’m at a standstill.

  • uber-judge

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    I would just like to say that if you want to use a spell from a closed system. You will 90% of the time be able to find a version or another spell altogether that will have the same effect from a system that isn’t closed.

  • srslyeffedmind

    July 22, 2022 at 12:32 am

    The one named witchcraft bans anyone who stands up for themselves

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