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Forums Forums Tarot With it being Inauguration Day, I decided to do a 3 card pull to represent the next 4 years in the US.

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    With it being Inauguration Day, I decided to do a 3 card pull to represent the next 4 years in the US.

  • With it being Inauguration Day, I decided to do a 3 card pull to represent the next 4 years in the US.

    dontputmedown4cardio updated 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 20 Replies
  • NatureWalks

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    This is the Everyday Witch tarot deck by Deborah Blake, art by Elisabeth Alba.

    I did not do this with a past/present/future intent, just a general 3 card pull to get a feel of the next 4 years in the USA. My question specifically was “what do the next 4 years look like for the US.” I have to be honest, with the broken state we are in now (political views aside, there is a huge divide amongst the population, and a general negative vibe going on), I’m surprised by how positive this spread is.

    1. Two of pentacles. With the witch balancing on a board, I take this somewhat literally – a return or progression into a more balanced population. One that is not quite so divided. Possibly wealth more evenly divided, with the balance of the pentacles, but not entirely sure about that one.

    2. The sun – such positivity in this one! A general sense of coming together. Happier times ahead, celebrations, etc. Hopefully covid easing, and us physically being able to come together again.

    3. The star – i love this card! It gives me a sense of spiritual or general awakening. With her arms pointed towards the sky and the ground, “as above, so below.” Maybe a greater connection to our spiritual selves as a nation. (Or maybe that’s just me, as I’ve really had my own personal spiritual revolution recently, and I dont see that slowing down)

    I am very new to tarot, I have been reading daily since November, so still getting the hang of this and learning. Any other input or views on this spread appreciated. I’m having a hard time seeing how it can be so positive myself, but of course I’d love for it to be true! Is it possible that this is somehow a spread representing my next 4 years personally even with my ask being regarding the US as a whole?

  • banana-flavour

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    Solar transition and space exploration let’s gooooo

  • Capable_Curve4746

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    This might be the most beautiful Star card I’ve ever seen! I’ve wanted this deck for awhile and might actually go for it! Thanks for sharing!

  • AppleEatingHeathen

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    I feel the good vibes!
    Your interpretation feels good.
    Don’t forget, the Star also represents healing, especially after the destruction and fall of the tower (to be quite literal in the card progression of course.)

  • canardyyy

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    This deck is an adorable and whimsical deck! I have the mini version and my partner has the normal size.

    All cards minus 3-4 cards have a cat and some have many cats, and maybe one or two have a dog, which I just love and was a major selling point for me.

  • tinab3lch3r

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    This spread gives me hope for the future! Thanks for pulling and for sharing ✨❤️

  • thebladeofink

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    For me the Sun also represents turning on the light. The things hiding in the dark all get exposed and flushed out, which I think is very appropriate here. Once we can see things, we can work on them.

  • Butterfly2081

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm


  • yes_dinner

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    Wow! I see this as positive too! Thanks for the read, I’m optimistic as well ????

  • fingerguns4ever

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    Great reading!

    An added dimension that I thought of when I first saw this post:
    2 of pentacles has the juggling aspect, I think that that represents that the Biden administration has a lot of work to do, both in cleanup of the last four years and in advancing the country better than it has ever been, even before the Trump administration. While the reading does convey positivity and evokes relief, I think that it also draws out the idea that our work is far from over. It has only just begun.

  • itsmariboro

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    Wow wow wow what a great reading!!!! Happy inauguration day

  • Melodic_Bookworm

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    Aww this is my deck! I love it so much, and I love this reading

  • Greenmountainhiker

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    The Star is also Healing. How appropriate!!

  • carrybeans

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    beautiful deck!

  • eatpant96

    February 3, 2021 at 5:23 pm


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