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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Wondering if there’s anything I can do about this situation

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    I don’t really practice much, I have a few crystals laying about that I meditate with when I’m not feeling great and I cleanse my space with incense occasionally, then I have some tarot cards that I haven’t touched in months because the last few times I did readings they were so scarily accurate to the point that it was upsetting me (they warned me to prepare myself mentally for a significantly upsetting event, I kinda blew it off, and then I lost both of my cats to illness in the span of a week and was devastated). Then of course every so often I always have this back and forth argument with myself over whether I actually believe in this kind of stuff and if it would be a waste of time I dedicated years of my life to practicing a craft that might ultimately turn out to do nothing. Or that religious and/or spiritual practices are humanity’s attempt to find some kind of made-up meaning in an otherwise meaningless existence. Although this thought crosses my mind often, it is extremely sad to me to think that it might be the case… it feels like a boring and monotone pessimistic explanation. So, I’m kind of willing to try anything now I suppose.

    **I’m wondering if there’s something I can do about my situation at work.** We, like many places right now, are extremely short staffed. Most of the staff that used to work there left for higher-paying jobs unrelated to pharmacy, so these days we’re lucky to have 3 people back there doing the work of 8. Patients are complaining that the wait for their prescriptions is so long and some are yelling at the staff, my coworkers are stressed all the time, we’re constantly staying late to finish all of the work we needed to get done that day, and we’re hiring but absolutely *no one* has been applying. If there’s anything small I can do to elicit kindness and understanding from patients, protect my coworkers from negativity and harsh words, attract new employment, anything, I’d be willing to try it out.

    Tl;dr My workplace is understaffed as hell and me and my coworkers are constantly being yelled at by patients about it. I just want to know if there’s something small I can do, anything from attracting new hires to protecting myself and my coworkers against the yelling and the hateful things directed at us every day. Our pharmacist nearly cried the other day after a particularly tense conversation. I care for these people and I really want this situation to improve for all of us, as well as the patients whose meds we’re filling.

  • Wondering if there’s anything I can do about this situation

  • kai-ote

    November 17, 2021 at 6:35 am

    I am so sorry for all the crap people are throwing your way. Not only does no one deserve that, in my heart, you are a first responder in importance. What you do is risk your life everyday to provide life saving products to others. If I could I would give you and all your co-workers an award. A real one, as opposed to what you are going to get. I will get back to you later with some ideas to maybe help. I need to think about it first. In the meantime, I hope this helps at least a tiny bit. BB.

  • Dawdling_sphinx

    November 17, 2021 at 6:35 am

    Maybe a calming/clear communication spell? I have little spell bottle I made when my home situation was way to tense (aggressive non communication) and while the results aren’t perfect, they’re a whole lot better then it was.

  • Shorteeby40

    November 17, 2021 at 6:35 am

    You could try and do a honey jar spell to make the job offerings look extra sweet to job hunters. I’d print off the online job offerings and burn them then put the ash in the jar with the intent that it finds the perfect people for the job.

  • rogue232

    November 17, 2021 at 6:35 am

    You ignore your practice when times are good, you retreat from it when it tells you things you dont want to hear; then you expect it to save the day by making people be nice to ease the pain of a business that underpays and undervalues its employees?

    Yeah there is nothing magick will do for you. Why dont you put up a sign asking for patience and maybe petition your management/ownership to meet industry norms for employee wages. That will get you a lot further than a mojo bag or a candle spell.

    Think of your relationship with magick like its a friend. You get out of the relationship what you put into it. You dont call someone you only talk to at holidays to bail you out of jail at 3 in the morning.

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