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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Workplace harmony spell for my husband and his coworkers?

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    Hello all, baby witch here. I work with my husband at a tax office, and there has been a lot of workplace drama centered around three people in particular, one of them being my husband. Thankfully for myself, I’m not involved in the drama and remain blissfully invisible to everyone there. But it’s severely affecting my husband, and I’m sick of seeing him stress and break down over this. I want to help stop it or at least ease the tension somehow, if for no other reason than his mental health.

    My husband doesn’t really buy into the whole witchcraft thing, but he’s very supportive of my craft and even gave permission for me to cast spells on his behalf. So I’m trying to figure out the best possible way to create harmony between him and these two very abrasive people.

    I’ve seen honey jar spells for workplace harmony, but they’re always tailored to sweeten the relationship between the spellcaster and the person(s) they’re having issues with. Since I’m not the one dealing with the drama, I don’t need to be a part of the spell jar. But how do I adapt this kind of spell to work between two people who aren’t myself? Can I just write their names on a piece of paper and stick it in the jar? Or do I need a more complex setup, or a different kind of spell altogether?

    Thanks so much for reading / responding!

  • Workplace harmony spell for my husband and his coworkers?

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    April 12, 2023 at 7:16 pm

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  • Beelzebabe-x

    April 12, 2023 at 7:16 pm

    For these situations I usually go for peace sachets. I’ll make 3 or 4 of them and put them in the groups main common area to help promote peaceful resolutions and open communication. My peace sachets usually contain dried dill, dried lavender, pink tourmaline, and clear quartz, but you can use whatever herbs and stones and oils you prefer for peace, friendship, harmony, and communication. These are also helpful at home if roommates or siblings aren’t getting along. However if the issues are deeply rooted and long stemming, it’ll take more than just magic to find resolution.

  • mickle_caunle

    April 12, 2023 at 7:16 pm

    > how do I adapt this kind of spell to work between two people who aren’t myself? Can I just write their names on a piece of paper and stick it in the jar?


    > Or do I need a more complex setup, or a different kind of spell altogether?

    That’s entirely up to you, your preferences, and what you feel would be best for the situation at hand.

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