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Forums Forums Astrology Yay or nay? 11th house ought to be described more as “social connection” than exclusively just “friendships”.

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    venus in partners 11th house, with other complimentary romantic synastry aspects, technically leans on a “social connectedness”.

    Then we have the age of Aquarius (aq. ruling 11th house) supposedly being assigned to this technological revolution where humans are all more socially connected to each other than ever before.

  • Yay or nay? 11th house ought to be described more as “social connection” than exclusively just “friendships”.

     Arianna updated 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • StellaGraphia

    October 3, 2021 at 12:04 pm

    It’s very difficult to sort out the junk astrology online from the real. So, first, Aquarius does NOT rule the 11th house. Houses have no “natural signs” nor “natural planets” at all. That’s just a giant bit of bad information. Houses and signs are separate things.

    Second, the 11th is indeed about much more than “friendships”. In fact, while the 11th does represent friends, one-to-one friendships are also in the 7th house. It represents benefits we can receive from those we know, those in our circle, in our group, whatever that group may be – those we know or that know us. A good 11th house can help us in attaining our career, for example. Or reach our goals in other ways. It also represents one’s fans or audience, those that follow someone, for those who have a more public face or career.

    It’s our network that helps us get through life, whether that’s supportive or absent. It can be a network tied to some specific topic or work or endeavor or way of life, or just our general life network It can have to do with politics and political careers (because those usually require a following to work). It can also demonstrate how a kid can “get in with the wrong crowd” if there are too many stressors there. Either way, the 11th can inform us about how all that networking and support works, or doesn’t work well for us.

    Having a career heading up an organization can be shown in the 11th. Transits to the 11th can indicate something like that happening. Transits can also mean losing a friend, or “cleaning house” and changing up the kinds of people you are choosing to build your life with.

    The 11th is a succedent house and has to do with hope, reaching for our goals. Taking steps to reach our career goals.

    Try listening to the [11th house segment here]( (link is timestamped to 11th).

    As for the age of aquarius. it is not here yet, not for a few centuries yet. I’m afraid there is a lot of confusion about this, so it’s not hard to be misled. Many who put forth the idea that is has begun, have completely misunderstood the events of Dec 2020. That conjunction of jupiter and saturn had nothing to do with the ages. In fact, it was a whole different cycle, unrelated to the ages But there is just a general fad about the age now as well. It is not accurate. If you want a long, detailed explanation, including both science and astrology, [then listen to this podcast](

  • Beo1217

    October 3, 2021 at 12:04 pm

    Aqua does not rule the 11th house. A sign cannot rule a house.

  • samisnotonfireee

    October 3, 2021 at 12:04 pm

    I agree with this only because as an 11th house sun I look at relationships with people as how do they benefit me rather than the relationship with the person themselves , looking at relationships logically, brain over heart, I guess Is the best way to put it.
    The age of Aquarius to me is an age for yes, having the networks available for social power and dominance and new platforms Bc that makes sense within the 11th house to me.

    I think rather than social connected I would regard it as socially un-connected or even un-socially connected.

  • ThrowawayThisIsSilly

    October 3, 2021 at 12:04 pm

    i have venus in the 11th house….but i have no clue how it could affect me. all i know is, im not very much taurus like, as thats my venus sign

  • Howl_Wilder

    October 3, 2021 at 12:04 pm

    Hmmm then how would 7th house be defined?

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