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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Your best books and authors in the field

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    Hey guys!
    I would love some book and author recommendations about pretty much anything in the field of witchcraft. Which ones are your favourites?
    Thank you !

  • Your best books and authors in the field

  • Anna_Bubbles

    March 10, 2022 at 7:45 pm

    I really like the books that Arin Murphy-Hiscock has put out. I recently started reading and working through *Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide To Meditation, Magick & Manifestation* by Mat Auryn and honestly, absolutely loving it so far. It’s laid out like a class, and there’s exercises that it gives you. Then each exercise builds upon the last one, and it’s been very helpful.

  • ACanadianGuy1967

    March 10, 2022 at 7:45 pm

    For spells pretty much anything by Judika Illes. Cat Yronwode’s stuff is pretty good too.

    For how-to instructions on doing magick look for Paul Huson (in particular “Mastering Witchcraft”) and Scott Cunningham’s stuff (lots of Wiccan material in Cunningham’s work, but you can ignore that if it’s not your thing and still get lots of excellent magical instruction.)

  • Stardust-Nymph

    March 10, 2022 at 7:45 pm

    The crooked path by Kelden for traditional non-wiccan centered witchcraft. It has practice activities at the end of every chapter to hone your skills.

    Backwoods witchcraft by Jake Richards for Appalachian conjure/rootwork.

    The Green witch by Arin Murphey-Hiscock for beginner witches wanted to learn how to set up altar spaces, gardens, daily practice and some commonly used herbs/crystals.

    Cunninghams encyclopedia of magical herbs by Scott Cunningham has pictures and correspondences of almost every herb I could think of. I reference it often.

    The book of candle magic by Madame Pamita is the absolute go to for candle Magic. It goes through everything and even has beautiful illustrations. You would not need another book on the subject.

    The Conjure Cookbook by Talia Felix is a recpie book that has the major hoodoo oil/powder recpies like uncrossing, van van etc.

    Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison if you are wanting to learn about hexes/curses.

    Encyclopedia of 5,000 spells by Judika Illes is the most referenced spell book.

  • mingxingai

    March 10, 2022 at 7:45 pm

    Holy Water Prayers of the Virgin Mary by Carl Nagel and Psalm Magic by Anna Riva

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