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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Your not cursed or hexed, or jinxed or whatever, your fine. Here’s how having a spell put on you feels.

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    So I see posts about how this person put a spell on me this, that person put a spell on me that. I’m here to tell you you’re fine and the reason you got in a car crash is because someone wasn’t looking where they were going, or the reason that most bad things happen to you is because you weren’t thinking things through and caused a butterfly effect.

    Here are the symptoms of a spell being put on you.

    Suddenly feeling like a dark shroud was pulled over your body. Sometimes you can psychically pick up what what color the shroud is and determine what spells were used by the color. Usually it’s black or grey if you feel this.

    Confusion followed by dizziness and depression. Disorientation. Feeling of impending doom. Sometimes your ancestors will warn you that something is wrong by making your electronics bug out and click on things you didn’t mean to click.

    (See a doctor if you experienced this because you’re probably either having a stroke or a heart attack. )

    Feeling like a very low voltage current is flowing through your body. Likely a tingling sensation all over your body.

    . (Also see a doctor for this one because it could be heart related)

    If it was a love spell, you might smell colors or taste colors or even hear a slight tinkle of bells followed by feeling euphoria and smelling flowers and lovely scents that you follow and it leads to one person.

    These are the symptoms I know of, if anyone has anything to add, feel free to comment below.
    I feel like I covered my bases with the see a doctor warnings, but please add on or correct anything I got wrong. This is all from personal experience, and directly related to my spells either backfiring or accidentally touching a cursed object thrown in the garbage at work.

    Edit; thanks for telling me about the dissociation. I’ll make sure to mention it to my doctor.

    Edit 2, electric boogaloo; I do have a mental defect but I try not to let it get in the way of my craft. Sometimes I get carried away, but usually I try to practice a healthy dose of skepticism in order to not let this illness win. So if these sound like something else, I apologize. I try to stay on the side of reality, but illusion tries to trick me into staying with them.

  • Your not cursed or hexed, or jinxed or whatever, your fine. Here’s how having a spell put on you feels.

  • [deleted]

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    Some of these can also be symptoms of dissociation. Which can also come on for the first time rather suddenly.

  • Earlybird1993

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    So like depression, anxiety, and opioid withdrawal? Lol

  • lovebunnieb

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    These are also symptoms of dissociation

    And I have derealization/depersonalization, so this kinda sucks ;((

  • Helpfulricekrispie

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    These are also symptoms of anxiety disorders and depression.

  • Squishy-Cthulhu

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    As someone with periods of mania and depression I must be getting love spells put on me and curses every few days lol

  • kai-ote

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    Where do you work where they throw cursed things into the garbage?

  • wissthebeast

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    I remember a time when this was all happening to me for a long time. Here’s what I’d have to add to that though.

    1) I would have scary dreams, sometimes just waking up in a cold sweat and terrified often 2-3 times a night

    Id also experience some dreams that led me to believe my ancestors were telling me to just dump my fiance.
    We were sitting very high up on the same tree branch facing each other giggling with glee, then the branch broke and she fell all the way down. I didn’t fall, but when she landed and died 2 people looked up at me as if saying: you know what to do.

    ( Now ex fiance, she was responsible for the hexing and cheated on me left and right, most likely cast a love spell over me too, but I didn’t belief in all this at the time )

    2) I would have bouts of depression, anxiety, fear, or impending doom at random times during the day without cause, and my hair would stand straight up on my arms and head (recovering from a buzzcut lol)

    3) Some things would move around me that shouldn’t move; I.E. a heavy 🥄 in an empty cup, the door, finding broken ornaments at home where we have neither kids nor pets over, ect…

    4) Flashes of light with no light source.

  • Redz0ne

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    >Feeling like a very low voltage current is flowing through your body. Likely a tingling sensation all over your body.

    Can confirm. It can sometimes feel like hot nettles digging into your flesh. Sometimes, if it’s a curse because of an obsessing spirit of some kind, you might feel a sharp jabbing sensation somewhere on your body.

    Also, hot rushes of energy that feel like crackling/stinging fire.

  • nation543

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    TIL I’m cursed 🤔

  • mermmmaid

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    How does one go about countering such a curse/spell?

  • BlueMoon5k

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    When your dreams feel crystalline and “not yours” is another give away .

  • yoserena_

    November 17, 2021 at 12:33 am

    In my culture when a woman does a love spell on a man they call it “a tie”. Many women in my family have claimed to “tie” their husbands and boyfriends. I have a cousin who says she does not believe in the craft, I was always skeptical about her because she tends to have men at her beck and call its actually uncomfortable how these men idolize her.

    Any who, I ran into one of her ex’s years ago and he told me he always felt off when he was with my cousin. He did not want to be with her, not romantically or casually but yet he just couldn’t leave, he claimed he felt like he was doing things against his will, as if someone has control over his body.

    I mean I’m not sure if she really “tied” him or if he was just a punk and didn’t know how to break up with her.

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