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    Assuming I can’t jump into tarot cause I’m new to all this, what are some good tips to get me prepared for tarot later on?

  • BW wanting to learn tarot

  • uhhh_QUE

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    When you get your new deck if it’s a fresh deck ordered and delivered, you’re gonna want to open it up on a big space and separate the contents so they can breathe for a bit. This will help prevent static when you’re ready to use them.

    When you’re ready to start using them you can make notes of your readings that can include the question you’re asking, the number or cards you’re using, your answers and a summary ect. (I treat mine like a diary entry and note down the date, weather, moon phase, and give a brief run down of events leading up to my question).

    Don’t be afraid to keep referencing the guide book if you need to, your intuition in understanding the cards will develop with time and practice those definition will also vary among the deck’s artist so they will change a little bit with each deck.

    Usually the guide books will have a definition for the right side up and the upside down/reverse version.
    Imo you don’t need to do that if you don’t want to, just look at both together and keep looking back at your question and previous cards in the spread and see which one fits.

    Shuffling will help you build up a callous but in the mean time papercuts are inevitable.

  • Constant-Ring-4916

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    If you’re not ready yet don’t worry about rushing in. You can familiarize yourself with the cards and symbolism first. Start with the suits: what do the pentacles(or coins) represent? What themes recur throughout them? Then onto the next. Start with the 1 and learn your way up. Look for patterns. Do the themes progress as the numbers increase? Do individual numbers have certain meanings throughout? Then turn to the Major arcana. Learn what they represent. Keep in mind for tarot to be effective as a divination tool it has to represent life in all its facets, past, present, and future. By just learning about the cards you will also be learning about life. Best of luck to you.

  • Hussut

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    Jump! there isn’t steps, just get you a tarot deck. I found that the easiest deck to learn on is the Rider Waite style, and there’s so many decks in that style with beautiful artwork now besides the original, that one will call to you I’m sure! I don’t know why you assume that you can’t just jump in and have to prepare. What ever the reason, it just isn’t true. In fact a lot of peoples journeys into the craft or interest in it started with some story like ” I bought a tarot deck…” check out Amazon, Etsy, or if your lucky enough to have a New Age store there. Go get you a deck!

  • savangoghh

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    You can absolutely jump right in. There is no rule saying you can’t or shouldn’t. If you’re new to Tarot, my first piece of advice would be to spend some time with your cards to connect your energy. You can do this by carrying them around with you or sleeping with them underneath your pillow. This is just my belief, not everyone believes this. I believe we connect to our cards this way. I also believe in praying over my cards and telling them how I want them to work for me. In light and in love, etc. Only the truth and highest good, etc. And lastly, I cleanse them with sage smoke (there are alternatives to sage if you don’t use it / have it). You can always set them out in the moonlight for a cleansing as well. Again, just my belief! I hope this helps! **Blessed be :)**

  • BenniOctopus

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    My only advice is to wait and find a deck that really calls to you, you’ll have a deeper connection that way. Good luck and I hope to get a reading from you in the future 🔮✨

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    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

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  • realhuman8762

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    Start with a simple deck and learn one card a day, or week of whatever period works for you. And get a journal that helps you learn over time.

    I grew up with tarot and my mom would put one card on the board with our calendar and stuff every week. That way you couldn’t really forget about it but it was a more passive way to learn than to sit down and like study.

    Also, just do reading with an interpretation book. Practice makes perfect!

  • Elon_is_musky

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    (My two biggest tips are at the bottom if you wanna skip this long winded comment☺️)
    Everyone else told you right, jump into it! It’ll take some time to get to a place of familiarity with it so imo the sooner you start the better! And look into oracle to add to it too later on. I mean you could technically start oracles right away, but since you’re trying to learn an ENTIRELY new form of reading cards I’d suggest waiting until you feel like 70% comfortable with your cards (aka, you don’t need to consult your guidebook for every card).

    If you don’t know: oracle cards are like tarot, except the don’t follow the same format of cups, pentacles, swords, wands, & major arcana. They can be ANYTHING & say anything, so that’s why I suggest waiting cause those usually take longer to learn (unless you are strictly intuition based, but tbh if you’re new I suggest reading the book at least a few times with your readings so you have the gist)

    I don’t consider myself an expert at ALL, hell barely an intermediate since I mainly do readings for my friend😂but as someone who still feels like a newbie, I fully suggest watching other readers online!! I’ve heard SO MANY interesting interpretations for cards that I’ve been able to incorporate when I feel it matches in my own readings. Plus some even use cards you may have so it’s fun seeing your deck being read by someone else🥰

    Another deck choosing tip: you can often check google/youtube for more pictures of the deck you like. [Aeclectic Tarot]( has a LOT of tarot decks (and you can choose by theme!) & reviews if they’ve used them.

    Oh, and I HIGHLY suggest you make sure your first deck is “standard” (cups, swords, wands, pentacles, normal major arcana)! I made the mistake of choosing my first deck without looking up the pics cause it was animals and it turned out to have a COMPLETELY different naming system and it was so confusing! The guidebook was too “positive” (cause not every answer is bubblegums & lollipops lol) & they didn’t have ANY indication on what the conversion was in their guidebook (they used seasons: winter, autumn, etc) & if I remember correctly had no normal major arcana names, so I couldn’t even look it up on my own🙄not all guidebooks will resonant, so being able to find a site (Biddy is a personal favorite, someone else suggested it too) is great

    Edit fixed the tarot card link

  • BaahImAGoat

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    You can totally jump right in.

    I like to close my eyes, clear my mind, picture a white light, imagine only the guides/spirits/entities of my choosing who wish only the best for me be present, block out all negative entities who might wish chaos, pranks or harm on me, then I ask my question and visualize the spread and the meaning of the positions and then I shuffle until I feel an urge to stop (personally, I get a tickle in my wrist when I need to stop). Then I cut and draw. And when I’m done I close my eyes, clear my mind and say thank you.

    You can come up with whatever ritual works force you and feels right. I’d just urge you to always show respect for your cards and your guides with however you practice.

  • DMK-17

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    Why do you assume that?
    Theres plenty of people who do nothing else with Witchcraft except for Tarot or start out with Tarot. Its not an “expert witch” thing. If Tarot is what you want to start with than I would say; get yourself a deck and Tarot book and start your journey.

  • Chaotic_empty

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    Why wouldn’t you be able to jump into tarot? Because you dont know the meanings of the cards?

    Just get a deck and see how the images speak to you *before* you read the information booklet that comes with every tarot deck ever.

    Also a notebook to write down your spreads/readings always helps.

  • SmeepyGoose

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    Thanks so much to everyone I was originally under the impression that I had to wait to do it but I’ll look into getting my first deck now 🥰

  • kai-ote

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    The overall comments all say the same thing. You don’t need to wait. Go shopping and get a deck. The old rider-waite is a great first one. Get a small cloth bag for it, and sleep with it under your pillow for a few days, then just start looking at all the cards.

  • velvetmarigold

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    Tarot is how I started getting into witchcraft! It’s very beginner friendly and very fun and useful! Buy a deck. They are a lot of good, free resources online to help with interpretation. There are also subreddit s like r/seculartarot that are helpful.

  • basementmagus

    November 15, 2021 at 9:23 pm

    You can learn divination at any time, and personally, I’d actually recommend starting right now. Tarot, along with playing cards, Lemorand, and Oracle cards, is a cartomancy. All of these are equally valid, and I’ve done tarot reading for two decades. Been more into playing cards recently as a cartomancy style, as they can be used in spell work and are more accessable than tarot for some, and cheaper.

    Get a small deck of the cartomancy style you want to learn, learn some shuffling techniques, and I highly recommend with tarot starting with either the OG Rider-Wait or another highly evokative deck whose symbolism can be easily convayed.

    I read with tarot through a method of creating a story, my spread (Spreads are how you arrange pulled cards, and what they represent) often conveying the mIn character (yourself or someone you are reading) and events of the past and present, and possible futures. This is very intuitive, and I let my “gut” lead me here.

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