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    I know the title is a bit studip because sure they can..

    I’ve had several readings over the years and I want to understand more about how it works.

    As I understand it is a bit like tarot cards right? The cards pick up on my energy at that moment. Is it the same mechanism with psychics? Like the readings can be affected by my own beliefs at that moment? And if you change your beliefs would the outcome be different?

    Thank you for reading ❤💗💚

    EDIT: thanks you so much everyone for writing out your thoughts! It was really interesting to read, and i read all of them <3 also everyone got an upvote. It seems like the answer is “yes AND no”, because free will, change of “timeline” and the psychics ability. All of yout answers make perfectly sense <3

  • Can a psychic be wrong?

     Madelyn updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • AfroKhmer

    November 2, 2021 at 10:07 pm

    It can be similar to tarot cards, but I think it comes down to how well they’re connected to their gift(s) and intuition. In relation to the tarot, if one doesn’t learn the meanings behind the cards, they can have a limited interpretation of them versus someone who’s well versed in it’s symbolisms and meanings. The same thing *could* happen with a psychic. There could be someone who can give more limited messages which can possibly feel “off” or “wrong” versus psychics who have stronger abilities and are able to glean more from the messages they receive.

  • 4nciuvi5

    November 2, 2021 at 10:07 pm

    It can change at any moment so yes it can be false

  • leokaltoid

    November 2, 2021 at 10:07 pm

    >Like the readings can be affected by my own beliefs at that moment? And if you change your beliefs would the outcome be different?

    This is what makes readings unfalsifiable. If you don’t achieve the promised outcome from the reading, you wind up asking questions like this. A bit like religion. If you pray to god and he doesn’t answer your prayers, then you just didn’t believe hard enough. The real question here is, is there a god listening to your prayers?

    But then again, this is a religion, if you think about it. Instead of praying to god, you’re praying to a psychic.

    >I’ve had several readings over the years and I want to understand more about how it works.

    I’ve had hundreds of readings over the past 15 or 16 years. ALL of them turned out to be wrong. My advice to you is to stay away from readings. The people who you think are psychic are not really psychic at all. They’re just giving you advice based on their experiences. But because they have the title of psychic in front of their name, you put their advice on a metaphysical pedestal without any verification of what they’re telling you.

    >And if you change your beliefs would the outcome be different?

    The fact that a promised outcome from a reading can change, because your beliefs have changed, should be a huge red flag. Just because you change your beliefs doesn’t automatically mean your reality is going to change.

    Here’s an example. It is believed that humans cannot fly. Now change your belief so that you, a human, can fly. Let’s see if you will now start to levitate like Clark Kent.

    The only way your beliefs are going to change your outcome is if you took actions to interact with the world around you, physically. And even then, there is no guarantee of anything.

    Here’s a more relatable example that I have seen so many people in /r/lawofattraction ask about. Getting their ex to come back into their lives. If your boyfriend or girlfriend decides they don’t want to be with you, then that’s it. It’s over. I mean, you can beg, you can hope, you can dream, but if they’re done with you, then they are done. No amount of belief is going to change that.

    And that goes for double if it’s been years since you last spoke to them. Your belief cannot reach their mind. It cannot influence them to change their decision. Whether or not telepathy is actually possible… that’s a different can of worms.

    Anyways, the takeaway here is this. What is the point of a reading if the future is quote on quote “always changing?” What is the point, when at the end of they day, you’ll just come back here wondering if your beliefs changed your future and took away what was promised to you?

  • ThePastOfMyFuture

    November 2, 2021 at 10:07 pm

    Yes exactly. time is fluid. just one change of outcome on someone else’s end, could change yours too. so at the time it is accurate and could come to be but everyone and everything has free will to not at any given moment. We Can Only Fully Depend On God and Jesus.

  • Voodooyogurtcustard

    November 2, 2021 at 10:07 pm

    Oh yes, absolutely they can be wrong.

    Even the best of best can’t claim 100% accuracy, 100% of the time, and don’t trust anyone who does. Readings are purely the advice & opinions of that reader, based on the interpretations they make of a situation, filtered through their own personal bias, at that particular moment in time. That’s all. There are no guarantees.

    Sometimes it’s a simple misinterpretation of whatever they feel, sometimes it’s a case of making a future prediction (because the future is malleable, it’s never set in stone and we all have free will, we can change our future paths – even if you stay on the same path, others affecting the outcome may not) and sometimes it’s just….out & out wrong!

    Anyone who has had more than a few readings will have experienced at least one that’s so outlandishly wrong it’s laughable! Sometimes from readers who have previously been spot on every other time. If you scroll through the sub, you’ll see plenty of tales where people have got readings that were wrong, some slightly, some way off. It’s not just you, nor anything you did.

    It happens.

  • Orion_de_siderum

    November 2, 2021 at 10:07 pm

    IMO psychics aren’t ever wrong, their reading your current vibes and current vibes may lead you down a very different path by you freedom of will and choice. You may end up choosing the ladder than alternative which would result in a different outcome. But like I said thats just my opinion. Life choices equate different results. At that moment you might go right than through freedom of choice go rogue and take a left

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