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Forums Forums Astrology Do you think, that a lot of people simply don’t believe in astrology because they simply never explored themselves enough to identify with what’s in their chart?

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    So even if it’s the truth that’s given to them they wouldn’t accept it because they themselves aren’t aware of it being true? Because sometimes the information that your very own chart can reveal to you requires that you don’t just have the knowledge about yourself that you abtain by “accident” but intentionally and consciously went out of your way to get to know yourself in life on a deeper level, and if you haven’t then how would you know that something is true about you if you haven’t experienced it to be true yet? Could it be that a lot of people just don’t have the time to go to that depth ever? And that’s the reason they deny the realness of astrology in general?

  • Do you think, that a lot of people simply don’t believe in astrology because they simply never explored themselves enough to identify with what’s in their chart?

     quesqotrickster updated 1 year, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • frenchtoast_is_dead

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    I think it’s more like astrology gets presented in a really shallow way, in terms of how much the general public really knows about it. And so it gets a bad rep because many only know about Sun sign astrology. And then even past that, some will know the basics of moon or rising etc. but don’t really understand the extent of what that could mean for them, so if it doesn’t seem to “click” instantly then it’s just easier to write it off.

  • Lopsided_Bid_5100

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    In my opinion when people think of “astrology” they just think of sun signs and generalized horoscopes that in reality aren’t really astrologically based, at least the ones they see. I do not think they go in depth or even know to go into more depth to learn their chart. I think you can find at least one thing in your chart that resonates, whether it’s a placement in a certain house or a specific aspect. Or exploring your sidereal chart to see if that’s more accurate for you. I don’t think they go below surface level whether it’s out of pure ignorance or they think they’re too good for it.

  • goofygoobergworl

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Astrology has been so grossly generalized in the media that the majority of people think astrology only consists of a Sun sign. That’s why most people say it’s fake, because they don’t resonate with those made up horoscopes found in magazines and on the internet. When presented with a whole birth chart, some people become more receptive to it but others still ignore the possibility of legitimacy. I honestly think the biggest reason is because of how heavily stigmatized astrology has become in the media.

  • hubsmash

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Self-awareness is not a product of a belief system, it is a product of inner seeking.

    Some belief systems inspire further inner seeking and others do not.

    Believing in astrology does not mean one is more capable of introspection.

    I recommend we avoid putting humans in boxes. Each is unique, and any and all of the words anyone uses to describe a group of humans distinctly denies their infinite uniqueness and divinity.

    If someone doesn’t believe in astrology it is because they do not call for that information at the present time. It does not indicate ANYTHING about them other than “This individual doesn’t believe in astrology”. Everything else is presumptive guesswork and irrelevant judgement of ego to ego.

    I used to think astrology was nonsense too. When the individual calls and is ready, astrology will present itself again and illumination may occur.

    The information and systems of belief that are useful for the seeker will come as the seeker readies for them and calls for answers. The answers one seeks will arrive at the precise moment they will provide the most impact and learning. If one is ignorant, it is well, for it is an area they will realize they are confused and pursue knowledge.

    Understanding must be born of confusion, or there is no question to be answered. Confusion is a gift.

  • chiberashka_

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Yes. For me personally, after learning about birth charts/ more info then just my sun sign, astrology started to make a lot more sense/resonate with me. In my experience, and people I’ve talked to, know very little about astrology(only sun signs)but will talk down about it. I think this is due to the fact that I’m in the Bible Belt and astrology is seen as a taboo/ demonized and said to be “witchcraft” as an insult.

  • JarlShitpost

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    I don’t know, the idea that people who believe in astrology are just more self aware seems kind of elitist to me. I’m sure people who don’t believe in astrology would say the opposite. I think there are so many factors going into your chart that could all manifest in different ways that allow a certain level of subjectivity in astrology, and some people just don’t resonate with that.

  • [deleted]

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm


  • euphoriaarmoire

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Yeah, most of the general public just sees sun sign horoscopes and AI-generated astrology.

    I thought it was dogshit until I was pretty much forced into being educated about it by someone I liked. Most people just are not willing to do any of the research or hear the historical arguments. They say “pseudoscience” even though none of us claim it to be a “science”.

  • [deleted]

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    this is by design

    The planets are the rules that everyone and everything has to follow. there are no exceptions to this. If you break them,which most people do, things do not go well but if you know them you understand how to play the game. So why on earth would the powers that be allow the common folk the knowledge to get ahead?

    even Disney plays by the rules. The Loki series was released during mercury retrograde on a Wednesday which is mercury’s day.

    Even hawkeye was released two days into sagittarius season.

  • stitchkelly

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Well, I suppose that could happen; but in general no. Astrology is a vague and esoteric subject and somebody may not resonate with their chart for a lot of different reasons, but it would be just as valid for them to say that we are shoehorning their identity to fit their chart. Keep in mind that even knowing down to the second of your birth time and an exact geographic location, you can share nearly identical placements with dozens or perhaps hundreds of people who were born at the same time you are, each completely different from one another. The planetary energies are going to manifest themselves completely differently from person to person, and can be heavily affected by the context around them.

    I actually have an amazing example. So I am lucky enough to know two of the children who were born the same day and same place I was, as my mom became friends with their moms that day. We will call them Mary and Chris. Mary, Chris; and I, all share the moon in our first house in Scorpio, Mary and I to the same degree, Chris a few degrees after. Now for Chris, this is pretty on the nose, he’s very moody in a Scorpio sort of way, and it’s very obvious because it’s in his first house and is tied to his identity. Mary and I are also very Scorpionic, we take more after our sun sign, but our Scorpio ascendent is more obvious than the Scorpio moon because of our fashion (we both gear toward darker more edgy clothing) Apart from that, the three of us would seemingly have nothing in common. I’m a bookish nerd, Mary is an eclectic free spirit who does lots of art, Chris is athletic and loves hunting. A lot of this can be broken down into our families and their placements. My mom is a cancer stellium, her ruling planet is the moon, so being in my first house it reflects much more as “you are exactly like your mother”, as opposed to Mary, who’s father is a Scorpio Sun, her moon and ascendent being in Scorpio means that she is emotionally and outwardly going to take after her father (an artist) , and thus each of us will absorb our parents traits through our Scorpio zodiac filter. As for Chris? He’s a few degrees later than us, and has Saturn in opposition with his moon, which Mary and I do not have. This tiny adjustment changed a lot about him, as it creates a tenuous relationship between his emotional side and his responsible side, and makes him seem deeply angsty, as he also tries to emulate and take after more of his opposing Saturn in Taurus (trying to be more responsible and down to earth). Sorry if that was a lot.

  • cracker-please

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Why does anyone have to believe in astrology? I love astrology but I don’t consider myself a believer of it. It isn’t a religion for me. It is a fun thing that gives me a lot of insight into myself and my motivations but really it is just..a thing I do for purely for me. It isn’t important that my family and friends believe in it. Really, it is ok to love something and not force it on everyone else. Your special interest is just that: *your* special interest. And there are many reasons why people don’t like astrology. They have only interacted with it in a superficial way, they don’t like to feel like they are being stereotyped, etc etc. And that is ok. If they aren’t dismissive or rude, just let them be. And even if they are dismissive or do you and ignore them. Don’t let anyone take away your joy.

  • Mohan1518

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Yes! to the question posted. This is why astrology was often not shared with people until they were 35 years of age, when you start to learn who you really are and have enough life events to recognize the symbolism in the chart. And, some people seem to think we’re all the same, essentially. Mad, sad or glad. They can’t see that each person is an ocean of experience and uniqueness. So they’re less likely to even engage in these kinds of discussions. I had one client who argued with me through most of his chart reading, and when I said his Mars and Saturn in the 7th makes him argumentative (the house of face to face interaction), he of course could not admit to it. But I realized he wasn’t arguing my reading of his chart, he was really arguing because that was how he sees his role in nearly every discussion (to aggressively/Mars, shut down/Saturn). Obviously, this made his multiple marriages difficult. But he left pretty certain that astrology is bogus, even though he proved it true through the whole thing.

  • Strange_Public_1897

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    A lot of people are logical who don’t believe in Tarot. Like hard facts, don’t believe in religion, pro-science, think it’s a gimmick. They read about their sun sign and think it’s all in accurate.

    It’s not till you actually read them based on their moon & Mercury, they get quiet and want to hear more.

    Sometimes you gotta read a person raw astrologically to get them to stop nit-picking a topic they have no understanding off.

  • Thelovemonk

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    I agree with this statement. This is something that I’ve considered as well. People haven’t taken the time to get to know themselves truly. Therefore some elements of their chart seem foreign to them.

  • renegadellama

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    People imitate other people, especially their peers. Science is the new religion and astrology is not scientific on a basic level. Although science is just theory the higher you go.

    People are more likely to believe in the multiverse theory because it’s tied to physics over astrology. Even though *theory* is in the name.

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