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Forums Forums Astrology Do you think, that a lot of people simply don’t believe in astrology because they simply never explored themselves enough to identify with what’s in their chart?

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    So even if it’s the truth that’s given to them they wouldn’t accept it because they themselves aren’t aware of it being true? Because sometimes the information that your very own chart can reveal to you requires that you don’t just have the knowledge about yourself that you abtain by “accident” but intentionally and consciously went out of your way to get to know yourself in life on a deeper level, and if you haven’t then how would you know that something is true about you if you haven’t experienced it to be true yet? Could it be that a lot of people just don’t have the time to go to that depth ever? And that’s the reason they deny the realness of astrology in general?

  • Do you think, that a lot of people simply don’t believe in astrology because they simply never explored themselves enough to identify with what’s in their chart?

     quesqotrickster updated 1 year, 9 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • clamchauder

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    I read somewhere aversion to astrology has roots in misogyny, although I can’t quite make the connection.

    It’s something that mostly women are into — but is that the only reason to hate it?? From lurking on male subreddits, a reason that’s often put out there is they think astrology gives women “an excuse to justify being a bitch” 🙄

  • Several-Spare6915

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Yes maybe or they just think it’s dumb when it’s not

  • [deleted]

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Considering the vast majority of the world doesn’t even believe in legal free speech, I won’t bemoan people their lack of access or ability to consider wider ideals. The ability to even consider astrology is pretty nice, just enjoy the stuff you enjoy.

  • chankoroinsecticide2

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    There have been astrology detractors as far back Roman times. Chris Brennan cites a detractor in his Hellenistic astrology 101 book when trying to piece together another method.

    With that said, part of the issue is two fold: bad practitioners (I lump myopic newspaper sun sign nonsense in this group as well). Bad practitioners have existed since the dawn of time. Can’t do much to remedy this but there are also bad doctors and scientists so it isn’t a problem solely limited to astrology.

    There’s also a degraded pedagogy of astrological material from its heyday (Greco Roman, Arabic, to early medieval) which makes the practice of astrology in the modern era west poor or haphazard.

    There have been decades and a few centuries where astrology in the west died out leaving the tradition a mess.

    Contrast this with vedic astrology which has had a continuous tradition and is far more practiced.

    I’m skeptical of most modern innovations in astrology. Anything 20th century onward is dubious. It’s either tainted with feel good psychological gobbledygook or is outright new agey with no basis in the philosophical tradition.

    I’ll take Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto into consideration when they aspect the classical planets but that’s as far as I go.

    I don’t see the point of asteroids when there are other developed systems that achieve the same effect.

    I also think placidus is a jenky house system(see house interceptions) and it’s an utter shame it is the default for most apps and sites.

    Im grateful there’s a small but strong traditional astrology community that is pushing forward with a revival of the classical way of doing things.

    I’ve convinced detractors using classical astrology because it’s rooted in classical philosophy which a keen mind appreciates.

    Personally I’ve struggled with modern astrology. the over reliance on transits, primary directions, modern house systems, asteroids, and the like. It wasn’t until I went back to the Greeks that it started to make sense. After learning how to delineate a chart the way the Greeks and Romans would, discovering the lots, annual perfections, and then the creme de la creme of astrological techniques: zodiacal releasing I’m of the belief that there needs to be a reformation of astrology where techniques not rooted in some philosophical basis be tossed out.

  • zugabdu

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Astrology non-believer here. I’m not here to dunk on anyone who believes in astrology or change your minds. I do think it’s worth providing some perspective on how this question looks to someone on the outside.

    First of all, believers in astrology often rightly complain that astrology skeptics can be rude, insulting and mean-spirited. I see a similar spirit of hostility toward us in this question. There’s this assumption that “if you don’t believe in astrology it’s because there’s something wrong with you.” I’ll be honest, that sounds really obnoxious and does absolutely nothing to make astrology more persuasive to someone like me.

    Secondly, I personally don’t believe in astrology because I don’t find the claims made on its behalf persuasive. To me, the thing that matters is not how complex natal charts are, or how much depth of astrological knowledge one can have. I’ve found that different astrology proponents make different claims about what astrology does or does not do, but to the extent astrology makes claims that can be tested with rigorous controls, they don’t pass. Scientists and laypeople who are particularly enthusiastic about science don’t disbelieve astrology because they’ve simply dismissed it or it’s never occurred to them to explore it; it’s just that we have a fairly rigorous standard of evidence for claims as strong as those made on behalf of astrology and we’re not satisfied by the evidence. Again, I’m not trying to change your mind. For you, astrology may be part of a personal, spiritual practice or your judgments about the evidence may be different. That’s fine. But please, we’re not just dummies who haven’t bothered to try it.

    Also, this idea that we’re not introspective enough or aren’t sufficiently thoughtful about our lives is, frankly, kind of insulting. For some people, it’s clear that astrology fulfills a personal spiritual need, or it’s a link to a community that’s important to them, or they think it helps them make good decisions. For many of us, it’s not necessary. I have been largely satisfied by a life lived without the aid of astrology and do not see a need for it, so I don’t invest time and money studying something that I do not believe is reliable anyway.

    I, and I think most other non-believers in astrology stand in the same relation to it that all of you do to religions you don’t believe in. I’m going to assume, for example, that none of you are Muslim (my apologies to those of you who might be). You don’t have an obligation to investigate Islam, try practicing it, or study it in all its rich complexity (if you think astrology is complex, try studying Islamic law) in order to come to the conclusion that it’s not for you. Life is short, and I don’t think it’s fair to expect everyone to take a deep dive into every possible belief system there is. Not every personal spiritual practice works for, is persuasive to, or is necessary for everyone.

    Anyway, I realize this thread is probably intended more for believers, but since it’s about non-believers, I thought I’d try to provide an actual non-believer’s perspective.

  • Eliotbusymoving

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Most people I know just say that they don’t like that the whole idea is some starts can tell how they are as a person. So maybe not exactly lack self aware, but I think looking more into it could definitely increase self aware in some way or another.

  • avefortuna

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    I think it’s that, and I don’t think we ever try to explain the history of astrology and what its purpose could actually be, and what that purpose is for different people?

  • [deleted]

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    I blame the people that only date on sun sign as to why people don’t believe in it. My girl would go around “ew a x sign” on a regular basis back then.

  • ElCidCampeador93

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    No, people generally don’t accept astrology either because it’s too vague and relies on cold predictions, or because it’s completely incompatible and contradictory with how astronomy and human psychology work. Or both.

    And yes, before someone brings it up, I’m well aware of “birth charts”, the point still remains.

  • intuitivelime

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    It really Just depends on your beliefs. Some took it personally when someone called out their sun sign or received a bad costar horoscope so they feel the need to shit on it, a lot people are afraid of hearing anything slightly “negative” or critical about themselves, and some people just have no interest in astrology (and that’s totally valid). I always make this point to people who don’t like astrology that I don’t use astrology to categorize myself and others, it’s just an extra perspective. Astrology isn’t even meant to concretely identify anything and it’s definitely not meant for everybody, but that doesn’t mean you should detest others who study it.

  • WinterLaw4149

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    i’ve always had an interest in astrology (since childhood) and was still surprised by the stuff i’ve just recently learned in the past year. so i know for a fact that a lot of ppl don’t understand how complex and detailed it really is because they’ve never given it a chance. and now it burns me up when somebody who has a generic understanding of it tries to broad stroke ppl based on their sun signs only. 🤦‍♀️

  • WeLoveItFresh

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Short answer: Yes.

  • nocapastrology

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    Absolutely. It’s the Dunning Kruger Effect.

  • Toked96

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    I dont believe in it because the relative position of stars and planets in a 3 dimensional Universe says nothing about me and my life. Each planet would have its own “astrology” bc its in another place in the universe than earth. It just doesnt make any logical sense whatsoever. Thats why the astronomy sub has 2,4 million members. Its a simple truth that actually you arent willing to accept by the looks of it. Im not trying to be mean or offend anybody. I just genuinely dont believe theres any value in it other than making people feel good about themselves in a way. And If thats all there is to it, than thats ok. Sorry

  • SoulOfABird

    July 27, 2022 at 3:52 pm

    I think that a lot of people into astrology seem self righteous and pushy about their beliefs in astrology and expect everyone else to believe in it too. It’s like how a lot if religions are. To say that people don’t believe in astrology because they aren’t “aware” of themselves is too far fetched to say. Not everyone is like that. Im sure they have different reasons. Because no one really knows. Some may argue with you and mention how psychologically people can fit almost anything into what they want to believe in. And astrology is so complex that it is easy for you to mold people into their charts to favor your validation in astrology. No one knows what is really true. They could be right or they can be wrong we don’t know! So instead lets not say people who don’t believe in astrology are just in denial. They just don’t believe in it for their own personal reasons

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