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    Hello friends, as I study astrology I feel like I am getting more and more comfortable with most of the signs, but Virgo continues to elude me. I have a hard time being able to summarize Virgo in my mind like I can with other signs. Any Virgo folks out there want to help me out? What do you feel like is the essence of your Virgo-ness?

  • Help me understand Virgo!!

     Charles updated 2 years, 7 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Pingukiisu

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    Virgo rising and sun here.. I’m a perfectionist and will probably never be able to stop trying to be perfect and trying to make everything I do perfect. It makes me anxious every time but I can’t. Idk what to do in that situation. It’s good when I have to get things in order and clean etc. I notice every single detail and I know how to research stuff and solve problems. I’m good at keeping my stuff in order in my calendar so I remember everything lol my head would explode without a calendar obviously. But my table is often a bit messy because idk? I like to keep stuff on it that I want to use or look at. I dont care about my tables messiness.

    At least I’ve started to love myself and I’m an optimist. I always think of every move I do and word I say before I do because I want my image to stay clean and good in public for example. I’m very intuitive with my taurus moon too, I read the room very well, and like I want others (well my friends) to feel comfortable, but making myself comfortable is sometimes difficult. It _kinda_ sucks lol. I’m not a terrible people pleaser anymore, I used to think everyone has to like me, no they dont lmao, idiot me.

    Lol, again I called myself an idiot thats also what I do very often when I do something stupid af or remember something embarrassing I did. The self-criticism is real. It’s always there, I have reduced it a bit but it will always be there in some form.

    I’m a good writer and communicator with my mercury ruled chart 🙂 it’s in libra.

    I’m calm and kind (mc in taurus lol) in public and with strangers, and I’m an introvert. But if you talk to me I can even be talkative lol. And when I know you I’m totally different in public than with people who I know.

  • Spacevampire97

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    My experience as a Virgo Rising – I’m really clean when it comes to personal hygiene, I wash my hands a lot and take a shower every night, wash my sheets every week, brush my teeth for 2 minutes, etc. but I’m not afraid to get dirty, you have to live your life lol also my house is not always clean, but when it’s a mess I still know where everything is. Where are the battery packs? There behind the chair, I glanced and saw them laying there once 3 days ago but was too tired and busy to pick them up lol, I can see and remember small details. Also deep down I really want to take care of people, but I never want to be overbearing. My boyfriend could tell you all the times I’ve given him vitamins if I make lunch for him or when he’s not feeling good I’ll get him probiotic drinks or just stuff with tons of vitamins lol. There’s a part of me that’s a little bit of a perfectionist, I usually have to remind myself that it’s ok if something isn’t perfect, but it’s never with anything that has to do with other people, it’s always with myself. I can be pretty hard on myself. Also I’m small and get stomach aches lmao

  • sunconjunctjupiter

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    Virgo is the Mutable Earth sign, changing and bending to assist others. Virgo is a sign that’s very hard-working, independent, helpful, caring, and kind; but as a shadow can be nit-picky, judgmental, and seemingly uncaring. Virgo rules the 6th house of health, routine, small animals, Service to others, day-to-day functions, and aspects of career. Virgo also rules Mercury. While Gemini is the outward social aspect of Mercury, Virgo’s part in it is their soft-spokenness and gentleness in communication.

    From personal experience, Virgos can seem cold at times, but they are some of the most helpful and supportive people I know, going above and beyond to help others regardless of the consequences. They definitely are emotionally guarded because they worry about putting people they love’s emotions before their own.

  • Terradoe

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    I feel this way about Aquarius 😅

    But, speaking as a Virgo moon, I think of Virgo as a secretary type vibe. They gonna get the shit done, they gonna be organized. They are the bullet journal folk. Sometimes they go too far and are too intellectual and forget to factor in emotions. They can be the type to sometimes focus more on the problem solving of a problem than the emotions needing to be addressed in the situation. They can focus too much on fixing and not enough on feeling.

    This is just my perspective as a Virgo moon. Hope it helps though!

  • lashes_77

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    I’m a Taurus with a Virgo mother. I love my mom, but she’s extremely critical, of everything and everyone around her. She’s VERY good at getting things done, doesn’t waste time or procrastinate. She expects, demands, the absolute best from anyone and everyone around her, including customer service and cashiers, and it’s easily angered when people fail to live up to her expectations. She is funny, and usually practical, and had achieved a lot in her life on her own, coming from very humble beginnings. She needs goals and a purpose: retirement has not been good for her. She really shines when someone she cares for is sick. That’s when her expectation completely drops and she is caring, loving, patient and amazing. She probably should have been a nurse. Anyway, that’s how I know Virgos. Organized, effective, highly critical, demanding, loyal and loving.

  • bbotticelli

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    It is the night/feminine/internal house of Mercury. It shows Mercury’s applied, reflective side, that discovers new information to study and understand it better. As mutable earth, it represents reactive/flexible/adaptable materiality, so it derives satisfaction from fixing/optimizing things to improve efficiency. Its image is a maiden holding wheat, so it processes raw/unfiltered information and performs quality control (separates wheat from chaff), focusing on small details, editing, fact checking.

  • BayDaisy707

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    I’ve heard of the Virgo as the gardener and this makes sense to me. To have a successful garden takes planning, diligence and organization but also you must be flexible enough to enjoy the change that comes along with gardening and accept that some things might not grow where you want them etc.

  • thechiefmaster

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    Virgo sun here – health stuff doesn’t come up as much for me. The main ways I feel my Virgo coming out are in perfectionism, control-freak, being very particular, neurotic, always being right (sorry not sorry), having a rich inner life as opposed to an on-the-go outer life… I know I mostly made it sound negative but I’m also a pretty critical, cynical person who struggles with anxiety & depression so I would love to hear from Virgos who feel more at peace.

  • flusia

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    I think that the common narrative around virgo is pretty off from the actual energy. This is because the signs are not actually behaviors but are energies. Those energies interact with their world, and so we can predict likely behaviors based on how they usually interact w the world were in/common experiences.
    I think that Virgo has been updated for our current society the worst out of all of the signs. Scorpio too.

    Of course there are sooooo many different experiences in the world which is why astrology doesn’t say “you are definitely like this”. At least not good astrology lol.

    None of the virgos I know are shy. All of them love to talk when you get them going. Most of them aren’t totally messy in their spaces but most are chill with a little mess. None are especially uptight althoug they all have their lil pet peeves.

    At their core, virgos are analytical mercurial problem solvers – they seek to understand systems with attention to detail by understanding all of the pieces and getting to the root of the problem. Roots are something that I keep coming back to with Virgo. Many virgos are super in to plants, the best herbalists and gardeners I know are virgos. Those virgos especially aren’t the sort of germaphobic sterile stereotype that you hear about. Some virgos are like that though! Virgo is concerned with health. This can manifest in different ways depending on what they believe about health and their own body. I really really recommend all Virgo dominants get a hobby that is health related to focus on. Herbalism, working out, yoga, a sport, medicine, whatever it may be. Intellectual or physical doesn’t matter but otherwise that energy will likely go towards unnecessary worrying about health and for some hypochondria. Virgo are sentimental. Again with the roots. They like history and probably have interest in their familial history, their own past and are likely to have some nerdy history fascinations. How far those are taken depends on the person. A lot of virgos I know also keep friends for a long time. Even if they don’t talk to them often, youre still in their heart. Virgos are the absolute best person to call when you’re sick and need someone to take care of you. Virgos want everything to be perfect and the intention behind that is good, IMO but it often manifests in ways that are not so good for themselves and the people around them. They can project their own perceptions of being imperfect on to people around them and act nit picky. Like every thing else this ranges from not a big deal to being super judgmental and alienating people. If you are Virgo and feeling like this is a problem for you I def recommend working on your perfectionism – and not perfectly but being easy on yourself and changing your expectations of yourself. This is not lowering your expectations, it’s setting expectations that are realistic and allow for balance in your life. Yes I am a libra with a Virgo moon lol.

    The energy is of course unable to be explained thoroughly in words. But those are some of the words I have about it. Wait those are a lot of words.

    Tl;dr virgos are misunderstood, they solve puzzles they care about health, y’all need hobbies that are health related and that allow you to solve puzzles or systems, you’re sentimental and sweet and judgmental but it stems from your own insecurities so be nice to u.

  • [deleted]

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    Virgo moon and rising and mercury. My Virgo energy feels nourishing and comfy and tidy when I have cleaned my room and walked in the woods and had some solitude. (12th house sun & moon too) if those needs aren’t met, then the criticizing goes inward and I get impatient with myself. My 12th house and Cancer placements make me not a perfectionist except when it comes to myself, then it’s like “why aren’t you perfect??”

    Another thing is that Virgos tend to give without bounds because we are built to help so learning boundaries around giving is sooo important and also, I didn’t realize my needs (clean and quiet environment, being in nature, solitude) and how to meet them without burning myself out until like this last year because of that tendency to over give

    We are neurotic. That’s how my crazy comes out..when pushed, I will start talking and talking and you’ll see the wild insides of my brain. Anxiety has always been a struggle and the only thing that has helped is using math or crafts like embroidery as an outlet

    My Mercury at home in Virgo makes me very good at writing and speaking about myself and my emotions comes easy but I feel like only people I don’t have to use words with, comfortable silenc3, see my Leo sun and Venus Cancer. Virgos have a tendency to be verrryy intellectual lovers so even tho we love so deeply we are afraid to be pulled into love and people think we are indifferent I feel. And the worst part about this is Virgos tend to write off people who are into us because they didn’t write “I like you” in the most direct and logical way. I don’t know how many times I didn’t think someone liked me when they asked for selfies, played love songs around me, just because they didn’t say some direct words. I’m forever inspired by sensual Virgos like Amy Winehouse/ Beyonce because they really conquered that

  • [deleted]

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am


  • maponus1803

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    For me Virgo is technical earth, they takes things apart and put them back together over and over asking can this be better. Legos are the essential Virgo toy, they go together in all kinds of ways, so lets figure them all out and see how it operates. At Virgo’s best they are the ultimate editor, the person who looks whatever is happening and finds upgrades it to make it even much better. At Virgo’s worst is when they get lost in the editing and end up in a compulsive spiral of change they cant get out of of. Virgo needs something or someone to reflect off of so they dont get lost in the play. They can be thought of as being contrarian but really they are exploring the options. If someone with big Virgo energy asks you where you want to go to eat always suggest an option even if you really dont care where you eat.

  • dicarlok

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    As a person consistently attracted to Virgos as friends and as partners I have some anecdotal information solidified by my ex who has his sun, moon, and rising in Virgo, plus Mercury and Venus lol …

    -make excellent friends, very considerate because they are constantly thinking about EVERYTHING including how everyone around them is feeling or how their actions or words might be interpreted by another person. This can lead to social anxiety or feeling like they can’t be themselves. Often have large walls between them and others. Pair bond intensely with one or two people, and will be open and intimate with them. Type of person where if they keep you up late one night they’ll bring you coffee then next morning. Can have a tendency to bail if things get tough, not always the best to ride out big feelings with someone unless they have water placements to balance them out.

    —so, so cruel to themselves, especially if they have multiple placements in Virgo. They cannot give themselves a break, ever. As a result, I’ve noticed they do tend to be in good shape (which they never think is good enough, about half I’ve known of any gender have body dysmorphia or challenging relationships with food, exercise, and their body), have hobbies that are usually calming or meditative that they are good enough to compete in (but do not give themselves credit for how good they are), and are great at their jobs (and are constantly reading/watching/talking classes in how to be better). I love watching Virgos when they are doing the things they are good at, it’s usually genuinely interesting.

    —all of them have really loved camping and outdoor activities. Usually want to live with their partner and a kid or two in a cabin in the woods or on a farm or something away from people. Also, they are consistent animal lovers in my experience, sometimes the type to prefer animals over people. Even the one who I knew was a hunter made sure he was an excellent enough shot on targets first to take the animal out quickly and did extensive research first on how to use all the body parts, developed hobbies like bone carving, and used hunting as a way to stop eating all commercially produced meats to stop eating meal produced in unethical ways.

    —usually very logical and intelligent, well-read, but also seem to be more susceptible to “conspiracy theory” thinking though I’m not sure why this is. They just usually have one big blind spot on one topic they learned about through a YouTube video or something. This is usually a secret only revealed to those closest to them. It’s almost like a test of like, would you still love me even if I was crazy.

    —their houses are usually clean (if they’re not crippled by anxiety or depression) and well organized, as well as their car or work space. Usually are aiming for marriage, kids, a well-trained dog. Also oddly susceptible to cheating or developing feelings for someone outside the relationship and with a high sex drive I feel doesn’t get talked about very often because of the Virgin stereotype. If they do cheat it’s almost always because they’re self-sabotaging.

    I’m sure there’s more I’m not thinking of right now. In my experience, it’s HARD to be a Virgo, especially with multiple placements. I LOVE Virgos and just want them to be happy.

  • Thr0wawaayyyy22

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    I’m a virgo sun and for me it comes out as the perfectionist helper who puts everyone before myself. I often struggle with feeling like I’m taking up space and not being worthy or grateful enough to have what I have. Like if I have an amazing job I feel like someone deserves it more and I’m taking that space from someone. Or when I’m dating someone, I don’t want to get too serious because I know someone out there is smarter/more beautiful/more fun than I am and I don’t want to take up too much space in their life. Or even when I have a great apartment, I feel like I shouldn’t settle in forever because someone else should get a turn living in such a great place.

    It’s definitely difficult and stressful, and it leads into the perfectionist thing where I try to be perfect but I know I’m not and never will be. But definitely very happy for others when they have great things. But yeah, Virgo is tough.

  • creativecode

    September 24, 2021 at 2:50 am

    I’m the same way about the mutable modality as a whole but I’ll tell you what I feel as a virgo moon… it’s the curse of wanting only perfection and never reaching it. It manifests as criticism especially inwardly. It’s the sign that will want to work on a play but backstage because we get more pleasure from managing messes than being the star of the show. Something else significant is virgo rules the intestines… responsible for sorting the good from the sh*t. A sign that loves being of service as well though not everyone likes our (criticizing) help.

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