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Forums Forums Tarot How can I prevent what a tarot reader tells me?

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    I went to a tarot reader by force at 18 and she told me your life won’t get better not until 28 29 I told her how can I make it better now? She goes go ahead try ur best you won’t be able to not until 28 and I’m 24 now and I’ve been trying to make my life good with small ways since 18 can’t nothing worked so how can I make it happen now and not wait until then? I want to prevent it from happening then like why start at 28 when I can start now.

  • How can I prevent what a tarot reader tells me?

     sillycuzwhynot1998 updated 7 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Haveyounodecorum

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Tarot reader here for 35 years, that is complete bullshit

  • [deleted]

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    ignore them and make yourself a good life

  • ToshiAyame

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    The cards can’t force you to do anything or dictate your future. It’s more of an introspective look at where you are.

    Take a moment and look at where you are right now; have the things you’ve done since 18 put you on a path that makes you happy? What does ‘a better life’ even look like to you?

  • Mea_Culpa_74

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Tarot is not set in stone. It shows the energy of the moment and the likely outcome based on this energy. You still make your own decisions and with that influence the outcome of a reading.
    That lady was anything but professional, and it sounds a lot like a Self-fulfilling prophecy because you are focused in this outcome

  • AvadhutaTarotAstro

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Stop giving power to it. Reclaim your power. You’re the architect of your destiny, stop letting others decide whether it is permissable for you to be happy. Just be happy. It’s your choice.

  • _Neith_

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Tarot readings are not valid for years. It’s just what is true right now. So fuck that lady. I’ve had some shady tarot readings, too, and I consider intentionally frightening someone with tarot cards a spiritual attack. Your best defense is to simply live your best life today.

  • pokemoki123

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    A tarot reader told my parents i would get in a fatal accident at 16, it never happened and I’m 26 now. Go and live life without that reading in your head.

  • Tarotgirl_5392

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Sounds like the sort who would have the perfect charm bag for only 12 easy installments of 99.99/s

    All the cards have a positive and a negative and a tarot reader who can’t pull both is not worth your time.

    You also mentioned it was forced, against your will? You own adverse attitude could have affected it as well.

  • Ok_Parfait_2304

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Tarot cards don’t really predict the future, they tell you what’s applicable in the moment, if there’s something you should change, and what you could do differently.

    Readings are meant to answer a question- “what’s the vibe for today?”, “what needs to change for this relationship to thrive?” Or even “can you help me sort my thoughts on this subject it’s really overwhelming”. They help you be more introspective and think deeper about something.

    The most she can really tell you is “things are going to be hard for a while and it sucks right now, but you’ll come out the other side of it and be better for it”, or “if you stay on this path you’ll prolong your struggling so you should really try something different”. There’s really no “bad” reading, even if some cards may have a more negative connotation; in my experience it always comes with the caveat of “you will get through this, even if it’s not easy”.

    Nothing she has told you is set in stone, and I find “nope you’ll be miserable til your late 20s no point in even trying to change it!” to be very oddly specific. Humans are in a constant state of change, what was applicable at 18 may not be at 24. Sounds like she was either trying to scare you or be a negative Nancy.

    Try not to worry too much about the reading you got six years ago, sounds like you’re falling into the “self fulfilling prophecy”

  • matchacatisgreencat

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Change your vibrations. They are telling this from your current vibrations. If you change your vibrations you can have different out come.
    One of known witch from Salem did tarot for me told me I won’t get marry in next few years. So I change my vibrations and belief towards my self and met partner right after and married him year and half after.

  • composingcomma

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    The future isn’t set in stone, what she said is a possibility, you’re able to carve your own future and by questioning her bullshit and trying to make a better life for yourself you’re already on the right path to doing that. I won’t blow smoke and say that it’s always going to be easy, but being proactive in making good choices, like you seem to be doing from the little info you give in the post, is a good way to start.

  • brith89

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    A lot of people are liars, or overall dishonest with commercial readings.

    I’m with the others; self-fulfilling prophecy. Pick the direction you wanna go and book it. If you roll into life expecting it to suck it absolutely will. Coming from someone currently in a very dark place.

    You just need to dial in, you know? Take an inventory. Why aren’t you happy? What is actually standing in the way? Is it time, credentials, age, etc. Is it something you can adjust?

    Internal inventory is your best friend here.

  • Minkie00147

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Honestly, why are you here? People are giving you the answer and you’re ignoring them. This reading is BS. Reading outcomes are accurate 3 months out *at best* because we have free will.

    You won’t be happy until you have the girl of your deams who rejected you ten times?? Get a grip. Take a hint and move on. You are making yourself miserable by acting like this. Take responsibility for your own life.

  • gbhaddie

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    Ya that’s not really how it works. Think as tarot more like advice for you to consider. It cannot predict the future. Only potential outcomes based on present timelines.

  • bora731

    September 8, 2023 at 8:11 pm

    All tarot does it tell you what will happen if your current internal state persists – that is the beliefs you have about yourself (I have little worth, I not very attractive, I’m boring). Change these beliefs with mantras that are the direct inverse of your negative beliefs and you change your vibration and internal state. External life has no choice but to match your new internal state. All external life is is a mirror of yourself held up to you. Mantras are just one tool get over to the Neville Goddard sub for other tools.

    Offen I will ask tarot a question if I don’t like the reply I will assume the reality I want is fulfilled and then I will ask the tarot again and see I have already shifted reality to a more positive state.

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