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Forums Forums Astrology How is the moon sign connecting to the type of mothering/parenting someone got?

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    So not to generalize completely but I heard it has a connection, not a concrete one where “oh if you have a cancer moon, you have cancer mother or if you have scorpio moon your mother is a scorpio” but more like the “style of mothering” someone got growing up? How true is that? Do you see this in your own chart? Or is it more in the aspects the moon has? Also heard that if someone has aquarius moon their mother might’ve raised them in a more distant way, where even if they had everything material, maybe the relationship itself wasn’t very emotional, rather practical. How true are these?

  • How is the moon sign connecting to the type of mothering/parenting someone got?

     quesqotrickster updated 9 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • [deleted]

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm


  • Reasonable-Slice-827

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    In my mom’s side of the family, from my daughter to back 5 generations, the mom’s moon sign is the daughter’s sun sign.

  • rutilated04

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    The moon in your chart shows how you experienced your mother. Siblings will likely have a different moon, because even though they grew up together, they experienced their mother differently.

    In my experience they are always true, I just did two readings for sisters and one had moon in Capricorn and the other Aquarius. One viewed her mother as being driven and focused on achievement (but not warm and nurturing), the other viewed her mother as different, unique, spiritual, etc.

  • fr0_like

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I have an Aquarius moon, in the 12thH, and we had issues: she was avoidant, I became avoidant in relationships also. She would read a lot, not want me to make noise, she’d send me away a lot, other people took me for extended periods of time. Neglect was the trend. But she was narcissistic as well, she there’s her alcoholism, her drug use, her lack of emotional control, her yelling, her protracted cold silences that went on for days, that time she threw a beer can at my face while telling me she hated me. Stuff like that.

    We also both have the Hades Moon aspect: hers is opposition Pluto, mine is trine Pluto. I decided a while ago I don’t want kids. I’d rather not be a bad mom and hurt my kiddo if I had one.

    I don’t know what 12thH moons do other than potentially make me hold a talent for writing? Not sure if my Aquarius moon predicts all of the above; the Hades Moon aspect held insight for me.

    I could see that potentially the moon governing my emotions could have been shaped by this Aquarius placement of the moon: how I trend analytical toward emotions, and somewhat disconnected toward feelings until they bowl me over and demand to be felt. I’m at times a people pleaser, I think that comes from having a parent I feared and strove hard to make happy so she would maybe, just maybe not be mean that day and want to hang out.

    I’m still working at understanding my Aquarius moon placement in its 12thH position.

  • [deleted]

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    aries moon, shockingly abusive mother. learnt how to be independent at a young age, but also now views romantic relationships as a be all end all. inner child wounds, wanting to create my ideal family. deeply emotional, but internalised as was not seen or heard as a child unless i was getting abused. people still think i’m emotional, but what’s “a lot” is barely scratching the surface.

  • Runnermama2005

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I have a cancer moon and my mom has a Scorpio moon….I have always found her closed off to me. She doesn’t listen to my wants and bulldozes me to have it her way. My sister is a Capricorn moon and has always gotten along much better with my mom.

    My son is a Pisces moon and I always try to get to his level emotionally. I love him so much and let him know every night that he is loved, special and makes me the happiest person because of him being him.

  • Graceling0x89

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    My best friend and I got our daddys moon sign as our moon sign.

  • Think_Ad2837

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I’m a Scorpio Moon and my mother is a Scorpio Sun. It was definitely difficult for me connecting with her growing up. It kind of felt like she wanted me to be someone I’m not but I always end up not what she wants.

    I also found it interesting that my brother is a Scorpio Rising! Now I need to find out if my sister has Scorpio placements as well. I wish we have my mom’s birth time so I can see her full chart. Unfortunately her birth certificate does not have her birth time.

  • flashtiger

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    The moon sign is loaded: it’s our own emotional aptitudes and tendencies, perception of the mother, and what we need to feel nurtured.

    I have kids. One is an Aries moon, the other a Taurus moon… I do my best to mother with equity, but I do at times respond/react differently to them bc they are different people. The Aries moon defaults to anger, and in response I have not always been as gentle and kind vs the Taurus moon who seeks harmony, and just wants to be fed and cuddled.

  • katkit7800

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I have an Aquarius moon conjunct Uranus. I would definitely say my mother is distant and not very affectionate at all. She is supportive of me (also financially sometimes, which I appreciate a lot – My moon is in the 2nd house), but I don’t feel that connected to her or see her as a mothering type (she works in a kindergarden though lol). So I would say my moon reflects my mothers parenting style.

  • AcademicWrangler8490

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    This is a great discussion!!
    I came upon some info relating to the celestial bodies (moon, planets etc) and their energy while we are in the womb. All the energy, waves, ebbs, and flows that contact mom travel into us but magnified, as we are basically in a conductive liquid sphere. ( I do not know how to explain this clearly, so please don’t hate…I’m trying to paint a picture).
    Anyway, there are 9 months of bombardment, but 12 bombarding celestial bodies, so depending on when you’re born, you emerge from mom lacking in 3 of the “energies.” We lack the experience of those…I don’t know what to call them, so I’m sticking with “energies”. Perhaps these play to our weaknesses or angst. Things to master to further our journey.?. I am really looking at this notion.
    Input or ideas on this?

  • 3rees

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    not adding up to everything else that has already been said because it’s all very correct but it also applies if you have a Plutonian Moon, both ways. mothers with moon aspecting pluto or moon/lilith can feel like they have a hard time bonding with their daughters because they never bonded with their own mother or women in general. moon conjunct pluto may indicate an intense childhood that still affects you today, and another aspect of a pluto-moon placement would be feeling/being a black sheep in some way, probably being blamed for things you didn’t do and being framed as the bad one during your childhood.

    i have this placement and it kinda sucks lolll

  • CutTheCamera_Deadazz

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I’m inclined to go with “very true”, at least from my experience.

    Cancer moon in the 7th house trines Pluto, opposes Neptune and Uranus. My mother has been emotionally intense and I am unable to ever uncover her past and whatever I do uncover, it’s so hazy. She’s also eccentric to a degree and gives the negative sides of Uranus often. Her behavior towards me has definitely effected how I go about relationships with other people, as well (7H).

    So yeah, my moon lays my mom out like a perfect map.

  • good_day90

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    Don’t forget that any aspects to your moon, especially squares and oppositions, are highly influential on your moon. So if you have a Gemini moon and are confused about why you had a controlling mother, look at that Pluto square. Also look to what house your moon is in–6th house moons, 8th house moons, 12th house moons can all point to more difficult relationships with your mother.

  • DesignerMom84

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I have an Aquarius moon and my experience with my mother was the exact opposite. She was extremely critical and about conformity at all costs and would literally terrorize me if I ever had a thought of my own. She criticized my weight, personality, grades, called me a “pig” because my room wasn’t perfectly neat, etc. She basically was everything an Aquarius is NOT. My moon is square Saturn though and square my sun (identity) so maybe that had an influence.

    I also have two sons. One with an Aries moon and one Cancer. They are still in baby/toddler years but it will be interesting to see how it plays out since those are very different signs.

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