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Forums Forums Astrology How is the moon sign connecting to the type of mothering/parenting someone got?

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    So not to generalize completely but I heard it has a connection, not a concrete one where “oh if you have a cancer moon, you have cancer mother or if you have scorpio moon your mother is a scorpio” but more like the “style of mothering” someone got growing up? How true is that? Do you see this in your own chart? Or is it more in the aspects the moon has? Also heard that if someone has aquarius moon their mother might’ve raised them in a more distant way, where even if they had everything material, maybe the relationship itself wasn’t very emotional, rather practical. How true are these?

  • How is the moon sign connecting to the type of mothering/parenting someone got?

     quesqotrickster updated 9 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • spicyericani

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    What would a pisces moon indicate?

  • GreenBubbleMilkTae

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I have a Cancer Moon in 9th house square 6H Aries Mercury and trine 5H Pisces Venus. My mom talks way too much. I often tell her to be quiet, she be spreading all my embarrassing business all the way back from elementary school. You will hear her loud voice and laughter all the way down the hall.

    She don’t think before she says stuff and people often just block her out of nowhere. She doesn’t know why. She gets so hurt easily. She is a Libra Sun, Scorpio Moon, and Cancer Rising. She never wants me to move out even if I get married and have a kid because she says the world is unsafe. I’m in my late 20s and know how to take care of myself.

  • afjs3737

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I grew up with a very dysfunctional family and everyone in my immediate family have afflicted Scorpio moons. My moon is conj Pluto. The themes in my mother/daughter relationship are power, abuse, control, pure venom..

    I’ve done a lot of shadow work and therapy to break what feels like a generational curse

    My kids have cancer and Libra moons. They are still young so I don’t know how they will perceive me, but I’ve made a commitment to always treat them with unconditional love respect and acceptance. Parenting them is profoundly healing.. truly a gift

  • thudly

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    This is an example of the Old Wives Tales of Astrology. People heard something somewhere, and they repeat it because it *sounds* interesting.

    Who your mother is was chosen before your moon sign came along. The moon isn’t going to look into the future and make sure you’re born weeks prematurely, or late so it matches up your birth time with your mother’s sun-sign. Really, that’s what this premise is suggesting. That’s not how Astrology works.

    Your moon sign also can’t force your mother to treat you in a more “Scorpio” or “Sagittarius” way, or whatever.

    Astrology does what it does because the planets (and the sun and moon, and the constellations behind them) imprint certain energies onto your soul at the moment of your first breath. These energies influence your actions, attitudes, preferences, dislikes, reactions, etc. as you go throughout your life.

    But the planets keep moving, and the new patterns of energies push and pull at the energies imprinted on you at birth. These are the transits in ingresses we all go through from year to year, month, to month, and week to week. Some people even feel changes from hour to hour.

    The moon influences emotions, emotional security, moods, and emotional reactions. If the moon was in Cancer, you’ll feel a strong emotional connection to your mother, or your mother figure, or maternal issues in general, like your own motherhood. Or you’ll feel particularly insecure about the lack of a mother in your life, if that was the case. If the moon was in Libra, it’ll be long-term relationships that do all these things for you. In Taurus, it’s money, property, possessions. And so on, all the way around the zodiac. The rising sign and house the moon was in also have a huge influence.

    But the point is, it’s only an influence, an energy, a nudge in certain directions. You still have free will. You are (or at least *should* be) in control of your emotions no matter where the moon is at any given time. And the way *you* were imprinted with your own personal energies is not going to influence how other people act toward you, except in the sense of them reacting to your behaviors. If you constantly whine and cry and complain about everything for example, people will be influenced by your moon’s energies indirectly.

    But don’t blame the moon. You do have a choice. You just have to overcome lifelong habits, which is never easy.

    Hope this helps.

  • CraftyLeading945

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    From the way I understand this concept it’s more like what you as the child absorbe or are significantly influenced by from your mother.

    So for example my daughter’s Moon is in her second house, if this concept runs true, she will develop her money habits, (how she interacts with money and how she saves or spends money) based on how I use my money. And how I present my money habits to her.

    Does that make sense? The way that I display the second house will in turn be one of the things that will influence her and stick with her for probably her whole life.

  • starsmisaligned

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    Taurus moon (conj chiron in the first) with a super Cancerian Mother. It was very frustrating bc she was super passive aggressive and smothering. It took a long time to trust my instincts and feel like I was an independent adult and not a child that couldn’t do anything for myself. It took a long time to learn to value myself and value my strength and not fear hard work to get what I want.

  • MercuryHearts

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I have an afflicted 12th house moon in Taurus that is part of a t square with Saturn and Pluto; I did not have a nice childhood, but I’m alive to tell the tale!

    My mom isn’t a Taurus, nor does she have Taurus placements. We do share the same Saturn sign though (Aquarius) and she was definitely the dominant parent over my dad. Very traditional, always working, and didn’t put up with any emotional displays or she would outshine me with her own emotional abuses towards me. She made sure I had food, clothing, a home, essentials, a good education, and a moral upbringing. She was not super loving imo but that has changed since the birth of my son; it’s as if being a grandma has changed her somehow.

    As for my son, he has moon in Gemini and it aspects his Neptune in Pisces. I’m a Gemini rising with 3 Pisces placements! Still not sure how he sees me yet, but I’m hoping it will be in a better light than how I viewed my mom at his age. Btw, I might want to add HE LOVES my mom to death 🥴😵

  • GoddessInHerTree

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    My mom and i are really close. She was diagnosed with bipolar disorder when i was a kid 28 years ago, which will always be a challenge, but she’s still the best. She’s funny, loving, hard-working, beautiful and creative. She’s also blunt af lol. She’s a treasure. My younger brother (libra moon) and older sister (cancer moon) – both virgos with libra risings, are not close to her the same way i am. My brother and her are good, but things are outright strained between my sister and mom at times. My sister is 13 years older than me so she grew up with my mom “normal” and says her real mother is dead, now she’s left with a “pod person”. I hate when she says shit like that because my mom’s mental illness does not make her any less of a person or a mother. They’re very very critical of eachother and are either making eachother pee their pants laughing, or at eachothers throats. Never know how it’s gonna be with them when we all get together.

    Mom: Pisces rising, leo sun, leo moon
    Me: cap rising, libra sun, Scorpio moon

  • Blueberryfieldsfore

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    I have moon conjunct Pluto which tends to be a negative mother aspect. My mom is a nice lady but waaayy too much of a hovercraft and I had somewhat of a negative family dynamic growing up. I moved far away in my 20s. We have reconciled but I prefer to live in a different state still lol.

  • shmediumm

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    My siblings and I all have our moons in Sagittarius. Our mother allowed us all a lot of freedom and she was pretty much always doing her own thing. I don’t think she liked the restrictions of motherhood but she was pretty fun when it came to early education.

  • isntitisntitdelicate

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    honestly i don’t think it’s true. it’s more of a synastry thing

  • robinsalario

    July 27, 2023 at 8:05 pm

    i think the moon sighn and house does not predict how, but more on how the person will see and experience the mother. also because siblings have different moonsigns and houses.

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