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Forums Forums Astrology Millennials have Neptune in Cap while Gen z has neptune in Aqua. Both signs have Saturn Rulership. Could it by that aspects between neptune and Saturn can cause Neurodiversity and that is why those generations are negatively stereotyped as being “Depressed and mentally Ill.”

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    Just an observation I had. Saturn deals with difficult times while Neptune is all about the psyche, creativity and illusion.

  • Millennials have Neptune in Cap while Gen z has neptune in Aqua. Both signs have Saturn Rulership. Could it by that aspects between neptune and Saturn can cause Neurodiversity and that is why those generations are negatively stereotyped as being “Depressed and mentally Ill.”

    SpicyChills updated 2 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 35 Replies
  • Mx_Chaos

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    First of all I have to ask, how do you define neurodiversity here, do you mean mental illness in general (which includes depression/anxiety etc.) or the conditions that (as far as I know) are usually considered neurodivergent (adhd/asd/ocd etc.) or both?

    Secondly, Astrology does not cause anything, it reflects, so what might be the case here is that certain aspects would reflect that those generations are stereotyped as being (more) “depressed and mentally ill”. Which in and of itself is not true, generations before had just as many mentally ill people (if not more, because of prevalence war and other crisis) as we do today – they were simply not recognised as such.

    Thirdly, how could astrology show neurodiversity/neurodivergence as one type of aspects (e.g. saturn/neptune aspects) when the field itself is very broad and diverse (pun intended). For example, two people with ASD/autism can show very different traits, one having more issues with communication, the other being easily overstimulated. Or, someone with schizophrenia would have very different troubles from someone with depression or someone with a type of bipolar disorder. Those things would not simply show up in a chart as the same aspect or even the same group of aspects. You would have to look at the whole chart and all the placements and aspects.

    Finally, yes, saturn/neptune aspects could possibly indicate mental illness, depending on the chart/person, but so could aspects to mercury or the moon or any other planet.

  • StellaGraphia

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    There’s a real danger in assigning a state of health or any characteristic to just ***a planet in a sign.*** That’s just not useful. It’s no better than sun-sign astrology.. For mental health issues, (or anything else) there need to be specific aspects, planets, and multiple indicators to confirm. There is NO single placement that can indicate any sort of issue like this.

  • BluestEye

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    No it’s living under late stage capitalism that’s making us mentally ill.

  • oprahisnotgay

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    The 1981-1984 Millenials have Neptune in Sag. I think all generations are equally mentally ill.

  • tearquila

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    bro every cusp baby is a zillenial 😭😩
    too young for my space and too old for the e-girl trend

  • astrokey

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    I think we should use caution before stereotyping generations as we know them (millennials, gen z, etc.), especially as it pertains to mental health. Obviously this is super popular to do, but we need to stop. It only deteriorates into negative discussions toward a specific generation, which often cannot even be applied to everyone within that generation worldwide.

    Generational planets are great at showing themes during the time those planets are in a given sign, and those cultural themes are bound to influence the people living through that time, including those born at that time. But to say one or two generations are stereotyped as mentally ill because of a placement…I don’t buy it. Gen X used to hear similar things said about them. And plenty of people in previous generations dealt with depression, substance abuse, ptsd, etc (especially following the wars), but mental health was more stigmatized then and was discussed as openly as it is now.

    If you are still interested in how Neptune may influence the people born during its time in a given sign, Molly McCord has a YouTube video going through Neptune in each sign and how it may pertain to people born in that time. I highly recommend it and think you might enjoy it!

  • [deleted]

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm


  • SpaceP0pe822

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    Neurodivergence and neurotypical, as well as the idea of “mental illness” itself is more a comparison of how well one does within their society and culture than it has any actual bearing on anything resembling mental health. What is normal and happy? What is diverging from that? You’re seeing generations unwilling to accept their culture and failing at permanently changing it.
    Neptune controls imagination and arts.
    Saturn controls restriction.
    What you may even be seeing is the Neptune illusion being pulled aside while in saturns realms, brutally and coldly in cap, and honestly and righteously, while still detached in aqua. Could also explain the rise of memes and strong reintroduction of symbolism in the psyche.

  • anibernard

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    Millennial here, my Neptune is in Sag? Well. 29 degrees Sag. 1983.

  • ThinkingApe-

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    It could be that we’ve been born into a world after the party had already ended, and we don’t know if we’ll own a house or make a reasonable wage

  • AquaMoonCoffee

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    The answer is no. Mental illness rates are not drastically different by generation. The 18-25 crowd is estimated to have maybe a 4% higher rate of diagnosed illness, compared to the 25-50 crowd. But the age group that *receives* mental health services the most is actually those age 50 and up. Mental health varies far more by economic class, gender, and race; due to cultural differences and ability to seek and afford mental health services. This is also looking at just the US itself, the US is not the entire world. Several countries have actually seen a decrease in mental illness (slightly) in the last decade or two.

  • Sphynx823

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    -To be honest, I think pluto going from scorp/sag/cap has affected society in other ways and that’s having a trickle down effect towards what you’re attributing purely to neptune in the signs…

  • IkraamV

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    I would also include Sagittarius into the last edge of this spectrum. Are there considerations taken for whether Saturn will be coming into your chart, or if it’s leaving your chart at birth? I do not understand anything at all but i have had a thought about this lately.

    My understanding may not be correct, but Saturn returns happen at the same rate for everyone, 30 years or so, but these specific happenings would vary by age. Some may be born into a return energy environment, if that’s possible, or will have a first Saturn experience at 29 or shortly after 30~.

    Capricorn seems to be associated with militaristic, difficult early times becoming an adult faster than everyone else in their age group. High danger environments, even, something that forces a particular type of self focus for survival in some way that is a very strong catalyst in a direction in life and discipline. But people people, very real and tough individuals, I’ve noticed.

    I believe this is an effect that is also displayed in chinese astrology and following jupiter’s effects on development and environment creating particular stresses internal or external or both which create a framework of various rest and work frequencies, sexual views and relationship habits, and personalities and coping mechanisms.

    Or perhaps, alternatively, it’s that concept, but rather simply the point of being close or farthest away, that determine a perceived Saturn experience. One user i believe said most of her entire life was shit, except for a few moments from her Saturn return. I am curious about the differences or patterns in positive and negative Saturn effects on people’s lives and whether they are close to us, or on opposite side of their orbit.

  • NOT_Pam_Beesley

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    Both signs are ruled by Saturn in traditional astrology, not modern*
    Uranus rules Aqua in modern Astro

  • badhairyay

    June 19, 2021 at 5:47 pm

    I think it’s unfair assumption to say these generations are more mentally ill, it’s more likely that they are more expressive about it as older generations weren’t encouraged to open up about it / less understanding about mental illness and treatments

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