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    In the days since roe, I’ve seen a lot of people parading their power. The men have been the most scary, but i expected it. By far, the most disappointing have been the women around 50-60 who have been looking down on, or downright angry at me for being child free and for being unmarried. Their level of disdain is palpable.

  • Post roe in a red state

  • val319

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    I used to live in Chicago so let me be clear I’m not the person to ever try and talk about either. My family is very manipulative so I can more than make people nauseous, repulsed and scared by drs behaviors towards me. I will also bite your head off.

    The mask I will say something that will make you walk away from me and keep your distance. “Norovirus, stomach flu this is a bad one and lasts about 2 weeks so get closer”. It’s stupid as shit people ignore Covid but I say norovirus you know the stomach flu. People move away. “Omg you should be at home” “Dad’s dying of cancer so I can’t have him shopping”. He is but I have him in a skilled place since I was getting sick before said stomach flu.

    For anyone who needs some things to say the majority of people can’t handle blood so feel free to use people who have tried. Everyone seems to forget people have screwed things over so people have issues getting pregnant. Share how heavy your flow was. “A woman I worked with would say things like, there’s nothing like excessive hemorrhaging. My dr thinks it’s Microplastics. I mean I just stand up and blood and clots just go woosh right all over the floor. There’s no real treatment.”

  • Think-Worldliness423

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    The biggest problem I have is all these people in government, senators, congressmen, whoever, keep bringing up the Bible and abortion is a wrong because they are Christian . That there are school shootings is because they took prayer out of schools. These people making these decisions have no idea how much harder it is to get by than when they were in their 20s or 30s. The government has put the American people in a situation where most parents are working so much that they can’t keep up with everything their kids are going through and be there to guide them. Most of them probably don’t even have insurance to pay for a kid to see a therapist. I have watched for the last 30 years of every generation getting worse and worse, and I do blame a lot on the government. They cut education funding, then are mad that kids are stupid and in poverty because they weren’t educated enough to not work a minimum wage job. And now they have decided to put prayers back in school so I can’t wait for the news headlines about some student whipping out a prayer rug or whatever isn’t a Christian prayer and being segregated from the rest of the class, as not to offend those righteous Christians. Sorry to rant and I could go on and on but I just disgusted and fed up with what apparently happening all over the world and not just the US. I have a young daughter and I really fear the world she might end up with as an adult.

  • Dark-Oak93

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    Oh yeah. A man got caught taking upskirt pics of a family member of mine while she was at work. He was on the security footage.

    I told her to press charges. People need to be put in their place now more than ever.

    Sick of this shit. Take em all down. He’ll end up on a sex offender registry. And he did it to himself by being a drooling lust turd. To hell with the lot, I say.

    Me, personally, as a red state citizen, myself, I’m getting my concealed carry permit. If these creeps and oppressive dick holes want to play rough, so be it.

    I’m a small woman and men are getting out of control. I have a right to safety and to protect myself. I can’t win a physical fight, but the gun will be an equalizer for me in the case I am attacked.

    I don’t trust these men.

  • GrayCatGreatCat

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    Sisters, keep a weapon on you at all times. Get your concealed license, carry mace, taser, keychain spike. Please protect yourselves.

    Some of yall saw my flyers targeting trad-caths last week. This weekend I’m making flyers urging women to be alert and able to defend themselves. Going to put them in restrooms of woman-focused businesses. <3

    I wish we could leave in peaceful times. But we can’t right now. So we need to at least be able to defend ourselves.

    Edited for clarity.

  • PinkBright

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    I used to live in Texas and being a successful, attractive, white woman in a committed relationship (with a man) but child free seemed to enrage a lot of women in their 50s-60s, too.

    I remember when I was working at an office there, one woman asked me about kids. I said I never really wanted one, and we were waiting until it was a “for sure yes: we want kids.” She then told me I was so brave for that, because she could “never raise a child with special needs.” Implying I was too old to have a “healthy” baby at my age, or soon after. I was 27 at the time.

    Now I’m 31 and for sure never having kids and am beyond thankful I never had them with that man.

  • SauceeB

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    “Keep your legs closed whore!”
    *Proceeds to keep legs closed and has no child*
    Still a whore somehow though? 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • Httpssssss

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    The joke is— there’s no version where you get approval as a woman, unless you stay married— and even then.

    When I was married, even if working full time, oh you are supposed to do all of the cooking and cleaning.

    You have children, but you don’t stay married, they pile on judgements.

    They are literally only happy if you dedicate all of your life to caring for a man.

  • parcoeur9

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    There are some 50-60yo women who are trying to propose legislature in Ohio that further limits abortion and bans birth control. It is not a great time over here.

    Edit: spelling

  • ChristineBorus

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    So bc abortions are suddenly banned they think childless women deserve disdain ? I don’t understand that. What about last month ? Surely they had the same feelings ….

  • satanic-frijoles

    July 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm

    Hah… I’ve met a few people who were jealous and dismissive of my chosen child-free, unmarried state.

    I get smug about it.

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