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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing saw a fortune teller and scared as hell

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    i JUST joined this sub to post this.

    my friend dragged me to a fortune teller because he believes in all this and i don’t. i made fun of him for it.

    the woman knew EVERYTHING about me and my family. me applying for universities abroad, my brother and his girlfriend’s majors in university, my mother’s illness, my grandmother’s illness, the loan my uncle asked my dad for, the legacy my dad’s dad has left for my dad, my dad calling his lawyers last week for a property he has, my dad’s shares in the stock market. the conflict my dad and my mom had in the past. everything.

    many things i cannot even begin to count. she also told me things about my future which gave me a lot of hope.

    the only thing i had told the woman was my name, and she knew everything about me just by doing a quick turkish coffee fortune reading and tarot reading.

    dear witches, please explain the logic behind this like i’m a 5 year old kid and please tell me whether if this was just a coincidence or a real deal,

    much respect from a non-witch 🫠

    edit: guys no my friend did not know any of that information except my abroad uni applications and my brother’s major. i know he did not set me up. besides, we’re very close and he isn’t a person like that

    edit 2: yes i kept my face straight the entire time so she couldn’t read me and scam me, i went inside there knowing of that. did not confirm anything she said neither verbally or physically

    edit 3: lol she didn’t know my full name, she only knew my first name which was a fake name so there’s no way someone behind the desk googled me and told her through an earpiece… let’s also not forget she did not know this fake name until i sat down across her for the session

  • saw a fortune teller and scared as hell

  • Elen_Smithee82

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    I am a tarot reader, and I freak MYSELF out with my own accuracy sometimes, LOL… When spirits tell me things through the cards, I often have no clue if it makes sense or not, but I tell the person I’m reading for and they’re like “Yeah, that’s spot on…”

    It just is. Let it be. Magick exists, and I’m glad you got to experience it for yourself.

    Welcome to “the other side”… 🙂

  • underwatercookie

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Well. If you come to a magick sub then you’re going to get a magick answer…

    Some people have abilities to see things. They can talk to your ancestors or spirits surrounding you and can find things out. Where else are they supposed to go with these abilities but fortune telling? Plus Tarot cards have been around for way longer than they were called tarot cards. Why? Because they work!


    If you want a mundane answer… You may have been had. Your friends may have set you up. If they fortune teller had any negative intentions (stalking) I feel like she would have mentioned your future involving her or something. Also she wouldn’t have told you positive things about your future, probably something more like “If you don’t give me this much money then you will have awful things happen.”


    I wouldn’t worry. Either you got had or you got read. Neither are negative things.

  • arielrecon

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Honestly some people are just really good at divination, sounds like you met one. As long as they’re not trying to grift you of any more money cause “you have a curse” or “you’re being followed by an evil entity” and the only way to get rid of it is by paying them more money, don’t worry too much about it.

    I read tarot and have freaked people out in the past by the accuracy. I don’t know how it works, just that it does work. Also when I do a reading I usually forget it once I sever the connection. Like if I looked at a pic of the spread I could remember the reading or sometimes little bits and pieces, but most of the time it’s just gone lol.

  • LifeInTheClosets

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    I identify as a secular witch, which for me means I *personally* approach most of my relationship with witchcraft from a skeptical, scientific and psychological perspective. I’m sharing my perspective solely because it’s a bit different that you might find interesting as someone new to witchcraft. Not in any way a criticism of others who take a more mystical approach.

    My *personal* interpretation of this is that her reading about your situation was a combination of her gifted intuition as well as your own intuition at work.

    Here’s what I mean by that. Our brains are biologically programmed to look for patterns. It’s a behaviour that kept our ancestors safe (huh, everyone who eats that plant gets sick, let’s not eat it). Our brains are programmed to look for pertinent information and quickly apply it to our own situations. Again, a very primitive skill that once kept us alive.

    It’s possible that your fortune teller wasn’t as dead on as you think. Perhaps she spoke more generally than you realized and your own brain looked for the relevant *interpretation* of her words. That to me is magic. The wisdom of *your* *own* intuition.

    Did she literally say “Your uncle asked your dad for money”? Or did she say something like “There’s a power imbalance in your paternal energy. Maybe on your dad’s side? Maybe an exchange of authory or money? Or maybe a request for money/authority?” If I heard that from a psychic, my brain would find the applicable pieces too. So for example, in my own personal life, my paternal grandmother just died. My dad is the executor of the will and my father’s sister is taking my dad to court to challenge the will. A power imbalance relating on money on my dad’s side?? Omg. Dead on. See? One simple sentence can feel “dead on” to many, many different people in many different life situations.

    Am I trying to be a buzz kill and shake your faith in the psychic? Absolutely not!! What I’m trying to do is get you to maybe give yourself a bit more credit and acknowledge the magical intuition you hold within your own self, even as someone with no magical experience, to be able to see the message applicable to you. Your brain is so much more powerful than you know. I personally don’t think you met with a crazy gifted psychic. I think you experienced the power of your own intuition and it terrified and excited you beyond words. Congrats and welcome to the wonderful witchy side of life.

  • 2201992

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    It’s the Spirit World. The Spirit World is very real. It interacts with us every day. Our modern culture is very quick to say “that’s not real or it’s Bull Shit”. When it is very real and impacts us daily.

    Just wait until you learn about Curses, and how Spirits interact with us on the daily.

  • Laurel_Spider

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Some of us are very real! You asked for “logic” so here’s my attempt at something hopefully passable.

    We (the real ones, not like ladies behind curtains at fairs who know the family or are having a helper watch you outside their stall) do see and hear things during consultations. I couldn’t say for sure whether it counts as spirt, demon, angel, intuition, mind reading, etc. at any given moment but we do hear things. We also see things sometimes, an energy around you, a spirit that peeks from behind you, and memory shard poking out, necro, and more things too.

    The tools we also also tell us things in varying ways. Scrying offers answers, tarot is wonderful, pendulums can be sweet, and so much more.

    Unfortunately, I don’t have enough practical experience divining via palm or leaves to talk about it sincerely.

    Past, present, future. It’s pretty similar. When I look back, into now, or ahead the information comes through in much the same ways it’s just tinted differently and sometimes it’s a bit hard to pick them apart if I don’t know the person, but with a touch of context, most things clear up quickly.

    I think anyone who divines or does anything magick professional y will say that we’re well versed in skeptics and that first moment of shock/awe when we say something that really hits a cord. It’s a lovely moment! Hope I’ve provided a tiny bit of information, I’m not sure how much if any can be called logic though.

  • Afraid_Equivalent_95

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    A psychic was what opened my mind to this world as well. I’m real grateful to her

  • Young-Warrior-00

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Could be both. Creppy people are everywhere. Also people that just know shit about random people they met just because.

    There is nothing to fear. My take

  • SilverWolfIMHP76

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Like any sense some have a stronger gift. Normally people call these gifts “gut instincts” or “ Mother’s intuition”.

    Where most just consider it chance. Some practice honing these gifts.

    There are different methods and different interpretations but enough evidence is out there that scientists can’t dismiss it either.

    However it’s not a common trait. Some have a higher skill then others. This is why there some studies that disprove ESP or magic where others do get higher then normal results.

    Yes I believe ESP is using the same gifts as Fortune Telling, Spell Craft, or any other mystical abilities.

  • LilandraNeramani

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    What i would like to know is WHY do fortune tellers tell you so much information about things that have already happened? Do they do it to prove to you that they are the real deal? Why? And why list sooo many things?
    If I go to a medium I want them to tell me my future or msgs from my spirits / guides / ancestors. Some kind of spiritual guidance.
    I’m not paying to hear about the past unless it has some significance to my future.
    I can’t be the only one that feels this way?

    I’ve already handed over my money. You’ve made the sale. I don’t need you to prove to me that you can tell me about my past or my family’s.

  • mimimiperrito

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    I am a medium and my readings definitely have everyone crying in each reading I do! To me, this means their loved ones who have passed ok have opened their hearts and have healed them, proving that they are OK and still with them, helping and loving them in every way they can.

    What you experienced was real. Every psychic or medium works differently, but the outcome is usually positive and for healing. Sometimes you have a good reader who can read you and get accurate information from your aura, spirit guides, or angels.

    If it was scam, I think you’d know by now. Usually they overcharge or scare you into paying more if its a scam.

    Just because science hasn’t proven it real doesn’t mean its not. Some of the nicest and best people I have met are psychics, witches, and mediums, and the most crazy or even bad people are the most logical and fact based I have met. This is why its good to listen to your intuition.

    Glad you had fun! Thats all that matters is if you enjoyed yourself.

  • DJSawdust

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Was all of that also previously known to your friend? Or possible for your friend to learn?

    If so, there’s a non-zero chance of your friend tipping off the fortune teller. Possibly to attack your skepticism?

  • the-fox-fires

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Hey ! If you’ve ever heard of the concept of fate lines this is relevant. It’s very easy to pick up on things that have come to be if you’re dealing with a genuinely gifted medium. As far as future that’s where things can get tricky and depends on many factors such as : cause and effect, predestined fatelines (this depends from person to person) no future is set in stone unless it’s fixed prior to your soul incarnating/reincarnating. Hope that helps a bit ?

  • baby_armadillo

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    You’d be surprised how much information you can find with a full name and a quick google search.

    You’d also be surprised how easy it is for someone in a position of authority to provide vague statements and let others fill in the details themselves, either verbally or mentally.

    It sounds like you got both a hot reading (where a fortune teller already has information about you) and a cold reading (where a fortune teller throws out vague statements until something hits, and then makes their statements more specific as they gage your reactions and adjusts what they’re saying.)

    If a fortune teller was really able to delve that deeply into the lives of total strangers, they’d be using those skills to make a lot of money and/or help a lot of people. They wouldn’t be shilling themselves out for walk-ins and 45 minute appointments at your local occult bookstore.

  • TheBeefDom

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Specificity is the tell with diviners. If they can tell you several specific or almost specific things in a row they are likely legit. If they are generalizing and leaving the specifics up to you they are probably either a scammer or a beginner.

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