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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing saw a fortune teller and scared as hell

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    i JUST joined this sub to post this.

    my friend dragged me to a fortune teller because he believes in all this and i don’t. i made fun of him for it.

    the woman knew EVERYTHING about me and my family. me applying for universities abroad, my brother and his girlfriend’s majors in university, my mother’s illness, my grandmother’s illness, the loan my uncle asked my dad for, the legacy my dad’s dad has left for my dad, my dad calling his lawyers last week for a property he has, my dad’s shares in the stock market. the conflict my dad and my mom had in the past. everything.

    many things i cannot even begin to count. she also told me things about my future which gave me a lot of hope.

    the only thing i had told the woman was my name, and she knew everything about me just by doing a quick turkish coffee fortune reading and tarot reading.

    dear witches, please explain the logic behind this like i’m a 5 year old kid and please tell me whether if this was just a coincidence or a real deal,

    much respect from a non-witch 🫠

    edit: guys no my friend did not know any of that information except my abroad uni applications and my brother’s major. i know he did not set me up. besides, we’re very close and he isn’t a person like that

    edit 2: yes i kept my face straight the entire time so she couldn’t read me and scam me, i went inside there knowing of that. did not confirm anything she said neither verbally or physically

    edit 3: lol she didn’t know my full name, she only knew my first name which was a fake name so there’s no way someone behind the desk googled me and told her through an earpiece… let’s also not forget she did not know this fake name until i sat down across her for the session

  • saw a fortune teller and scared as hell

  • sauteemermaid

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    I have a close highly intuitive friend who knows everything about everyone at any given time, but as a witch myself, I mostly discover things about individuals through dreams and tarot. I don’t personally contain all that knowledge, but spirits certainly do. Thankfully, it is very easy to commune with spirits through a multitude of channels.

  • ProfCastwell

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Ok. Sooo she didnt make any vague statements that you may have(or not) confirmed.

    There’s “cold reading” like the BS john waters does/did. You make blanket statements with a decent statistical probability that something will click…you confirm…they make another more “specific” vague statement. Until it seems legit but they’re playing a numbers game. And they look for the subconscious tells people have….you can keep a straight face without knowing youre giving things away….and a good sheister already has accounted for it.

    Now. If they are genuinely telling you things without any questions asked or info given by yourself–not privy to your friend even. Again if they said it directly without ANY question or input……

    They are legitimately a psychic. From my own experience. I’ve had a couple people relay words and descriptions of my family that has passed on without a single question asked. And details too specific for anyone to be able guess…and information that only I could have given.

    At my grand fathers passing…one never met or saw/recalled seeing photos of my aunt….they would absolutely not known anything of the young girl that was grandpa had a sister that was tragically killed when she was 12 or so. And I had no reason to ever bring it up.

    I NEVER told them any detail they described. In fact there were a couple I barely remembered. One not at all that my brother found in old census records doing the ancestry thing. They werent even a realitive.

    So. If they just told you straight up….its legit psychic stuff. It is real. There’s so much more to the reality we think we know.

    Heck one of my own experiences…I experienced a co-workers vertigo one evening…🤢 NOT fun.

    Psychic things are real.

  • sagetrees

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    It’s entirely possible your friend set you up – met with the fortune teller ahead of time, told her all about you and then dragged you there to ‘prove’ to you that fortune telling is real. That’s my first thought on it.

  • sailforth

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    That is a lot of specific detail, which I find interesting as a tarot reading/astrologer. I can usually get a couple things right from what I see, but that’s a lot more than I would expect personally – especially things like the major’s. I could see the illnesses coming up, the money items, and the conflict between the parents. I am not experienced enough in coffee/tea readings to know how that could come up – but it could just be a lot of clair-insight.

  • Arabellas_Eye

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Without being there and seeing your interaction it could be magic or it could be the magic of [cold reading](

    You’ve mentioned in a few comments that she didn’t have information about you, but people can gain a lot of information about you through sight and sound alone if they know what to look for. How you’re dressed, how you carry yourself, and how you speak convey a lot about a person.

  • MagikWdragons

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    You finally met a REAL teller… 🤣

  • viridian_moonflower

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    that stuff is super specific and makes me suspicious tbh! Did the fortune teller know your name/ ask for an ID? Was there any way she could have looked you up or gotten access to your social media and the pages of your family and friends?

  • taraphi

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    She could have been wearing an earpiece while someone in the next room did a Google/social media search.

  • GlitterMyPumpkins

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    There is also the possibility that you have an overly talkative family member that frequents this fortune teller regularly themselves.

    Much more of a possibility if you’re in a small-ish town.

    But yeah the spooky option is that the Reader is just psychically talented in that area.

    The non-spooky option is the above or (and this freaks me out more, honestly) given some prep time with your name they were able to find all the info out via various social media.

  • awakened97

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    So..can I get this fortune teller’s contact info? lol

  • hellishbubble

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    my favorite thing when I do readings for people is watching them freak the fuck out when I’m so accurate lol

  • Emthatwitch

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    I’ve given tarot reading myself and I’m shocked on how accurate they are! This stuff works, and in the right hands, is magickal!

  • Sosuperg82

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    People have the ability to connect to spirits and ancestors and provide information that we might not see coming. I can always tell when someone is real vs fake, because the real ones pick up on my guides and my abilities right away. I find that the ones that ask a lot of leading questions tend to be fake.

  • gimmesugaaa

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    Awww that’s great, I’m happy you had a great first time experience!! Where or who is this fortune teller? Asking for a friend lol

  • igcometa

    August 9, 2022 at 11:43 am

    You should try reading tarot cards for yourself, too. It’s really easy and straight forward, even for beginners.

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