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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Trying to attract love

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    I’ve been trying to figure out ways to attract love. I work with crystals and manifestation but I don’t know about anything else so I’m looking for new things to help me out.

    I am not trying to manifest a specific person, since I believe that using magic on a specific person is un ethical (but that’s just my belief). I want to attract a new partner, self-love, and/or love in general.

  • Trying to attract love

  • Background_Chapter37

    December 15, 2022 at 8:39 pm

    hahahahahahahah now i will sound like an asshole, but i doubt it will have any effect, usually witchraft is about manipulating probability, basically increasing the chance of something happening, the real life work is to increase that chanse even more and to send clear intent in the world, basically its about saing(i want a jobe with better pay and hey i will look for it but i want help as well) to the universe, but here is the part where you my beautifull, charming witch friend(ok that was cringe) are failing, or more specific in three things 1 witchcraft work on situations as a whole, not on specific person unless the spell is specific, thats why we use deity most of the time for work with people 2 for the spell to work there has to be probability basically 2(life chance) * 2(spell) = 4(real life chance) but if there is no probability or extremely low probability 0 *2 =0 and 1 *2 =2(real life chance) even if you do the spell, without drastic real life actions it wont work, also in here the spell doesnt have a mind of its own so what you want is what you get but since we are talking about people, perfect person aint happening, if you have many requirements in the first place chances are someone with one or two of them will appear but not all and 3 the reason why doing magick about people in general is hard is because most people even though unnkowingly have protection to some degree, magick work with influencing the universe but some people are easier to influence than others, those who have strong mind (as in dont let outside situations influence them easier) are extremely hard to influence unless they themself allow it and lets not even talk about, spirit guardian, ancestors, protection spells etc that other people sometimes unnowingly have as well, this is why i always though when i read about love spells that they are not very effective, if at all, traing to catch love with a spell is like trowing a bait in a pond with fishes who dont like the bait or are too smart to eat it, and hoping to eat something at the end of the day.

    what i will recomend however is 1 start witht he real life forget any spell at the moment, yeah baby, time to get your behind to work, join places where you can meet people, online communities are ok as well, just any place where there might be people of the tipe you want to attract 2 become at least a bit responsive and participate there, give the spell something to work with dont think that doing noting, not replaing to anyone and barely paing attention to the people in your place will give a result, it wont 3 now that steps 1 and 2 are complete cast the spell also do not say love, do you even, you yourself know what that means, say person i might feel happines with or person who can make me happy, person who i would enjoy being with etc you get the idea spells are made by people for their situation, so there is noting wrong with making a spell yourself or changing the spell a bit all the spell do is make it clear to the universe what you want.

    by the way my comment wasnt meant to be hurtfull, i just like saing things directly i hope you dont mind, i hope what i said was helpfull, so my magical witch friend i wish you succes in your spell


    December 15, 2022 at 8:39 pm

    Hello! ❤️

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