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  • Weekly Q&A Thread

  • divinerose28

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    sorry this is so long, I wanted to make a post but since i’m new to reddit I can’t yet.

    I am a possible baby witch. I feel very connected to the divine and have enjoyed participating in manifestation rituals before. I have a strong intuition that is unlike others around me— I am often jokingly accused of being a witch (which I love!). I feel a strong connection to nature and am interested in becoming a witch.

    however, I am hesitant for a few reasons.

    first off, I am scared that being a witch will mean I am messing with divine plans. I am a big believer in divine timing and that the universe has a plan for us. I am struggling with the line between positive rituals and manipulating the universe.

    also, I am somewhat religious. I believe in god but I struggle with the modern practice of religion. as a gay woman, I felt ostracized by the church growing up. I have realized in the last year that I do believe in god, but I don’t feel called to go to church.

    is it possible for these beliefs to coexist? I am interested in becoming more in touch with my intuition and the universe. I am interested in spell work as well— is there a way to participate in these rituals without manipulating diving timing?

    all love and light <3

  • bigdawgson225

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Alright since i cant post directly to the board here it goes

    I work in a cemetery and in a isle leading to the graves there is a sidewalk, on top of the sidewalk on about 7 squares i found odd symbols with black candles burned on top of them and a dead chicken or hen found in front of the grave, what does this mean?

  • TheAnpuWhisperer

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Hi, so I have been trying to start practicing necromancy for a while, but I can’t really find much information on the subject. Unfortunately I don’t really have access to any physical books regarding witchcraft or even like spirituality in general. If it helps, the area, and the state where I live doesn’t really have anything with having to do with magic. After searching on Google, I really only get websites with D&D or RPG information. If anyone has any information on necromancy or anything that would help, that would be amazing. Thanks, and blessed be. 

  • Temporary_Ad_6282

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Hi, witches. Prior to addressing my inquiry, I would like to express my gratitude in advance for your kind attention.

    For the past 5 months, I have been going through a really difficult breakup with someone I never dated. Despite still loving him, the grief became too much for me, so I decided to do the cord cutting ritual in order to ease up my mind and heart.

    I had a very odd experience during the whole process. Initially, I had difficulty lighting the candles. Then, as I played music to calm myself, the song “Don’t Let Me Go” by CAS unexpectedly played, causing me to tear up. The candle marked with my initials cut the cord and completely burned out the one marked with his, while mine continued to burn steadily. Could someone explain the meaning of this to me, please?

    Thank you once again.

  • Purple_Head7804

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    How do you know what to put in spell

    I am beginner and I been interested if you can make spell for certain scenarios to happen (Ex. Somebody transfering to another school so I can take their place in this class i want to be in or simply school’s rules changing so I can finally get in ) or you can only make spells in certain categories (glamour magick, love spells etc…….)

    Either way I would really appreciate if there is ANYTHING useful I could do in order to make my transfering to that class faster? Thanks.

  • BeneficialCupcake382

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Has anyone successfully done a cord cutting spell/ritual when the other party is narcissistic? I want him gone, but in a very specific way.

  • BornButterscotch3183

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Hello, I’m a beginner.

    In which ways can I practice on a budget? I want to be in contact with nature but I’m not sure how to start and also I have a tight budget for now. Any ideas will be much appreciated. I want to bring good to my life.

  • AutoModerator

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    Hi, u/AutoModerator thanks for stopping by at r/witchcraft!

    Want to dive in deeper? We have a [FAQ & Wiki](, and our [Weekly Q&A thread]( which is stickied to the top of the main board!

    There has been a recent influx of scams on reddit. If you are redirected to an instagram or other platform in a comment, it is most likely a scam. Users who message you asking for or offering spells or readings are almost always scammers or phishers. You may want to check out our post about [staying safe online in witchcraft](

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    byu/suicidalkitten13 inwitchcraft

  • [deleted]

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm


  • [deleted]

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm


  • TarotWork

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    I was reading the witchcraft subreddit about intention when I came across a particular post where in the comments it is stated that intention, actually, is not everything but is part of a “modern” branch of understanding witchcraft and magic.
    The same goes for many spells found around the internet.
    I would like to know, if indeed intention is not everything, based on what do spells work or not.
    Thank you.

  • mir_ols

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    I think something spiritual is calling to me. My whole life I’ve felt unsettled. As a kid I thought it was this desperate need to get away from home. I tried that. Nope. I’ve been through a dozen boyfriends, girlfriends, jobs, and now I’m content with all the people and elements in my life but I still feel something tugging at me. I’ve come to think it’s a spirit or something spiritual. I’m EXTREMELY drawn to faerie magic but I don’t know if that’s it either. How do I find out what or who is calling to me?

  • Beneficial_Motor_959

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    The eclipse is coming on the 8th but it is said that our country wont be seeing it, can I still make eclipse water during that day even if the eclipse is not visible?

  • skoopt

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    I am posting this in both  and  and hopes to get answers to my many, many questions. To try and make this easier on whoever reads this, I will be **bolding** my questions. Please feel free to correct anything that I have said that is false or vague. I am a practicing Catholic and one of my best friends is ex-Catholic and a practicing witch.

    Obviously, as a Catholic, my goal is to bring myself and as many other people as I can to Heaven. To my understanding, this is contrary to witchcraft as they don’t have a Heaven. **What is witchcraft’s end goal? I fail to see any afterlife in witchcraft i.e. valhalla, elysium, heaven, etc. What is your goal of being a witch?**

    My friend has almost daily experiences with the supernatural, which has been happening for at about 10 years. I have also had my own experiences with the supernatural. We have both experienced precognition (which I think is a common phenomenon among all humans), spiritual visions and encounters. In some of these scenarios, I am able to tell that these are demons (I think witchcraft calls them infernals?) but sometimes I can’t tell what I’m seeing. **Who/what causes these visions? What is it that I’m seeing?** We have also both been touched (not sexually, just a brush on the arm or things like that). Last night, she claimed that the chill she felt was a “reminder” from a spirit to continue talking to/about them. She has also claimed that she can see the spirits of those who have died and can talk to them. **Can spirits touch/physically interact with you? Can you talk with spirits? If not, what could be happening to make her think this way?****

    After experiencing trauma, she claimed she was able to “shut off” communication with these spirts and willingly stop having visions. **Is this something you can turn on and off at will?**

    She believes that all pagan gods are real, monotheistic or polytheistic, it doesn’t matter. I think she also believes that demigods are real, but I’m not confident. She says they all have certain levels of “realness.” She says that all of them have the power to tell the truth and to lie. The Catholic God, by definition, cannot lie, because it is not good. **How can pagan gods and the Catholic God coexist? Do they coexist? Do Catholics believe that pagan gods exist but are false and powerless, or believe they do not exist at all and are just demons in disguise?**

    She has said she believes in Lucifer and that she has interacted with him. She also says she has interacted with Lillith and Loki. She says that all three of them have been key for her to stop cutting herself and believes that they are the reason why she is still alive today. She also believes St. Joan of Arc, St. Michael the Archangel and St. Anthony were critical to that process. **Why would a demon, like Lucifer help her? Why would Loki, the Trickster, help her? Do these beings help only out of goodwill or do they have some sort of end goal? How can she receive help from both saints and demons, especially when St. Michael is the slayer of demons?**

    She briefly looked into practicing bones. For the Catholics who don’t know, you can ask simple yes/no questions and throw 5 animal bones down and it can reveal an answer. If 2 of the bones cross, that’s a yes, if they touch, that’s a maybe, and if they don’t touch that’s a no. Asking the same questions multiple times in a row gives the same answer, even if asked by different people, or through repetition. I do have to admit, it is uncanny how this can be replicated so well. **Why would witches choose to give this power to an inanimate object like bones? How can you be sure that you are given the right answer?**

    I know this is a lot of questions and thank you all for your time and answers. I will probably make a follow up post later with more questions that will undoubtedly arise.

  • Defiant-Echo1040

    April 11, 2024 at 8:17 pm

    🌿Hi! 🌿
    I had a question that has gnawed on me for a while.

    What details do you think gets often left out when teaching spellwork to beginners?
    Often people say it depends on the person how they do their spellwork, yet for an unexperienced witch the process may be confusing.
    Any tips? Steps you wish you knew to take in your early spellwork?

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